

Currently I have covid, I would like to inform you all that whoever said it was like the flu is an absolute fucking liar. In 8 day, I've had a small bowl of shredded mini wheats, a tiny pack of watermelon gummies, and a glass of milk, the rest of my diet has been water. Yesterday my fever got so high I spent hours in bed screaming to be let out a game I was hallucinating so I could sleep, my body is an absolute trainwreck and i can barely walk across the hall to fill up my jug of water. It's pretty much about 7 steps before my legs start to give out and i start gasping for breathe. So if you guys could send me some well wishes i would really appreciate it, it got to the point where I was personally ready to give up due to the pain I'm in. Hope you guys are enjoying your holidays.

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