
Power and changes.

With all that had happened it was kind of hard not to have andromeda come to the bank and explain some stuff to her. She was of course very shocked to see her sisters and Sirius along with myself there waiting for her.

There was the same thing that happened with Narcissa happening to andromeda. The explanation about Bellatrix and Sirius the tearful reunion the explanation about me becoming lord black. All the stuff in between. She was very happy to be reunited with her family. I had given her and Ted the location of my manor along with Narcissa as she would be staying there aswell the only other place available would be grimmauld place but that's not suitable to be lived in.

Right now I had a massive voting block on the wizengamot. The only family name I had that I couldn't vote with was Steele. It wasn't old enough to be recognized as a proper voting family. It needed to be atleast 200 years old. There was all sorts of political stuff I had no idea about.

I would have to rely on Bella and Narcissa for these things.

So I had gained a massive fortune, I had unstoppable voting power, I had powerful magical abilities, I was cloaked from me enemies and they didn't even know I existed, I had foreknowledge of every single move they would make. It was a terrible stacked deck against them. I had decided I didn't want to chance something going wrong and had even summoned back the gaunt family ring. I would be using these soul chunks to make something nice. I was thinking about a combat based wraith. I'll figure it out more later.

For now I was going to mess with malfoy. I may have accidentally sent a copy of the marriage certificate and annulment to one Rita Skeeter of the daily prophet and signed it Lord Black. This will both alert Dumbledore that Sirius is free and there's a new lord black on the loose. I may have also released a copy of the Potter family will stating Sirius Black as The Godfather and Amelia Bones as the GodMother to one Harry Potter. Along with a story of how dumbledore had kidnapped the Potter heir from his rightful godmother Amelia Bones and placed him with abusive muggle relatives. Along with a seal from the Potter family ring.

Of course this wasn't enough to put him behind bars in Azkaban since he still had enough clout with the light side of the wizengamot and pulled in a few favors and got everything somehow shifted over to Hagrid being the one who kidnapped Harry. Who would have faced the dementors kiss had it not been for me and Amelia dropping charges against him. I must admit I had underestimated dumbledores slipperiness in this matter. However with all this backlash he was asked to step down as the chief warlock of the wizengamot. He still remained headmaster of hogwarts though which would also be undergoing changes.

Using my official seals I had sent out notifications of changes hogwarts was going to be undergoing. With my titles as Lord Gryffindor, Lord Hufflepuff Lord Ravenclaw and Lord Slytherin. My rights to change everything I wanted was incontestable.

The first change was I had hired Gringotts to go over every single Knut spent at hogwarts. I had access to the hogwarts vaults since I owned the school. Every student had to pay a decent sum of money to go to the magical school this helped pay for teachers, upgrades to any items needed for teaching such as desks, broomsticks, updated library books food and board, etc.

However the problem was that they were paying for a premium magical school and hogwarts was no longer a premium magical school it had the lowest grades of any of the other magical school in quite a few areas. Snape personally has ruined the chance for many students to become potion masters or healers since a high potions grade is needed for both. The quality of aurors has decreased over the years due to lack of stable defense against the dark arts teachers. Half of them can barely perform a stunning spell and need to be retrained at auror academy and almost none of them can perform a patronus and barely cast a shield charm.

They don't teach about magical politics, muggle studies and astronomy are outdated as muggles even use better telescopes and wizards hadn't even known muggles flew to the moon. History of magic is a joke. Divination is a joke as a drunk shouldn't be in charge of teaching children about the inner sight. There's no mandatory classes to teach muggleborn children about the magical world. There's hundreds of classrooms that use to teach different classes and now about 8 of them are used.

The jinx on the dark arts classroom had been fixed by the wards. So I could hire a proper defense tutor. I had the ability to hire and fire whoever I saw fit.

Severus Snape, Fired. Professor Binns, Fired. Professor trelawney, Fired. The muggle studies teacher, Was placed on hold to go and study the actual muggle world until she knew more about it until then I had hired a muggleborn who was actually a teacher in the nonmagical world. Professor Sinestra the astrology teacher was given updated books and telescopes about astronomy.

I had the goblins find me suitable teachers for the classes I needed teachers for. Surprisingly Narcissa and Andromeda volunteered to teach. Narcissa defense against the dark arts and Andromeda potions as she was a qualified potions mistress. Dumbledore tried his best to interfere but was cut off at every step since I could literally just fire him which I actually did. To his utter shock.

In his place I hired a person whom I knew well. Old griselda marchbanks. The person who had taught me previously and was still alive and kicking though much older.

For a history teacher I had gotten into contact with someone who i figures would love the job. Perenelle Flamel. The seal of the Wyllt family and the fact that I had mentioned I owned a philosophers stone myself got their attention and started talks between us.

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