
Chapter 16: Life as a Researcher

Ark has been working at the Professors' lab for a year and a half now. While Ark had knowledge from the games and anime, he was completely bewildered to find out how many facts were actually skipped or left unanswered. For example, in the games, the Pokemon do not require ordinary food, therefore Ark was thankful that the Professor taught him what types of Pokemon require what types of food. As well as how to prepare and serve the food. It is similar to keeping an animal however the food needs to be nutritionally balanced otherwise the Pokemons health may be majorly affected. This is terrible for trainers as they need Pokemon to be in perfect health for battles.

Following this, a question that always bothered me was 'Why do trainers never use revives, potions or status enhancers in the anime?'. I was able to see the reason why, potions work by stimulating and accelerating the natural health regeneration of Pokemon. However when battling, the Pokemon will not be able to use its energy to regenerate naturally plus they would be taking damage, this makes potions completely ineffective.

"So Professor, since you study Pokemon mysteries, do you believe there is more Pokemon out there like Sylph?"

Hearing her name being called, Sylph stopped eating and looked up at Ark. Seeing that he was not speaking directly to her, she resumed nibbling on her food. One of the main reasons the Professor was so enthusiastic to take Ark as a temporary worker was due to his rare Ralts. Unfortunately, other than teaching Sylph more language and helping her control her telepathy, not much else was found out about it.

"I do. Your Ralts has become fundamental evidence that Pokemon, new and old, still contain many unsolved mysteries."

Professor Oak looked over the data he had acquired about Ralts. It was nothing uncommon for Ralts except that it seemed to be slightly stronger. Ark assumed that may be because it had endured the miasma for a long period of time, it may have tempered its body a bit more, much like a Pokemon who has experienced many battles will be able to endure more than a fresh Pokemon.

"Well if anything happens during my journey, I will make sure to let you know."

The Professor nodded before changing the subject.

"By the way Ark, your physique seems to be getting sturdier by the day, is it really necessary to push your body so far? It's not as though you will be the one to do the battling"

Ark chuckled at the idea of using himself in the middle of a league fight. I am sure that would be amazing entertainment, especially if he managed to win.

"I believe that if I want my Pokemon to be strong, I need to be strong enough to train alongside them."

Though it was an extreme thought, Ark had decided that he would train with his Pokemon as a way to motivate them more.

The Professor just shook his head at the unfathomable thoughts, he knew of a few people who thought the same however they were all muscle-heads. It was exceedingly rare for something with intelligence as high as Arks to have such a simple-minded and brute force training philosophy.

"Well it is up to you in what way you train your Pokemon. Just don't be too reckless, I would rather not have a call from the hospital saying a trainer from Pallet has become comatose due to his own recklessness"

Though it sounded like a severe case scenario, it was completely possible, especially if Ark intended to live as he liked.

"Oh by the way Ark, have you fed the Pokemon?"

One of Arks assumed roles during this year and a half was to feed all of the Pokemon in the lab. This was a strenuous task that usually took 2-3 hours. Fortunately, Professor Oak and his assistants were now able to focus on their work. Ark found this task a lot more fulfilling than staring at reports all day, due to this he was able to learn the best way and timings to feed each type of Pokemon. This knowledge was invaluable, especially if Ark was to travel without a chef.

"Of course Professor, it seems that some of the Beedrills were not in good moods today. I managed to drop off the food but I had to leave otherwise they may have taken aggressive"

The Professor smiled, it was one of pure joy.

"Ah it's that time of year again! It seems that new Weedles and Kakuna's will be appearing around the Beedrill colony soon!"

Arks eyes widened, he was excited that he may be able to witness such an event. While it was shown in the shown, nothing beats seeing it in person.

"So it's breeding season for the Beedrill?"

"Not just Beedrill Ark, most bug type and a few other types will be breeding or at least looking for a partner at this time of year, I should have warned you since many Pokemon around the lab will be more territorial for the next few months"

Ark shook his head, this was pretty important information yet the Professor failed to tell him. Had it been another poor soul, there's no telling what state they would have been in should they have tried to feed some of the Pokemon.

"So how do you usually deal with them Professor?"

The Professor scratched his head and his eyes looked to the corner of the lab. Following the direction of his eyes, Ark saw a metal case. Walking over to the case with Sylph in tow, he unlocked the latches sealing the case and opened it up.

A monstrosity...

That was all Ark could think of when he saw what was within...

Inside the case lay a full metal body suit except there was various holes and scratches on various parts of what would be medieval knight armour. Ark turned his head like a badly oiled gear towards the Professor who had visible sweat dripping down his face.

"Is this a joke?"

Arks voice was ice cold.


On the contrary, Professor Oaks voice was as quiet as a mouse.

"HOW? How do you expect me to use this to get close to anything?"

The whole idea seemed like a joke, tackling territorial in a clunky and tattered set of armour. Not only would it seal his speed to run away, it would probably provide worse defense against attacks than his own skin. Well not at the moment at least, but maybe so in the future.

"Professor... I will not use this junk, I will just drop it off and run. I am confident I can get away if I run like my life depended on it"

Professor Oak bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying that it actually would. Territorial Pokemon are a lot more dangerous than one may think, while they were fine as long as they are left alone, they become enraged the moment you intrude and will mercilessly hunt you down until you're no longer a threat.

"Be careful Ark, if you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask one of my assistants!"

The Professor effortlessly offered assistance. One may be touched by such a selfless act, however it was not as selfless as it sounded after all the professor had basically sold out one of his assistants while making sure Ark did not ask the Professor for help with the feeding.

Ark just sighed at the Professor before looking back at the computer monitor. The monitor contained all the latest data on the Pokemon at the lab. In the future, Ash and Garys Pokemon will be sent here once they catch them and the Professor will be able to gain detailed first hand data about each species caught. It was a win-win situation for all involved, however Ark did not find the idea appealing. If he could, he would rather keep them somewhere he had control of or at least somewhere away from others.

"Don't worry Professor, I will be fine, so your assistants don't have to panic"

Ark turned to the doorway where two assistants attempted to hide. As they were about to enter earlier, they heard Professor Oak selling them out, so they tried to back away in hope Ark would ask the Professor instead. Since then, they had stayed frozen outside the door, with only Ark knowing of their presence. After being called out they both apologised and profusely thanked Ark for his bravery.

Ark just smiled as he continued with his work that will carry on until he was 16.

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