
Some Relief

"You have to watch your nephews every Wednesday evening?!?" My coworker, Jenny gaped in disbelief. "Why would you volunteer for that?"

It was Monday and if being at work wasn't depressing enough, Jenny was making me feel worse by asking about my life at home. Just now, I had explained how I convinced my sister and her husband to be gone for the weekend, by compromising and offering free babysitting every Wednesday now until the end of May.

"It's not voluntary. I have to get them out of the house somehow so my friend and her friends could stay over for a weekend. The bride needs to relax...not have three little boys screaming and running circles around her." I sighed.

"What about your dad and your brother?" She was taking a break from typing, eating some almonds.

I sighed again. "My dad will be working most of the weekend anyways. He's cool with it and promises to hide out in his room when he's home." I cracked my fingers to relieve some of my stress. "As for Dylan...he normally stays in his room, playing video games so hopefully I don't have to do anything."

She nodded. "So only you're sister is charging you, typical."

I shrugged. "What more can I do? At least she promised to take them all to her mother-in-laws for the weekend. That'll clear up some space."

Jenny and I talked about our personal lives often and we're really good work friends. We gave each other advice for work and for at home.

"It just would have been nice for your sister to help you out. Without asking for anything. It's like she thinks the world owes her all the time. So annoying."

I couldn't disagree. "Well, there are worse sisters in the world. Mine is just a little self-centered." I checked the time. "It's almost lunch, are you eating in here or going out?"

"Here." She pulled out a bagged lunch. "Trying to save up to throw Ryan a birthday party. You're still going to be able to come to that right?" She raised an eyebrow.

I checked my work calendar that didn't just include work deadlines, but also my amazing social life. I found the weekend that said 'Ryan's Birthday-Jenny's'. "Yes, it's on Sunday, May 3rd. And he's turning...5...?"

She nodded. "Wow. I'm impressed. Don't forget it's Star Wars themed. It'll be cool if you can dress up."

I squinted at her. "Excuse me?"

She laughed. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! It'll be very normal! A cake, a bounce house, maybe a piñata. I've got a month to save up so we'll see what I can put together."

I started to grab my purse and keys. "Okay, you keep working hard. I'm going to grab something from the deli downstairs and probably eat outside today. I need to make some phone calls."

She waved. "Go, I'll hold down the fort. It's not like we have any big projects on our plate right now."

"Yea, thankfully." I said my goodbyes and hurried out. The office we shared was one of many on a quiet floor. I nodded and smiled at the familiar faces as I made my way to the elevator.

Everyone on this floor and the floor above us, was a part of the same company. It was a lot of logistics and a lot of divisions. I specifically did data entry, with a focus of inputting the data given and organizing it for the company's clients. The pay was slightly below average, but the job was pretty easy. It could be a bit much sometimes, but it's not something I'll ever cry over. Which is nice.

On the first floor was a coffee shop and a deli. I ordered a blt, toasted and a drink before going outside. Finding an empty bench, I sat down with all my stuff. I finished my sandwich before making a call to my casino host.

"Hello, this is Jason Wilkerson." A deep voice answered.

"Hey Jason, it's Valerie Eastwood." I greeted.

"Valerie! Good to hear from you! I haven't seen you yet this year. Are you planning to visit?" His friendly tone made it hard to be depressed.

Even if I was forced to use my comps, I loved staying at the casino. My friends should have a good time too. "Yes, I am. With some friends too, so I'm going to need some help."

"Let's see what I can do for you. What dates are you trying to visit?"

"Easter weekend. So that Friday to Monday, three nights." I answered.

"Those dates are available. Are you going to stick with the normal two queen beds?"

"Yea, that should be fine. If you can make it a room with a view, that'd be even better."

"No problem! Looks like we have what you're looking for. Two queen-sized beds, with a few, for three nights. Anything else I can help you with?"

"Actually, the reason I'm visiting is to help my friend to look at wedding venues. I don't know if you can help set some kind of appointment up with your casino so we can check it out?"

"We can certainly do that. Which day would you like to look? I can take you myself and even get a meeting with one of our qualified wedding planners."

"Saturday morning should be good." I told him. "Is there any way you can help us visit other venues, to compare? She doesn't really know what she's looking for and hasn't planned a budget yet." I said, embarrassed.

"I see." I could hear him typing away. "I have a wedding planner that I can put you in touch with. She's contracted with us, but has connections along the strip. She can show you around and explain the pricing at all the locations too. Would that be better?"

"That sounds perfect." I sighed with relief.

"Great! I'll give you her contact information when you're ready." He gave me a name and her cellphone number.

"Thanks so much, Jason. I appreciate this."

"It's no problem. I hope to see you in a few weeks."

"I'll definitely drop by your office to bug you for some food comps." I joked.

"That can be arranged." He laughed. "See you soon. Have a good day, Valerie."

"You too." I hung up, feeling good. It was weird to ask for free stuff, but afterwards it was awesome knowing that my expenses will be cut down a bit. I glanced down at the name and number I had written down. I guess I'll have to give this lady a call after work.

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