
The Truth About World

Ink couldn't immediately believe the archdemon. Firstly, he was accustomed to consider himself a man, and secondly, psychologically, for some reason it was easier for him to recognize kinship with demons than with dragons.

"It's ... it's hard to believe like that right away."

"Why should I lie to you?" - the black-footed one looked with sympathy and curiosity. - In the third world, a lot of charmis, this is a real race of people. For what other reason can they not gain superiority among demons? Their intelligence and aptitude for cunning are incredible, they are divided into several families according to the color of the horns, there are quite a lot of them and yet ... none of them has ever conquered the third world. They don't have access to the methods of developing demons, their ... your flesh is too stable, unlike ours. Great intellect is good, but it cannot surpass overwhelming power. For the same reason, archdemones have no reason to lie. Lies are the weapons of the weak. I can resort to it if I meet someone as powerful as I or weaker, but able to pose a threat to me. You are too ... - Blackhorn paused, looking for a word, - I'm not aware. If your horizons were wider, if you understood my power, you would never doubt my words.

- What do you want from me? - Ink realized that such an arrogant creature would not even begin to talk with him, do not need some kind of service. Therefore, he did not ask "how can I be of service", because the very wording in this form exposes him to ask. There is a big difference with the situation when the archdemon needs help.

- This book is not only about development. There is a teaching on the use of forces. You can take advantage of this to become stronger. I will also share with you some information about your being. This will facilitate your development in the future. As a response service, you only need to help with one small thing. The grimoire contains parts of my consciousness, they need to be moved to the minds of these unreasonable creatures. I waited until they became stronger in order to reduce the risks of failure, but since you have already awakened the light of consciousness, everything is facilitated. It's hard for me to control my powers at such a great distance, so your help will come in handy.

"I would not want to suffer from your ... clones or what it is," Ink added doubt in his voice.

- Sharmis. You are still too weak to withstand even my particle of consciousness. In addition, it is much more profitable to have a sane representative of your race. Go to the baptism with the flame of origin, get to the third world, and go to one of the demons, ask for servants of an aristocrat from the fourth world and go with him on the emergency caravan through the fifth. In the seventh world, I will meet you with great joy. I can find a puppet at any time, but free charmis is a completely different matter. You will understand that in the seventh world it is more profitable to deal with someone you know. Especially if it is someone with the power of an archdemon. I find it difficult to negotiate with weaker parties. They are afraid to even come to a meeting, because they know how easy it is for me to kill them. Weak sharmis are more worthy of trust, and their mind is sophisticated enough to achieve the desired goals. Perfect diplomats.

"And why then ..."

- Why didn't I take the charmis from the third world? - interrupted the archdemon. "I left there not strong enough to pull such a ballast." On the other hand, I did not know the nature of the fourth world, did not understand the importance of negotiations and agreements. In the seventh world, it took a long time to accept a new reality. you can't know everything in advance, but the inhabitants of the third world ... They hate charmis, despise your appearance. Weak but annoying. Unable to go through the altar, but somehow manage to survive for countless years. I was too limited to think that any of you could come in handy in the future. Most other demons are the same - frogs at the bottom of the well. Sharmis cannot realize their full potential in the third world.

"Wait, but if these worlds were created by the dragon for their descendants, how could this situation be?"

"I am powerful, but not omniscient." Was this a dragon bug or part of his plan? Was the result of the actions of the powerful man who defeated him? I dont know.

"Aren't you afraid that I will try to overthrow you in the seventh world?" - the question was dangerous, but Ink considered it necessary to ask it. Not understanding the motivation of such a creature was too unpleasant and frightening. To his surprise, the archdemon laughed.

- Intrigue against me? Go ahead! Ha ha ha ha! Little sharmis, you know about my parts of consciousness, do you really think that my immediate environment is not under control? Yes, even be different - who are you to shake my position? Between the forces the most important role is played by the connections, I'm talking about interests, a little charm. You cannot offer the seventh world what I can offer. None of the other powerful creatures will want to help you, even my supposedly sworn enemies. All this is dust and glaze [1]! They use you, and then they will present it to me in a gift ribbon. You will still understand the truth about this world. All this human romance: friendship, love ... All these are just habits born of inertia of consciousness. You get used to the fact that interacting with a particular partner brings you benefits and over time it begins to be associated with positive emotions. You say this is friendship, but in reality you are just subconsciously afraid of losing part of your comfort and support. You get used to having fun and the realization of a break in communication causes you pain ... It's just a reluctance to recognize reality. What you call the pain of the soul is simply a change of mind that you do not want. Denial of truth generates tension in the mind and you tear yourself. People are inert, but we demons are much more flexible. This applies to both our bodies and our minds. Betrayal is a myth, a fiction. You use this concept to make other people give up their interests in favor of yours. Demons know that "betrayal" does not exist. You can be with this or that partner for a long time, but nothing lasts forever. Isn't being honest better than selfishly encouraging others to give up their happiness for your comfort?

Ink did not refute the words of the black-footed one openly, but he did not want to agree with his words. He felt stubborn, but believed in his abilities and understanding of other people. Maybe the archdemon is really extremely strong, so thirsty revenge could not pour out his anger, but this does not mean that they are heartless scum. Caring for the majority sometimes requires giving up rash actions.

"Comfort, pleasure and habits?" He speaks as if human morality are some kind of emotional drugs ... A demon will never understand people ... "

- Ho? What is that expression? Do not you agree? In a hundred or two years, you will begin to look at the world in a completely different way - the black-footed gaze radiated kindness and cordiality, but Ink already realized how differently they looked at things. An old experienced butcher can also cut an animal with a joyful and kind smile, immersed in thoughts of barbecue for grandchildren, radiating peace and even gratitude to the victim, who has grown enough meat. Perhaps he will even feel some semblance of love for an animal that has become food.

- How did you recognize me? - decided to clarify Ink .

"Your consciousness has its own unique attributes." Appearance can be changed quickly enough, but the way of thinking is another matter. Changing your thoughts, patterns of reasoning is a big feat. All this is reflected in the lighter man, his color, shape, movements of the threads of consciousness. You will still learn this. After all, you are a descendant of the dragon.

"Can all dragons do this?"

"No," the archdemon allowed himself a laugh again. Ink seemed amused by the blackhorn chatting with him, enlightening in "trivial matters." "Dragons are born out of obsession."

"Obsessed with demons?" Ink promptly said quickly . Excitement flashed in his mind. He thought he was beginning to understand the purpose of the third world.

- No! No!! Not at all! - Blackhorn laughed again, this time somehow too joyfully and even a little contagious. "Demon obsession?" So funny! It is you who will help me to make these demons possessed by particles of archdemon consciousness, will this make them true dragons? This is amazing! I guess I really need to have children. This is incredibly fun! Dragons are obsessed with their aspirations, desires, passions, unsatisfied thirst! In the seventh world, one of the younger worlds brought tales of greedy winged dinosaurs sleeping on mountains of treasure. Such a dragon is obsessed with greed. I saw a dragon like a horse with wings, a snake, an eel! Yes, a lot of them. Appearance, area of ​​power, size - all this varies, but obsession is their common feature. You are obsessed with power, so many changes await you. This body does not exactly match the wishes of its owner.

"I ..." Ink wanted to argue that he wanted power, not strength, but he shut his mouth in time.

- What? Do not you agree? - in the voice of the archdemon sounded a mockery. "You think I'm wrong?" Little charmis, you just don't understand yourself. You were confused, and then began to ask questions ... And they concerned power! You crave her - she is the source of your obsession. Otherwise, the dragon's blood would have slept in you. Do you think every charmis in the third world is born with horns and a strong mind? At first, they are not much different from people. Ha ha ha I did not even immediately understand who inhabits the fourth world. It seemed to me that the children of charmis run around, who never managed to wake up. Your species fosters in its offspring a desire, a thirst that will never be satisfied. Even dying dragons experience their desires incredibly keenly. Because of this, dragons' energies acquire special characteristics. Such a strong obsession over the years makes them extremely inert. This is a flaw, but it is also a strength. Some human philosophers call the power of dragons - the energy of infinity, eternal aspiration. I see them only as victims of my desires. I can turn off the path and get around the obstacle, abandon my decision. The dragon is deprived of this privilege, deprived of the freedom to choose, he will rush straight, break through the walls of the spears with his chest and walls with his head - adhere to his path until his death. Bards of people call it valor, demons - stupidity and obstinacy, - the black-footed one was silent for a moment, as if mentally arguing with a long-time opponent. - Of course, the world is fair. Dragons have become slaves to their aspirations, but it cannot be denied that they gain strength much faster than others. The mind helps to find the shortest paths to the goal and this is very characteristic of sharmis. You are obsessed with power. You can think differently, but time will put everything in its place. Feed this obsession, inflame it and your path to the seventh world will be faster.

Ink was digesting the information while trying to figure out himself.

"The awakening of blood was made by the spirit of reflection. So I don't feel any obsession in myself? Or ... - Ink remembered the imposed desire to hold the amulet of Grank a and shuddered. "Why would this demon tell me the truth?" Maybe he's trying to confuse me like that? But why? Or is he really telling the truth to inspire confidence? "

Some time passed before Ink decided to take a chance and demand something for himself as a reward. It is difficult to say how true the information of the archdemon is. Whether he can use the knowledge from the book or not remains to be seen, and he wanted to receive the award right now.

- What do we have to do?

- Use the threads of your consciousness and grab my particles in a grimoire. Put them in the minds of these babies in such a way that does not harm anyone - then everything will happen by itself.

"I need a reward," Ink finally decided , feeling a strange tremor in his body. He had no time to figure out whether it was fear or excitement, since it was much more important to understand the reaction of the archdemon.

"What do you want to ask me about?" - in the eyes of the black-footed Ink saw condescension. For a moment he felt like a child begging for a toy.

"Not to ask," Ink pressed his lips stubbornly. "That will be the payment for my help."

This time the archdemon didn't even answer - he just made a bored expression on his face. It was as if he urged him to stop walking around the bush.

"I need an energy creature." You could send a book here, so you can, too? It is desirable that I could keep under control, but always alive.

The archdemon's face took on a serious expression, and Ink wondered if he had gone too far. By an effort of will, he held back the question of the relevance of his request, ready to break his lips. He "saw" with the threads of his consciousness clots of lightning and lumps of ore. It is hard not to guess that it was some kind of interpretation of the forces of Grank a and Kiass a. Ink remembered their abilities and quickly collated the facts. The situation with Arsi looked much more interesting . Through the threads he saw a kind of fairy. The girl's abilities were undeniable. She showed herself well in that very first battle in the arena, and the opportunity to go into a small world? Even Glam with Narkert and the others could not repeat this feat.

Ink suggested that the energy being was Arsi itself or some manifestation of its power. In addition, that thing planted in him by Michaelon helped the girl recreate the body. If his theory is correct, then can he not, with the help of this strange "demon" - the Klata function - change that golden energy body in the image of an existing energy creation? It is one thing to have within yourself something like a transparent golden doll, and quite another - the likeness of a living creature capable of feeding and developing.

All doubts about the reality of the embodiment of such a plan, all unbelief - Ink drove away. Such thoughts seemed fantastic, but how could he know the result without trying?

"Good," answered the archdemon, who had moved his eyebrows, after a long silence. "I will satisfy your desire."


[1] This refers to "superficial things," a wrapper for public opinion, under which truth is hidden.

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