
Malpractice Chapter 1-4

Chapter One

I Accidentally Find My Power

Power corrupts. It really does. It's like, if you had the ability to get away with theft, it wouldn't take long before you became a kleptomaniac. And boy, did mania ensue shortly after I realized what I could get away with.

It all began with a simple headache. Or so I thought. Fact was – though I didn't know it at the time – things were more complicated than that. But I'll ease you into that. Anyway, it had been a very normal day at work. I work as an illustrator at a small publishing house; children's books and such. I usually get through work with minimal stress, but for some reason I was one this particular day somewhat agitated. Around lunch my head started to pound, and I had to take my leave early. I went straight home.

I live with my family; my mom, and my older and younger sisters. My dad divorced my mom about a year ago, and no one in the family has spoken to him in at least six months. When I got home, my sisters were still in school, and mom would be at work at her office until late in the evening. I was beat for some reason, from nowhere I'd become absolutely exhausted on top of my headache. I threw myself unto my bed and things went dark.

I was awakened by a knocking on the front door. It couldn't be any of my sisters, as they would both have keys to let themselves in. I went down the stairs and checked the door. Outside stood Denise, a girl my oldest sister's age – 18 years – who lived down the street. She was a knockout brunette with long legs and an athletic, tanned body. She was dressed like she was coming home from tennis practice, and as I opened the door I could feel the smell of female sweat hit me like a brick wall.

"Um," I managed to mumble.

"Hey. Matt, right?" Denise said, her mouth curving into an awkward smile on her lightly freckled face.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, is there anything I can help you with? Denise, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I was in your sisters Jordan's class, until I switched schools, remember? Anyway, the power's out at our house, I was just wondering if, like, your house-"


"-has power. It has power?"

"Ye-wait, no. I don't know. I'm sorry, I woke up literally, thirty seconds ago." I said, scratching the back of my head, as an uninvited thought randomly entered my head.

Jeez, I would love to fuck her

"Oh, sorry." she said and broke my line of thought. "Well, if you're not sure... mind if I come in? You know, to check?"


We went inside, and I was suddenly aware of my headache slowly coming back. The feeling, strangely enough, was a lot like having to pee. It felt like it needed to get out of my head. I looked at Denise's divine ass as she strode past me, and I could feel the pain in my skull being directed at her. We both found herself standing by the nearest light switch, and I noticed how her breathing was getting heavy all of a sudden.

"Guess we should - " she stopped, having to catch her breath.

"Turn it on?" I finished, and she looked at me in a completely different way than just a few seconds ago.

"Yeah..." she whispered, and grabbed the back of my head, pushing my lips into hers. She exhaled into my mouth and starting massaging my tongue with hers. Her one arm moved down my neck and grasped my shoulder. My own hands instinctively went to her ass, and squeezed it firmly. Suddenly the pain was starting to pound like a sore thumb, and I felt how one of Denise's hands moved down to unzip my fly. We kept making out as she pulled my jeans down and stroked my dick through my boxers. Our tongues were all a-tangled when she took out my erection and finally got down on her knees.

"Wow." she gasped. "It's really big."

"It's long, but not very thick." I confessed.

She gave the tip a kiss, then another, then another with tongue. She coyly made out with my dick before putting in in her mouth. She was able to get it just about halfway down her throat before she gagged and had to retreat.

"Five stars." she said, and looked up at me with a naughty smile.

She starting sucking it neatly, jerking it with her one hand and caressing my leg with the other. Her lips felt soft and sweet. Playfully, but somehow reservedly, she twirled her tongue around my dick as she sucked it. Eventually I had to come. I felt it building up in my loins, and with a grunt I emptied it all in her mouth. For a moment she looked around witlessly, not knowing what to do.

Swallow it, I thought. Drink it all

To my surprise that was exactly what she did. She downed it and her face rendered an expression resembling that of someone doing a shot of vodka. I could see the moment it "hit" her, and it was as sexy as it was comical.

We looked at each other for a while, and without breaking eye contact she started to tenderly kiss my cock, cleaning it with smooches and licks.

I flipped the switch on the wall. Nothing happened.

"Looks like power's out here too." I said.

We laughed a bit. And Denise got up, licking some of my cum off her lips. As she headed for the door, she turned to me.

"Hey, this was really unexpected but, I'll see your around. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Take it easy."



Even though I closed the door, I could still see her. Obviously I knew she was still on the other side of the door, I know what object permanence is, but I could somehow feel her. It hit me, that it was a dull, faint ache in the back of my head that was pointing toward her through the wall as she walked back to her own house down the block. But now the ache was manageable. Even slightly pleasant. And I felt energized. But exactly what had just happened? Even in the daze of post-ejaculation, I saw how there was no way that a hot girl like Denise, who I barely knew, would just go down on me right in the hallway. I was very, very confused. Had my headache somehow made her do it? I had thought about her in a, less than platonic way – and then we had...

I didn't know what to think. My sisters would be home in a while.

Chapter Two

Practice With My Sister

My name is Matt Almquist, I live in a suburb on the west coast, with my mom and my two sisters. The other day, something strange had happened. I'd been at work, illustrating book covers and such, when I'd been hit by a terrible headache. I'd had to go home early and, after some rest, I got the most spontaneous blowjob from my beautiful teenage neighbor. I thought it might have had something to do with my headache, because afterwards it was still there, faintly, and it seemed to be aimed in some strange way towards her. It felt like, I don't know, a link. The scary thing was, it didn't stop the next day.

When I got up I could still feel it, it was like having a compass in my head. Only instead of pointing north, it pointed towards Denise. I don't know how I knew it did, I just did.

Anyway, it was about 10 am on a Saturday when I got up. I walked down the stairs and noticed my younger sister Jordan sitting on the living room sofa, watching some Japanese cartoon. I don't speak Japanese, but I could recognize some strange pronunciations of English words and names here and there.

Jordan was 18, but almost my own height. She was an old classmate to Denise, before the latter had switched schools for some reason. She had a nice, curvy figure. Not lean and athletic like Denise, but smooth, soft and plump in just the right places. Her breasts were quite large, though I made an effort not to stare. They might have been somewhere in the upper C-cup area. She had a tattoo of a sleek red space fighter on her right arm, and dark blond hair that fell to her shoulders, with one single purple curl that fell down her forehead, that she had a habit to rearrange to behind her right ear. But it would always fall back. This morning she wore a plain gray t-shirt and a pair of red running shorts. Casual apparel, indeed.

"Morning." she said as I strode to the kitchen to pour some serial.

"Hey," I answered. "Where's the rest of the household?"

"Mom had a thing at the office and Hannah's spending the day on the beach."

"With that Troy guy?" I snarled. Troy was this grade A douche who'd been having a 'dating-not-dating' kind of relationship with my eighteen-year-old sister for the past month. No one in the house except for Hannah cared much for him.

"Dur, hiya guys, wow man, what a rad crib!" Jordan spat out in a surprisingly accurate imitation of what the guy sounded like."

"Wanting grammar besides," I continued. "That guy has no business with our Hannah. He's my age."

"You're not that old." she argued, as I sat down next to her with my bowl of cereal.

"I'm twenty-one. A eighteen year old girl is too –"

"I don't like the guy either, Matt. But Hannah's a big girl. She can make her own decisions."

"Yeah, in this particular instance, that's sort of the problem."

"Would you hook her up with one of your friends then?"

"God no. There's still the age thing. And character-wise they ain't much better."

"Well, maybe then it's men in general that's the problem." she said, trying to lure me into disagreeing with her.

"Don't even dare, Jordan." I said, waving my finger in a comical fashion. "Don't try to trick me into saying 'not all men' because that's a stupid and immature argument and I'm too smart for that."

"Are all men that smart?"

"Watch your damned Naruto."

Calling any given anime Naruto always managed to get on Jordan's nerves. 'Trash anime' she called it. She only watched the good, intelligent anime like the Cowboy Beep Boop and Kurosagawagi-something. She gave me the death stare, and I returned it by aggressively eating my cereal in silence.

Then suddenly came a wave of dull, faint pain in the back of my head. I looked around, as if I heard a voice, and could almost see – or thought that I could see – Denise through the walls of our house, down the street, and through the walls of their house as well. It was weird, and the inside of my head tickled. The notion – the crazy notion – that I might have caused Denise to blow me the day before returned. And I wondered, might I have gotten some sort of ability? It sounded insane, I realized. But the prospect of mind control, it was just to tempting not to entertain just a little.

I turned to Jordan. I would try and see if I could make her do anything. Nothing sexual, like with Denise. She was my sister, for crying out loud. I tried to send her the thought

Raise the volume on the TV

But nothing happened. My eyes were drawn towards her chest, and I lost myself watching how it rose and fell with each breath. She noticed, looked at me and said.

"Bro, watch the TV instead, would you?"

I looked her in the eyes, and as she looked into mine that thought repeated itself.

Raise the volume

She shrugged off the fact that I'd been ogling her boobs and reached for the remote. I felt a faint, but distinct, thumping in the back of my head. Eye contact. That was it.

"Hey, Jordan." I said. As she turned once more towards me, we locked eyes and as the guy with the fluffy hair on the TV fired a gun at some man with a bird, I sent her the thought: Put on something else

My head roused a bit, as if I had just drunk something with a kick. But Jordan held on to the remote and changed the input from the DVD to TV. She browsed the channels for a while until she settled for a rerun of Twin Peaks.

Jesus fucking Christ, I thought. I can control minds. Or at least make suggestions. I had no idea if I could make anyone think or believe certain things, but the stuff that had happened so far suddenly made sense. I got horny from talking to Denise the day before, and had somehow made her horny too. I had made a direct command, and Jordan had followed, not noticing that anything was off. This was amazing!

But, what if I made someone do something that made zero sense? Like making a nun curse, or make a republican say something intelligent? Something they would simply never do. Would they brush it off? Would they try rationalize it? Would they think they were crazy? Or could I make people think what I wanted them to think?

I just realized, that maybe Denise was being torn up about the blowjob she'd gave me. She probably wouldn't have done that in any other circumstance; how was she supposed to make sense out of that? Maybe she would come to the conclusion that it 'just happened', like you sometime see in the movies.

(Mostly due to bad writing.)

I had to find out. But not now. I was just done with my cereal.

As I went to brush my teeth, I got to thinking. If I could change the way people feel, think and behave, that is, complete mind control, would I abuse that power? I'd often thought about whether I'd be a superhero or a super villain as a kid. Perhaps now that question had actually become relevant. I finished brushing my teeth, and decided I was going to conduct one more experiment on Jordan. I would try and see, if I could change her opinion on something – something trivial – using my ability.

I went back to living room and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Jordan."

"What?" she said, not paying much attention. Agent Cooper on the TV was sitting around a fireplace with the fat guy from Stargate SG-1, talking about I don't know what. I never followed Twin Peaks.

"You like this show?"

"I guess." she said and gave me a glance, and then seemed unable to turn away as long as I looked at her. "Been so long since I watched it. I liked the first season, but then it just got weird, I think."

You don't care for it at all

"Or, when I think about it. It really hasn't aged very well. Not my thing."

I wasn't quite satisfied. Could have just been her working it out on her own. I decided to be bit drastic. Just this once.

You like it when I see your breasts

"But hey, Matt." she said as if just continuing with the conversation. "Seeing as no one else is here..."

"Yeah, what?" I played at being coy but on the inside I was freaking out because this might actually be working!

"Well... I..." she trailed off. Was she nervous? I could only guess how she as a person dealt with any given suggestion I gave her. I decided to give her an indirect hand. I started to stare at her big breasts as obviously as I could. This was getting weird, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't strangely exciting.

"I, um, noticed you were looking at... these." she said, grabbing her boobs.

A part of me was screaming 'Stop it! Get out!' but another part of me was so deeply fascinated with the endless possibilities, that I just couldn't help myself.

Now, Jordan was starting to massage her breasts through her shirt, and soon took the whole thing straight off, revealing her voluptuous bust completely free from any bra. She looked at me the whole time, with a shy smile.

"What do you think?" she asked me. "Do you like my tits?"

"Yeah, I do." I answered, wondering how far I had the conscience to take this. I sent her another suggestion.

"Do you want to touch them?"

"Sure, sis."

I grabbed hold of one of the luscious mounds of flesh and squeezed it, teasing the nipple with my fingers. Then I took her other boob in my hand and started massaging them rigorously. My sister moaned in pleasure as I went on.

I lost myself. My head started to ache, more seriously than it had since after my run-in with Denise. But nevertheless, I sent:

You are horny. You are immensely attracted to me

Almost instantly she shot out and grabbed me in her arms, kissing me passionately. Her tongue was superb, hot and violent. In small shock, I struggled to keep up with her. I kept massaging her tits as her hands ran all over my body, pulling my shirt over my head. She started kissing my chest, until she put her face in front of my crotch and nibbled on my hardening dick through my boxers. My head was starting to seriously hurt but I kept at it. I had my hands all over her, not sure what to do. I wanted to feel the softness of her breasts, to grab her by the hips, to touch the booty.

I had to stop before I did something I could never forgive myself for. But I couldn't. My sister was seductively nibbling on me through my underwear. I could feel her tongue wet the fabric, and a bulge was soon totally visible. I was given some brief respite when she pulled away and looked me in the eye.

"God, I can't believe we're doing this..." she said in disbelief, obviously.

"Look, Jordan if you want to stop..." I said very half-heartedly.

"No way. You're so hot, Matt. We... we don't have to have sex. I mean, we shouldn't. But could you..." she fell silent, and leaned backwards on the sofa, removing her shorts. I was shocked to see she'd not been wearing any panties underneath. "Matt. Please, use your mouth. I can use mine too."

I think we can all pretty much guess at this point, that I'm going to hell.

I plunged down into her most holy of holies. I didn't need to tease her or warm her up, she was already as wet as any I'd ever seen. She moaned loudly and aggressively, as my tongue did its thing on her. She started grabbing my brown hair, which was just long enough to be grabbed at all.

Her moans grew louder and louder until she arced her back like a bridge upwards and let out a howling sound. I pulled back, but she leaped forward, grabbed me, and stuck her tongue deep in my mouth. Next thing I knew, I was on my back, making out passionately with my sister. Again she started moving down south, kissing my chest, my stomach, until finally she removed my boxers and gently kissed my hard dick.

"Oh, this is so wrong." she moaned, and licked the tip.

"I'm so sorry, Jordan." I said, and gasped at the pleasure she gave me.

"Don't be. I'm – lick – just as guilty as you."

It tore on my conscience how untrue that was, and yet I couldn't – wouldn't – do anything to stop it. I could make her stop, maybe rinse away any guilt she might have when she got her senses back. Hell, for all I knew, I might had been able to make her forget it all. But I didn't even try. To be honest, a part of me wanted this to only be the beginning. Some diabolical side of me was already scheming and plotting for my imminent harem. The idea was so tempting.

Jordan wrapped her lips around me, taking the whole of my dick into her mouth. Her blowjob was deliciously sloppy, not at all neat like Denise's had been. She greedily sucked my cock, making slurping noises and fingering herself. She bobbed her head back and forth more and more rapidly, until she deepthroated me hard and kept the whole thing in her throat for about ten seconds. Then she slowly pulled back, giving concurrent suction to my rod. The noise was loud and messy, and then she pulled back and made a pop sound as her lips left the crown of my cock. Then she started sucking me aggressively again, jerking me with her one hand as she went.

"Jordan..." I said.

"What is it?"

"Can you do me with your breasts?"

She just smiled, softly kissed my dick, and pinched her own nipples for me. As her tender, beautiful boobs enveloped my hard cock, I felt like I was in heaven. She used her hands to make her tits squeeze my member, and in a couple of minutes' time I came a mighty load on her face. Sperm stuck to her chin, and some fell down unto her breasts.

I was lost.

We sat there for a while, naked and confused. From her perspective, this must have all seemed really strange, but for some reason she wasn't questioning the reality of it. She seemed to assume that she had indeed wanted all of it. She trotted into the downstairs bathroom to clean up, and as she came out I passed her on my way in. Our eyes met, and I knew I had to make some kind of amends for this.

You won't tell anyone about this. You won't feel bad or guilty. It will be a nice memory, but a secret.

"Hey, Matt." she said as I was about to close the bathroom door.


"Let's not tell anyone about this, okay?"

"Are you kidding? Of course not."

"I don't know what came over me..."

"Me neither," I lied. "But let's not beat ourselves up about it. As long as we can, you know, still be around each other."

"Without succumbing to carnal lust?" she said jokingly. It was strange somehow, how much the same she was.

"Without it being weird."

"Let's just see it as a great source of inside jokes."


With that I closed the door. I splashed some cold water in my face. My head wasn't hurting at all anymore. Maybe reaching climax soothed it. In either case, I decided it was too dangerous around my family with this power. I needed to find some other way to... relieve myself. I thought of Denise, but why stop there? The world was full of beautiful women who weren't related to me. With some proper practice, this power might just be the best thing that ever happened.

In retrospect, that last part is debatable.

As I stepped into the shower, I looked at the bathroom wall and could somehow perceive Jordan's figure through the tiles. I felt a beating within the beating of my heart. Was she somehow linked to me, so that I could sense her presence?

Chapter Three

My New Stomping Grounds

I had crossed a line with my sister, Jordan. But I swore to myself that I wouldn't take it any further. Using my strange new ability, I had made her want to show me her breasts, and from there I had eaten her out and had her suck my cock. I even came on her big, soft tits! I'd never imagined her to be such a fierce cocksucker, and part of me was dying to see her in bed. But that was too far. My morals were already stretching, and I had to make an effort to keep some level of decency. That said, I had no qualms about using my newfound ability to control people's urges to get a head in the pickup race. As far as I could tell, no one was left scarred or somehow freaked out my by mental intrusions, and so I rationalized this very questionable practice as harmless. After all, if I could make any woman really want it, it wasn't technically rape. Of course, a voice inside me kept insisting the whole thing was wrong. And I suppose I knew all the time that it was, at its core, immoral. In the words of Steve Buscemi (or rather his screenwriter): We all need to decide for ourselves how much sin we're able to live with.

I figured that, in order to keep this ability out of the house, I'd do best to exercise it somewhere else. I needed some practice, as my head always started to ache whenever I started using it. Or... didn't the headaches come first? I didn't remember. But that was part of what today would be all about. Practice. And what better place to practice mind control than the mall?

On Sunday I took the bus to Rotterdam Station, and from there took the train into the city. I walked about for a while, until I reached the downtown mall. It was a large strip with a glass ceiling and loads of stores, restaurants and cafés. Everywhere people where buzzing around, carrying shopping bags from Gap, H&M, and more. How many clothes do people wear? I buy a shirt and it lasts me at least a good couple of years, but I digress. I was standing around in quaint little teashop. Drawers and racks of boxes with different exotic teas littered the cramp place, and the air was a softly sweet and relaxing mix of teas and herbs. There was a speaker in the corner humming out some relaxing synthetic orchestral music. I was amazed to recognize the song. Jordan had played it in her room more than once. Some famous Japanese modern composer, Susumizu Hickeyzawa or something like that.

Other than me there were two people in the store, save the proprietor. An old man, maybe in his sixties; and a woman in her late thirties, around the same age as my mom by the look of her. I got an idea. I remembered how I had to make brief eye contact to use my powers. As they passed each other, I caught the old man's glance and sent into him

That woman is your wife

I felt a bit torn on this. These were just pranks, sure, but I might cause a scene. However, even in such a case I might get some idea of just how far I can take a situation and still salvage it. Now the man turned to the woman.

"Dierdre! I didn't see you there. Weren't you supposed to be at home?"

The woman looked at the man, visibly confused. She didn't seem sure if the man was talking to her, and as the realization came she became very uncomfortable.

"Look, mister. I don't think I'm the person you - " as she spoke she noticed I was watching and became even more uneasy. When our eyes briefly met, I sent a suggestion.

You get a kick from pretending you're other people. Pretend you're his wife

"- uh..." she trailed off.

"Dierdre? What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing dear." she said smiling. It looked like the smile of an amateur actress. Was there any limit to this power?

"I thought you said you'd be at home."

"Oh, I, you know, thought of following you here anyway."

"You should have told me when I went out, we could taken the car together."

This was too easy. With just a command, I had convinced this old man to see a stranger as someone he knew closely. Did he still physically see her as she was, or did he in his mind really see his wife in front of him. I should experiment with this again. And as for the woman, I had made her adapt to a strange situation with no problems. I kept wondering what it felt like from her side. Did she at any point wonder where this sudden urge to role-play for kicks came from? Did her subconcience perhaps write some kind of backstory to justify the changes I made in her personality. If that was the case, I might be able to get away with some considerable suggestions. I decided this was enough, it was time to see if I could change or erase their memories. That would be useful, to say the least. To both of them:

Completely forget the last minute. She is not your wife. You are done with role-playing

They just stood there, still, staring past each other. I was afraid I had broken them. Then they both just seemed to reboot, like a couple of laptops, and went straight back browsing the teas. I found that though I needed eye contact on the initial suggestion, once that was done, no further eye contact was necessary.

As I exited the teashop, I wondered if their memories were in fact gone. I could only tell by their reaction, and I guess they could just as well have been too embarrassed when I relieved them of their suggestions. More experimentation was required.

I went to a nearby café. It was still early in the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly through the glass ceiling so there were plenty of people sitting at the tables on the side of the strip. I bought a cup of coffee, with just a little milk, and had a seat. On the table to my left was a dad treating his two kids to some ice cream. On my right was an attractive woman at about my age – early twenties – reading a book and having some tea. She had short, dark brown hair and full, seductive lips. Her skin was fair and she dressed in a blue blouse under a large vintage suede jacket - a little early, as fall was still at least a month away – and a black skirt that stopped just above her knees, beneath which she wore a pair of fabric boots. She seemed to have a audaciously good body, but I couldn't be totally sure with that over-sized jacket. She was gorgeous, and had style. But what was a more proper target for what I had in mind – for now – were seated at the table in front of me. There sat a guy and a girl, obviously a couple. They seemed to be late teens, like my sister Jordan.

The guy wore jeans and a pink shirt. He had one of those obnoxious haircuts where all is shaved except the top of the head, where a tuft of blond hair sat looking ridiculous. I decided to refer to him as Macklemore. The girl was pretty, a petite blond with a sweet, round face and big blue eyes. She had a ponytail that fell to her back, and she wore a stylish white poncho sewed in a grid pattern, revealing a black top underneath, and a pair of tight bright blue jeans. Her figure was not like the girl to my right, she only had a couple of buds for breasts and was too skinny for my taste. But that didn't mean I couldn't use this couple for practice. And then, maybe I would introduce myself to the brunette beside me.

I coughed slightly, trying to get their attention without acting suspicious. It worked partially, the guy looked my way for just a second, and that was all I needed. You know how in crowded places, sometimes you just accidentally cross stares with random people? I could use that now. I sent the guy a suggestion, and turned my gaze toward the girl, waiting for her to look my way.

You have a confession to make, I sent into Macklemore. You have cheated on your girlfriend with a stranger you met on the bus.

I couldn't quite make out what he said, due to all the ambient noise on the busy shopping strip. But I heard most of it.

"Listen, babe." I'm pretty sure he said after a short while.

"What is it, Brad?"

"I need to tell you something."

"What, Brad?"

"The other day-" I didn't say the other day, his mind must really be filling out the blanks. "-when I was on the bus."

"But you hate the bus."

"Yeah, I know. But listen. I met this girl..."

At this the girl looked at him suspiciously, then looked around as if expecting to see this girl right here. Our eyes met.

The thought of your boyfriend being with other people turns you on

"And then what?" she asked sternly.

"Well, we got to talking. Ended up having some coffee, then a few beers."

Amazing. He was writing it all by himself. Like this, I could pull any command straight out of my ass and my target would just come up with a rationalization on their own.

"Are you saying...."

"I went with her to my place. And we had sex. I'm so sorry."

"That. Is. SO. Hot."


"That is so sexy." she whispered, but ever since I made the suggestions on them, both their voices seemed to progressively rise above the background noises, letting me hear them over the crowd. "That you would betray my trust like that. Can I watch next time?"


I decided this was enough. I wondered if I could withdraw a suggestion simply by shorthand, and tried to simply expel a withdrawal command into them. Suddenly I felt how they, in my mind, got lighter. My head was at this point starting to ache, but considerably less than yesterday. I heard them speak.

"Wait a minute, what did I..." Macklemore started to mumble. The girl only showed a face of disbelief at what she just said, or thought. So they rationalize my commands, but not when I take their commands away, huh?

Forget what you talked about for the last two minutes

"So, hey!" she called.


"I heard about -"

I lost interest. It was confirmed. I could erase at least their short term memory. I could implant memories into them. I could change their preferences and tastes, even their opinions. And whenever I added something, it made total sense to them. They didn't think it was strange until I took it away from them.

Now for some more potentially pleasurable practice. I turned to my right and saw the girl with short hair and suede jacket just get up and leave. She was so alluring, I couldn't just let her go. I left my coffee half finished and got up and went after her. I thought of a way to get her attention, and took out a penny from my back pocket. I went up to her and cautiously tapped on her shoulder. She stopped and turned around.

This is yours

"Excuse me," I said. "I think you dropped this."

"Oh, thanks. This is mine."

You are to be very accommodating and comfortable with my company

"Say," I continued. "Do you know where I can buy a jacket like that?"

"Well, this I got at a thrift shop on Levitt. It's about thirty minutes from here, I guess."

Her round lips were a natural pink and moved so beautifully when she talked. The eyes on her pale face were big and dark, surrounded by thick lashes that only accentuated their color. Her eyes had a minute almond shape, and I wondered if maybe she some slight East Asian lineage one one part of the family; maybe Korean or Japanese. Up close, and in front of her, I could now see that underneath her jacket she had a breathtaking figure. She wasn't at all as skinny as the petite blond from the café, but her stomach was fit, her breasts looked like firm C-cups, and her hips were like that of a dancer. My sister Hannah danced, but her hips were not anywhere near this level. This girl, with her short dark brown hair, luscious figure and innocent yet confident expression, was a goddess.

"Could you take me there? Is that asking too much."

"I'd love to, but," she laughed apologetically.

You don't mind taking me there

"... but are you sure? We just met."

"As long as you're not taking me to someplace inappropriate." I jested, and she let out an honest laugh.

"Okay then. Let's go. I'm Rose, by the way."

"Matt. Nice to meet you."

"You too." she smiled.

As per my command, she was very amicable and forthcoming with me. We strolled down the streets, talking, and it was like we were friends or on a casual date.

"So you're an illustrator?" she said. "What do you draw?"

"Mostly covers for children's and youth novels. Once I did a full illustration of a new translation of an Astrid Lindgren story, one picture per chapter. That was really rewarding, actually."

"Lindgren..." she mused. "I know that name." she thought for a bit then, smiling, snapped her fingers at me. "I know! Pippi Longstocking!"

"Right." I laughed. "Only this one was of Ronja the Robber's Daughter."

"What's that?"

"Well, it's a book for starters."

"Oh, har dee har."

"It's good. It's for young teens, but it's a good story. You read a lot?"

"Oh, do I. I finish maybe two books a week."

"That's impressive."

"Why thank you, sir." she said and did small curtsy, which didn't look right since we were still walking.

I hadn't expected to be taken by conversation like this. This girl was really cool. She was smart, funny and kind. Though I guess that last part was mainly due to me telling her to be. Never mind.

"So what about work?" I asked her. "Still in school?"

"I'm majoring in botanics. I have maybe five dozens different plants in my apartment. And I write a column on house plants and urban gardening in a weekly lifestyle magazine."

"The impressives just keep lining up."

"Thanks. You've got quite the job yourself."

"It pays the rent. Or, it will when I get my own place."

"You live with a roommate?"

"I wish. Still with my family. Haven't had much luck on the real estate market."

"I hear you. I got lucky. A friend of my mom was willing to sell it first hand. My dad payed half of it, but it's written in my name."

"Wait, so you own your own apartment? No rent?"

"So 'tis, friend."

"Damn, I think you're winning."

We arrived at the second hand store on Levitt street about twenty-five minutes after we'd left the café. It was located in a basement, with old clothes hanging on racks everywhere. Along the walls were boxed of old DVDs and even VHS tapes. We browsed the place, making small talk.

"What do you think about this?" I asked and held out a brown leather jacket with a faint reddish sheen.

"A little short for you."

"You think?" I said and put it on. It was indeed a bit short. The arms fit perfectly, but the jacket only reached down to just above my belt.

"But..." she pondered. "It sort of works. Just make sure to wear a shirt that covers your butt crack, in case you lean forward or something."

"Is there a mirror somewhere?"

"Should be. There it is."

I went over to the mirror, and I liked what I saw. It was a cool jacket, excellent for the coming fall. I rarely bought new clothes, and at 25 bucks, this one was a steal. I figured I could treat myself. I also saw something else in the mirror. Rose, standing behind me, looking absolutely gorgeous. I imagined how I wanted her to cling to my arm, holding it as we walked out of the store. I wanted to kiss her, hold her. I think I might have building a crush for her at that moment. I wanted to try asking her out without using a command or suggestion. But not just now.

"I think I'll take it."

"Looks good."

I bought the jacket, but it was still just a bit to hot outside to wear it. I couldn't wrap my head around how Rose could wear that over-sized suede jacket in early august. I also picked up what looked like a rare DVD release of Kill! for Jordan. We exited the thrift shop and walked along the street. As we passed the bus station she turned to me.

"I should be heading home. I have work to do."

"Yeah, alright. But hey, this was fun. You want to get together sometime next week? I'll take you our for dinner."

"That's really sweet. And I had a great time, but I'm not really into guys, in that way."

"Oh, so you're..."

"Lesbian, yeah."

"Sorry, I didn't want to-"

"It's okay." she laughed dismissively. "I'm flattered, really."

Didn't see that one coming. All of a sudden my hopes of kissing those pink lips ran down the drain. Or did it? Maybe I could... No, that would be wrong. Oh, hell. I had oral sex with my sister. If I wasn't going to use my power to get what I wanted, then what was the point? It wasn't like she'd be unhappy. At least I could make a compromise.

You're not lesbian. You're bisexual. You are attracted to me as well as to women.

And just for some extra insurance.

When I talk to you, you will get excited. You will feel good when you're with me. And a little horny

"But..." she started to mumble.

"Look, here's my number. If you change your mind, give me a call." I said, knowingly.

"Okay." she said. She looked confused, as her new feelings gushed over her. I would give her some time to digest it all. She would call, I had a feeling.

"Okay." I said as the bus came. "Bye."

"Bye, Matt." she said and smiled. Her eyes lingered on me as she boarded the bus.

When I got home I had the worst blueballs. I'd only spent just over an hour with Rose, yet in that time I might have had gotten actual feelings for her. Of course, there's no way you could really fall in love with someone in an hour. But I felt that I definitely had a crush on her. How sweet, I thought, a crush at my age. How selfish it had been of me, though. I might have actually changed her sexuality, solely for my own benefit. And yet, I didn't regret it. I had been given a gift. I wanted to make the most of it.

I was lying on the sofa in the living room. Mom was in the basement, doing the laundry, Jordan was in her room – I could feel her upstairs – and I still had the copy of Kill! in the pocket of my new jacket. I mused the idea of having her relieve me when I heard footsteps down the stairs, and then heard a soft little voice.

"Hey, Matt. Where you been?" it was Hannah, scantily clad in a purple top and black short-shorts. Her dancing practice outfit.

"I went shopping with a friend."

"Shopping? Who are you and have you done with my big brother?" she laughed in her very own oink-like laugh. It was cute, in its own way.

Hannah was just eighteen, but she had a well developed body. Her breasts weren't large, but neither had Jordan's been at that age. Come spring her chest would probably double in size, and by this time next year they'd probably be the same size as Rose; a pair of lovely C-cups. Hannah's big draw was her legs, hips and her butt, though. Again, her hips weren't quite in the same league as Rose's, but for a eighteen-year-old girl this was bordering on some Nicki Minaj-type stuff, let me tell you. Face-wise she was very like my mom, only twenty-three years younger, with a cute little nose and slightly pointy. She had very dark eyebrows for her blond hair, which was much lighter than Jordan's. Her lips were thin but cutely open at the center to minutely show a tiny piece of her front teeth. She also had the clearest blue eyes. Bombardier's eyes, as Stephen King would have described them.

"So, what now?" she asked.

"Now? I don't know, what time is it?"


"Only? Well I'm beat. I'm going to take a nap in my room."

Then came a knock on the door. I immediately felt who it was.

"I'll get it!" Hannah called.

She skidooed towards the door and opened it.

"Oh, hi Denise!" she said. "JORDAN, IT'S FOR-"

"Actually, I'm not looking for Jordan. Hi, by the way."

"You're not here to see Jordan? Then who are y-"

"Hi Matt!" she yelled down the hallway and waved. Then, forgetting herself, she tried to act reserved. "Um, when I was here the other day, about the power outage..."

"Yeah, they fixed it over at your house too, right?" I said as I walked toward the hallway. Just a meter from where Hannah stood, just two days ago, Denise had been on her knees sucking my cock.

"Yeah, it's fixed." she laughed nervously, as Hannah stood between us with a perplexed expression on her face. "But I sort of lost my keys. And I think I might have dropped them... here." she looked at me intently, trying to hide her intention from Hannah.

"Oh." I said. "Oh, right. Right. Yeah, I found them after you came by. Sorry, I forgot all about it. They're up in my room."

"Should I come and get them?" she asked, anticipation in her voice.

"Sure, come on in."

She kicked her shoes off her feet and raced past Hannah, leaving her either suspicious or just dumbstruck. We went upstairs to my room. I hoped Jordan wouldn't choose this particular time to come out of her room. The very second we were in my room Denise shut the door and fell into my arms, kissing passionately and with longing in her lips and tongue.

"Oh god, Matt, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you this whole weekend." she said in between kisses. I instinctively grabbed her hips, and slowly moved to her athletically fit ass. I struggled to remember what exactly I had sent into her mind that time. I had just been horny, I don't think I ever put in a command put in words.

"Look, Denise." I said, letting her go. With the blueballs I had, that was hard to do.

I looked at her, standing there in my room, dressed in white top with a clasp over her one shoulder, a red and pale yellow square patterned skirt and gray leg-warmers. Her body was fit and trained, but still curvy. Her legs were long and her butt was a smooth hillock on the exquisite landscape that was her body. Her skin was tanned, a shade lighter than her hair, which ran down to her shoulder blades and had a bang looming over her eyebrows. The skin on her nose and cheeks had the most subtle of freckles, and her eyes were a pair of seductive emeralds. Her mouth was partially open, and she watered her lips with her tongue. I had to have her, and knowing that I could have her any way I wanted made me so hard. But I needed to sort out the mess I had made in her head. Renovate, in a sense. And this time, I was going to make sure she ended up just as I wanted her. I started by relieving any previous command, which I could feel was just a whirlwind of sexual frustration inside her. As it all emptied her, I replaced it with her new directions.

Denise, you will do anything I directly tell you to do. You will want to do it, of your own free will. You will lust for me; when I speak, when you talk to me, when we touch, when you think of me – you will be happy and horny. You will be safe and trusting with me. What turns me on will turn you on, and no man other than me can make you cum

She looked at me with admiration and longing. This was great! I could have anyone like this. I had now, in front of me, this 18-year-old bombshell of a woman, who was visibly aching to have me touch her I stepped forward, took her by the waist, and kissed her deeply. She moaned as our tongues intertwined and she held me tightly.

"I've never felt this way before..." she managed to say with a sigh.

"How far are you willing to go?"

"I want you to make love to me, Matt. I don't know what it is. I... I think I'm in love with you."

"Prove it to me," I said teasingly, though I realized that was a dick way of responding to that sentence. "Suck my dick."


She went down to her knees, unclasping my belt, removing my jeans and my boxers, and jerked my all ready rock-hard cock.

"Your dick is just amazing. It's so big, and manly. Just the smell..." she said and took a long sniff of the my dick's scent. "Oh fuck, I'm getting high just smelling your cock."

She started kissing it, jerking it gently all the while. Smooching sounds and smacking noises filled my room as she teased my dick with her hands and lips. When she finally put the crown in her mouth and twirled her tongue around the tip, I though I was going to blow my load. I persevered, however, and watched proudly how my sister's old classmate took a third of my stiff cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head back and forth with rising speed, massaging my balls with her one hand and caressing my leg with the other. The softness of her mouth felt like wet, warm velvet. She tried to take the whole thing, but gagged just over halfway down on it. She pulled her head back, and a thick string of saliva mixed with white pre-cum hung between her lower lip and the tip of my cock.

"I haven't done this a lot. I want to be able to take it all." she said in the most adorably surrendering tone.

"Don't worry, girl. You will. We'll just have to practice."

"I'll practice as often as you'll have me."

"Try licking my balls."

The only answer I got was Denise's satisfied sigh as she sank her face into my scrotum and tenderly sucked and licked my balls, jerking my dick with her hand and spreading her spit and my pre-cum all over it. Good thing I shave by nether regularly out of habit.

Soon she returned her attention to my shaft, running her tongue up and down whilst looking into my eyes intently. She made a second attempt at deepthroating me, with not much more success. No matter, I thought. I had a feeling we'd be doing this pretty regularly from now on. I thought of my sister, who'd just the day before been able to take all of my eighteen centimeters like it was nothing. Still, you had to give Denise an A for effort. She was working my dick like it was the most delicious thing in the world. Accompanying the sound of suction and kisses she moaned and sighed with pleasure as she took me into her mouth. I gently held her by the head, bobbing her to and fro, and she closed her eyes, just letting me move her head for her. I did it gently enough, but one day, when she'd be able to take it all, I'd happily skullfuck her into next week. Then I pulled her away from me.

"Denise, I want to fuck you so bad."

"Mmm, I've wanted to hear you say that all weekend." she said seductively and stood up. She did a little dance as she took off her leg-warmers and skirt, swaying her perfect little ass from side to side. She turned away from me, unclasped her top at the shoulder, and let it fall. Slowly, she turned around, holding her breasts in her hands. It was almost ceremonial, when she let go, letting reveal her firm breasts, in perfect proportion with her athletic yet sensual body. She sat down on the foot of my bed and got on her back, spreading her legs for me.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked.

"No, but I wouldn't say that I'm overly experienced. Only three times, with the same guy."

"Well, here I come."

"I can't wait anymore. I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything!"

I got on top of her, teased her labia with my dick, slowly rubbing it against her pussy. Penetrating it with just the tip before withdrawing. Her labia was so soft and wet and when I put in the tip it clenched me just right, with a succulent and moist sensation.

"Oh, just put it in. Fuck me hard."

Not one to disappoint, I plunged my whole member into her, making her howl in ecstasy and probably a little pain. Relentless and rigorously I thrust my wet hard cock into her again and again. The feeling of her pussy's walls were so wet and soft, infinitely welcoming and receptive to my long dick. It contracted itself, hugging me tightly, but never suffered in lubrication. She was so wet I easily went in and out of her. It's a popular misconception that a pussy tightens when aroused, and that the vagina grows sloppy with usage. In truth, a vagina only gets easier to penetrate the more aroused it gets – that's part of the purpose of physical arousal – and not in any way would a human dick have a chance of permanently stretching out a vagina. And I could tell she was extremely aroused, her cunt was lubed up like crazy. So I shamelessly pumped away, showing no mercy as I fucked her.

She threw her arms around me, bringing my face down to suck on her left nipple as I massaged her right breast. Her moaning got subsequently louder, until she let out an animal-like yell.

"Ooooooh! Fuck, I'm cumming!"

"Shh, my whole family can hear you."

Of course, if anyone barged in I would probably be able make them forget about the whole thing, but the embarrassment might kill the mood, and I really wanted to finish this properly.

"Besides," I continued. "I'm going to make you cum at least one more time."

"At least?"

"At the very least."

I kept pounding her pussy, sucking and biting on her nipples, switching from one to the other and back. Her legs arose and curled around by hips, as she grabbed my hair and clawed at my back. I felt closer to climaxing, felt it building up, but I could keep going, though I might need to slow down for a while. Our eyes met, and in hers I saw pure bliss.

You belong to me

"Matt... Oh god..! I... I'm yours..!"

I was just about to cum when the door opened.

"Heard an old buddie of mine was-"

"Jordan!" Denise yelled in shock.

"What the... what are you..."

Jordan, close the door

She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

Chapter 4

Suspension of Certain Morals

I was standing by the side of the bed, my dick deep in Denise's pussy, as my 18-year old sister walked in on us. Denise, my sister's old classmate, promptly got up, as if standing on her feet would somehow make the scene less awkward. My penis popped out from in-between her lubricated vaginal lips as I willed Jordan to close the door and come closer.

Jordan stood as if frozen stiff, her face full of bewilderment. I don't know how long it had been since she last saw or spoke to Denise, as even though we lived a stone toss away they rarely hung out these days – but the shock of finding her in her big brother's room getting fucked was clearly visible on her face. Her eyes went from Denise's naked frame to me, who was clothed save for my pants. Her eyes wondered down to my crotch, and her tongue ran a tempted half-circle about her lower lip.

I had two days earlier used my powers to make her sexually attracted to me, and so that she got off on exposing her naked breasts to me. I occurred to me that even though I had later sent her the suggestion that she should not be ashamed of our secret oral sex session, I had never removed her attraction to me. The scene that unfolded kicked down yet another of my inhibitions, and I could do nothing else but seize the moment.

Jordan, I sent into her mind, You are to follow any order I give you, and gladly wish of your own will to do so. You are to take pleasure in my touch, my words and the mere thought of me will turn you on.

"Jordan," I said to her in a calm, deliberate tone.

"Y-yes, Matt..?"

"Denise and I were just getting better acquainted. Would you like to join us?"

"...I, I... I really..."

"Let me rephrase. Come join us, Jordan." I commanded her, my heart beating not just from the suspense of the situation but from the knowledge that I was doing what I had dreaded I would eventually do.

"Okay." she said, and with that she became more relieved, like she took comfort in being told what to do.

"Denise, come here and get on your knees. You too, sis."

"Okay, Matt." Denise said, breathing heavily.

They both now sat in front of me, ogling my cock with huge anticipation. Denise, with her perfect athletic, tanned body, firm breasts and long legs. Jordan, with her plump curves, big C-cup tits bordering on D-cups, and exquisite mouth which held almost otherworldly cocksucking skills. My dirty blond sister and her brunette friend. These beautiful 18-year olds, both of them different types of taboo. They were both under my spell, as cheesy as it sounds. I could do whatever I wanted to them.

"Okay, girls. You want to have some fun together?"

"Yes, Matt." they both said in unison.

"Alright then. The both of you, lick my cock up and down."

They each took a side of my dick and stroked it with their tongues, one rising as the other fell. They both sectioned out their licking with small affectionate kisses, looking up to me for my approval. The sensation of any one of their tongues on my cock had been like heaven, like wet warmness made into flesh that gently caressed me, but to have two of them working me at the same thing was another thing all together. The feeling didn't just double, it changed. The sensation of one tongue making its way up and down my dick affected the sensation of the other, as Denise's shy and slightly modest licks pleasured the lower base of my penis they traveled up the stem and melded with those of Jordan's experienced and lavish polish.

Eventually, the two girls both united their efforts at the tip, but as their faces got closer, and the two became more aware of each other, they both seized in their enthusiasm.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Um," Denise stuttered. They both looked up at me. "I love it. But having another girl, your sister of all people, do this to you at the same time is, well, a little disheartening."

"I got to say I agree." Jordan concurred. "The smell, and the sensation is all just, just perfect. But this is just a little bit out of my comfort zone."

"I think I have a way of mending that."

"You do?" Denise asked.

"Sure." I said, and gently and lovingly petted their heads.

You have no qualms about pleasuring me together. In fact, any woman who pleases me becomes as attractive and arousing to you as any man

They looked at me with widening eyes, then looked at each other. Their expressions were first ones of surprise, but soon turned into acceptance and then into lust.

"Denise," Jordan moaned. "Have you always been this fucking hot?"

Denise laughed with slight embarrassment. "I don't know. You think I'm hot? Because I think you're totally gorgeous!"

The two beauties moved their faces closer, and as their lips met they moved the crown of my penis in between them. Then my sister and her friend started to passionately make out with the tip of my cock caught in the middle. Their saliva mixed with my oozing pre-cum and as their tongues danced and wrestled a white slime-like substance formed and stuck to their lips in thick strings. As if working by some invisible or inaudible cue, Denise went down to suck on my balls as Jordan started to take my cock wholly into her mouth.

The sensation of my sister slowly deepthroating as Denise tenderly sucked on my nuts was splendid. A dewy velvet cave repeatedly swallowed all of my eighteen centimeters as such pleasant suction and caring caressing was applied to my balls. When Denise went up to kiss my rod she was taken aback by the ease with which Jordan sucked me off. Denise, who had at most been able to take half of it was amazed to see my sister's skill as she effortlessly took it down to the base.

Denise's emerald green eyes widened at the sight of my sister. When Jordan noticed, she slowly withdrew from my shaft, sucking hard and noisily as she went and letting go of the tip with an audible pop.

"Incredible..." she sighed.

"Jealous?" Jordan replied with a smirk and pulled Denise to her, giving her a deep kiss. When she let her go she took hold of her head and held it right in front of my stiff penis. "Then let's practice!"

Jordan urged Denise to take my cock in her mouth, and massaged her firm breasts while instructing her on how to better take it down her throat.

"Okay, first thing is to relax. If you try too hard to open up you'll just strain your jaw. Relax."

Denise let out a sigh which was muffled by my meat rod. She had it just about halfway in her mouth, which was about the most she'd ever been able to.

"Ease your throat. Breath through your nose. Take it slowly, try to feel the gag reflex coming, and let it go down step by step. Let your throat get used to the mass. Concentrate on the breathing. Always the breathing."

Slowly, millimeter by millimeter, Denise was able to take more of my cock until she had about 14 centimeters in her mouth. Then she withdrew, leaving a trail of saliva on my rigid cock. Impressed, Jordan removed her sweater, letting bare her voluptuous breasts, which Denise lovingly kissed in appreciation of her help.

"Again?" my sister asked.

Denise only looked up at me, with a wondering gaze, looking for my approval.

"It felt really good." I assured her. "Keep at it and you'll get even better."

"Thank you, Matt. I want to be able to make you feel good."

"You already are, Denise. Don't worry about that."

"This is really sweet." Jordan said, taking hold of my cock, kissing it, lubing it up by taking it all down her throat and back again in one swift, practiced motion.

"You know, sis, I sure would like to know where you got so good at that."

"The boyfriends I've had have all been very eager, and I've always enjoyed it. Practice makes perfect."

"Well, the important thing is to love what you do."

���Well, girlfriend," Jordan turned to Denise. "Back to work"

Denise dutifully took as much of my dick as she could. The first 13 centimeters she could get down pretty easily, but the rest of the length she met with some resistance. This time, though, she was able to take roughly 15 centimeters down her throat.

She pulled up with a gasp.

"Wa! Oh, fuck me."

"Right." I said, affirmatively. "Girls, get on the bed. On all fours, backs arched and butts in the air."

"Okay, Matt."

"Sure, bro."

They did as they were bid and got on their hands and knees along the edge of my bed. They arched their backs and flaunted their asses and pussies for me. I took a firm hold off their buttocks and gave them each a slap.

"Hey Matt?" Jordan said.


"Are we going to cross the line?"

"Don't you want to?"

"I really, really want to. But that doesn't change the fact-"

"Don't worry, sis. No one has to know. Let's just both feel really good, and if our relationship changes, I promise it'll only be for the better."

"Okay, sounds good to me." she purred with delight, my reassurance quelling any doubt she had left.

I had already made Denise cum with my dick just a while before, and the thought of fucking my sister was too much to resist at this point. I placed myself behind Jordan, grabbing her butt cheeks and rubbing her clit with my penis, teasing her of my entry into this forbidden domain of carnal pleasure. I restrainedly inserted the tip, then slowly put the whole length of it into my sister's longing pussy. Her moans were loud and prolonged by my deliberately drawn-out insertion. Then I raised the pace, and the smooth feel of the inside of her wet cunt made me regret I hadn't taken her earlier.

Splat sounds arose as I greedily pumped away at Jordan's wet pussy, air escaping the spaces between the lubricated flesh, and not wanting Denise to be totally left out I put two of my fingers in her and started rubbing her insides.

"Ooh god!" Jordan let out, trying to muffle her moans by covering her mouth with her hands and diving her face into the mattress. I repeatedly plunged myself into, out of, and back into the velvety walls of her vagina, all the while fingering Denise ruthlessly.

"I've got an idea." I said to them. "Jordan, get on your back. Denise, lay down on top of Jordan facing each other."

They both did as they were told, their faces told of the excitement that following my orders gave them. And as they lay on top of each other, they started rubbing their tits together and exchanged loving kisses, all of their own accord.

I squatted, putting my point of view on the same level as their two neatly positioned pussies, Denise's juices running down and melding with Jordan's. I straightened my legs again, and put my dick back into Jordan. I gave her half a dozen thrusts before switching over to Denise, and forth and so forth. At first the changes were a bit clumsy, but after a few tries I achieved a perfect rhythm as I effortlessly switched between fucking my sister and her ex-classmate.

"Fuck me! Fuck me harder, Matt! I'm cumming!" Jordan shouted.

"Me too! Me too! Motherffff-aaah!" Denise followed.

Then, I shoved my hot cock in between the two girls and thrust it with all my might back and forth in the midst of their unified juices, rubbing both their clits with the crown of my member. As the two beauties stiffened and moaned like never before I shot out a torrent of white sperm that stuck between their bellies and breasts as they rubbed against each other.

Denise rolled off of Jordan, revealing both of their cum-glazed stomachs. Their breasts were sticky with my semen, and they both stroked each other's bodies with their fingers and coyly fed each other my cum.

They looked up to me and laughed.

"Well, I never thought that would happen." Jordan said with a smile.

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked as I sat myself down on the floor.

"I feel freakin' great!" Jordan said, gazing up to the ceiling, circling Denise's nipple with her pinky.

"Me too." Denise said dreamingly. "I feel absolutely fantastic. But..."

"But what, Dee?" I asked, distantly as I the climax had given my senses a good shove.

"Well, it's just that now I'm worried that you and Jordan are going to do it more than I will."

Jordan laughed. "Well, if Matt wants me to spread my legs for him in the future, I doubt I will say no. So ball's in your court now, bro."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You got to take responsibility here and make sure Denise is satisfied, of course. Otherwise she may direct her affections elsewhere."

"Oh, I don't think there's a big risk of that." Denise assured her. "I don't think anyone other than Matt is going to be able to satisfy me from now on."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. This did feel way better than it would have with someone else. Usually I need to be manhandled a little to cum this hard, but you," she turned to me. "You were able to make me cum like crazy. You weren't even rough or anything, no toys no nothing. Just vaginal, and yet this might have been the best orgasm I've had in... perhaps ever."

"Well," I mused. "Maybe you're just perfectly compatible with me."

"I don't doubt for a second that I was made for you." Denise said lovingly.

"Wow," Jordan gasped. "Someone call the church, I think someone's ready to get hitched. Which reminds me... what exactly is your relationship? How long have you two been doing this?"

This made me think. What exactly would the nature of our relationship be from now on? Would I make Denise and Jordan my girlfriends? Sex friends? Slaves? For some reason I though of Rose, and a part of me wanted to reserve to potential term 'girlfriend' for her. Before I could answer, however, Denise spoke instead.

"Well, Matt owns me."

"What?" Jordan guffawed.

��This is the first time we've had sex, actually. We met last Friday and one thing lead to another. We made out, and I gave him a blowjob. And after that I just couldn't get him out of my mind. So I came here, and I... I don't know. I just wanted to see him. And if there was a chance I wanted to do this with him. I can't explain it, but I'm his."

"Like, literally?" Jordan wasn't convinced. "Body and soul? He's your master, is that what you're telling me?"

"Well..." Denise said self-consciously and turned to me. "... are you?"

A day ago I wouldn't have known how I would have reacted. Denise was a great girl, a kind person, and it felt somehow demeaning to reduce her to a possession. But this notion was only in her head because I had put it in there moments before Jordan entered the room. I had sent her the command that she belonged to me, not really thinking about what that meant. But it was just that. She belonged to me now, body and soul. Just like any other woman I wanted could.

"Yeah." I said. "I am. Denise is mine, and mine alone. Isn't that right?"

"Yes." Denise said, blissful of having been accepted by me.

"And you'll do as I say."

"Of course."

"Why don't you show Jordan you're serious? My cock's drying up. Come clean off the cum, would you?"

"Yes, Master." she said, smiling, with a soft and somewhat submissive tone. That word gave me the most sinister kick. I would never even have guessed.

She got on her knees in front of me and took my limp dick in her mouth, tenderly sucking and caressing it with her tongue. Jordan sat on the bed and watched.

"Holy shit." she said. "You're a sub!"

"And what about you?" I asked my little sister.

"Well, don't get me wrong. I'm down for fucking whenever you are. I'll drink your cum for breakfast. I'll take your cock whenever and wherever you want, but I don't think I'll be calling you goshujin-sama anytime soon.." my nerdy little cocksucker of a sister told me.

"Fair, enough." I said. "I did not get that reference, but I think I get your point."

I didn't need to make Jordan my slave too, I thought. She was willing to do it with me, and she was probably better off with a little spunk anyway. Besides, one obedient sex-slave should be enough for now.

I felt how my dick was getting harder, as Denise's tongue dutifully licked the dried cum off of it. I could get used to this.

"I love you, Master." she said, lovingly kissing the tip.

"I love you, too, Denise. My little slave."

As I woke up Monday morning, I dreamingly pictured how I could use my power for my personal gain. This wasn't just sensual mind control, yet I had so far primarily used it for sex. It dawned on me, as I went to work in the city, that I could use this to set myself up for life. I would never have to work again. My whole life could be traveling, painting what I wanted, eating good food and having sex with beautiful women. I felt something that I don't think any human being have ever truly felt, I realized that I could do absolutely anything with my life, unhindered.

But what about the women I had so far used my powers to influence? Denise was now practically my slave, and I had directly made it so that she wouldn't be satisfied with any other man again. I could only hope that I could release her from my previous suggestions and commands, as keeping her this way for the rest of our lives wouldn't be right. And, to be honest, I didn't think I would want to keep any single woman forever. Unless this power would someday disappear, I would still be able to score twenty-year olds at the age of 70.

I would release them, eventually. For now, though, I was going to enjoy the events to come to the fullest.

As I sat on the train on my way to work, I felt something that I thought I'd had the last of. The aching in my head returned. At first it was subtle, but before I could get at the station close to the publishing house, it felt as if though my head was to explode. It hadn't used my abilities since I ushered Jordan into my room the day before, that had been sometime between three and four pm. Now it was nine in the morning. I realized it was the longest I hadn't used my powers, or been away from someone that I had used it on. Whenever I sent a suggestion into a person, I felt somehow connected to them. I could sense them, and I became more aware of them. During the weekend the aching had always come around the times I had used my abilities. I didn't understand, did I need to relieve myself somehow? Did the ache appear if I didn't exercise my abilities? I felt the urge to send something – anything – into someone – anyone – right now. I looked around on the train, and to my shock, I saw standing at the end of the cart, Troy – my sister Hannah's is-he-isn't-he boyfriend.

I needed to let myself go, needed to let something in my head out. I stayed in my seat, but looked intently on Troy, waiting for him to casually look my way. He was dressed like some rich kid fuck boy, white shirt and beige khaki shorts, large rimmed sunglasses and a backwards baseball cap. His eyes met mine, for just a second, and I decided to humiliate this asshole who dared touch my little sister.

You're fucking incontinent

He looked up. He didn't notice me. Suddenly an embarrassed expression formed on his face, and a dark spot appeared on his crotch. People started staring, and his face turned a deep red. As the train stopped at the station before mine, he ran off, covering his crotch with his hands. But he couldn't run very well, because he was still peeing, and he was wearing fucking flip-flops.

My head immediately felt better.

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