

Chapter 14

The flash originated above and behind the Russian's head and came downward at a sharp angle. Seeing my attention was caught by something behind him the short man spun around to see what was there. It was too late because the aluminum baseball bat slammed into his leg with a sickening crack right at the knee. He immediately began to fall but the tough little man was still trying to swing the gun toward his assailant. A figure stepped quickly out of the shadow and grabbed the gun as the Pioter fell backwards. In one smooth motion the attacker brought the smaller foe to his back with a thud and landed on top with both his hands covering the Russians. The gun was now pointed at Pioter's chest and I could now clearly see who it was.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, "how did you… what… I mean…" I was truly speechless.

"Busy here," he said nonchalantly and he ground the barrel of the gun into the felled man.

"Pioter, how are you?," Dad said in calm voice, "I see you have your pet with you." He nodded toward the giant.

"Who are you?" came the reply.

"No one important," my Dad said as if in a normal conversation, "but a friend of mine is interested in finding you."

"Fuck you," he screamed as he struggled to move the gun away from his chest to no avail, "I kill you, I kill your boy, and I kill your friend that is looking for me."

"Ok," Dad pushed his finger into the trigger guard with the Russian's own stubby nub. It wouldn't take much force to set off the gun at this point. "Alexander wanted to catch up with you, but I guess I can just have him pick up your body."

The giant man had sat with the stun gun at the base of his neck, quietly holding his dick up to this point. His head snapped around at the mention of the name Alexander and I could clearly see the fear in his eyes. He spoke rapidly to his partner in their native language and even Pioter seemed less than excited about the prospect of a meeting with this person. He relaxed under my Dad and released his grip on the gun, allowing it to be taken from him.

Dad got up but Pioter stayed on the ground for good reason. His leg was broken and sitting at a weird angle on the floor but he acted as if it was not hurting at all.

"How 'bout we make deal," Pioter said, "you let me go, I don't kill you."

"Interesting," my Dad replied, "I have a better deal, you leave now and never come back because Alexander knows where you are. When he gets here I will let him know you got away."

"Deal," said both Russians at once. I waved off the twins and they cautiously backed away from their captive. The big man stood up and moved over the retrieve his clothes.

"Wait," I took his clothes and checked them. In the front left pocket of his pants there was a small handgun and knife. I pulled them out and put the clothes on a table before backing away so he could pick them up. He grabbed the garments and then limped over to help his friend up. They slowly made their way toward the exit.

"That's fine," said Brittany suddenly, "I don't need those idiots anyway. I can get plenty more like them."

Frank groaned and we all turned our attention back to the instigator.

"I don't think so," my Dad said calmly, "you don't have leverage anymore."

"Yes I do," she said nastily, "I have copies of everything hidden."

"Oh," Dad said cheerfully, "do you mean these?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out several thumb drives.

"Where… how did you get those," Brittany's face showed her fear now.

"The bank deposit box where you left them. It appears you haven't paid your bill in several years and the bank can seize any contents."

"You're lying!" she cried, "I paid my bill a year in advance."

"Well shit," my Dad was playing with her now, "damn accounting mistakes seem to happen sometimes. It's a good thing you used one of my banks. I will check on that for you."

"I still have others," Brittany said. It was more of a question than a statement.

"Like the one taped to the ceiling in your closet, or the one in the fake rock in the garden?" I could tell he was beginning to get tired of the game. "You have nothing on anyone here but I have plenty on you. My team has been tracking you for the last few weeks and we have all we need to send you to jail. Real jail, since you're eighteen."

Brittany's face dropped as the realization hit that she was at our mercy. She dropped to her knees and began to sob. I had heard this before and I wasn't falling for it again.

"Shut up bitch," I yelled at her and then turned to Dad, "what are we going to do with her?"

Dad smiled, "anything you want."

"You can't touch me," Brittany screamed, "my Daddy will kill you."

"No," Dad said evenly, "he's under house arrest and can only go to work and back to his apartment in the city. The only reason the judge let him keep the house is so you can finish school. You know that because you were at the trial. I guess being a stupid criminal runs in the family."

"Jimmy," Dad turned to me, "you did ok but you didn't think of everything. You knew these guys were dealing drugs but you didn't think about them having a gun?"

"No," I said sheepishly. I decided to beat him at his own game, "did you bring a gun?"

"No, I brought a lot of guns," he grinned and then called out, "Morgan, you guys come out." Suddenly, half a dozen tough looking men with automatic weapons moved from the shadows and into the light.

"Make sure the Russians get out of town," he told one man, "and sweep the rest of the building. Get the big guy off the floor and make sure we don't miss anything."

"Yes Sir," came the curt reply, and the man was off directing the others.

"What the FUCK!" Frank was standing up now and watching with an awestruck look on his face. "You had all those guys and you didn't step in and help? You told me you would stop it before anyone got hurt."

"Sorry Frank," Dad said, "we had to make sure we had all the data before we moved. The other team just finished the second sweep on the house." He looked over at Brittany who also had a shocked look on her face.

"Your nanny isn't happy with you," Dad smiled, "I guess making her walk around cleaning house with that cucumber up her ass may come back to haunt you soon." Brittany had a terror stricken look on her face as the ramifications of her actions were becoming clearer.

"Jesus, Darrel," Frank whined, "You don't know how bad it's been with that little cunt running things. She got the God Damn Russian mob in here; she blackmails every fucker that walks through the door. I told her it was just a matter of time before something bad happened." He made wild gestures as he talked making it comically to watch.

"That fucking bitch just about broke me," he was just getting warmed up so Dad moved over, grabbed his arm and began walking toward the office area.

"You still have some Scotch in your office?" Dad asked.

"Yes," he replied, and for the first time since I had met him, Frank's face lit up, "I'm buying, let's go." He hustled toward the hallway with my Dad in tow. Dad winked at me before rounding the corner and disappearing out of sight.

I looked around the room and found the twins had already untied Diane and David was getting Wendy out of the chair she was bound to. I moved over to set Katy free and she spun around and hugged me as soon as she was loose.

I held her close and I could see David over her shoulder. He was taking off his shirt to give to Wendy. She put it on and hugged him gingerly as her newly pierced nipples where still hurting her. After a few moments my thoughts turned back to the bitch that started all of this. I looked over to see her inching her way back to the table she had been sitting at with Frank. I noticed a purse laying there and I broke free from Katy and raced over to beat her to it.

Thinking there was a gun in it, I dumped out the contents but there was no firearm. I found three cell phones, a small black book, and a ton of girly makeup stuff that I had no idea about. I called Katy over and, while Brittany sat glumly on the floor, I had her go through the contents while I checked out the book.

The first twenty pages or so were basically ideas on how to entrap someone and make them a slave. Then the writing changed and it was more specific and had a time line. Wendy's name popped up once but after that, she was referred to as pet. As I flipped through it I could see Brittany had begun leaving the facing pages blank so she could take notes or add things.

I found the notes on my interaction with Wendy in the bathroom club and dozens of other entries since then, including our rendezvous at the hotel. The book was almost completely filled with humiliating and painful tasks that were intended for Wendy. Our entire senior year was planned out by the week, as was summer, although there were some blanks and skipped pages.

I suddenly realized that Katy was still nude although it didn't seem to bother her much.

"Strip bitch," I ordered Brittany thinking her clothes would fit Katy.

"No," she said and crossed her arms in front of her like a pouting child. In a flash Wendy was on her with the cane she had grasped on the way over. Whoosh, Crack! The first shot landed across her back and five more followed, hitting any area that presented itself.

"Now you fucking cunt! Get out of those clothes now, or I will beat the shit out of you!" Wendy had every reason to beat her so I didn't interfere, and I guess everyone else thought the same way. Within a few minutes Brittany was completely naked in front of all of us. She tried to cover up and Wendy whacked her again.

"Get your fucking hands down," Wendy screamed at her. Brittany was humiliated beyond anything she had ever imagined and this was only the beginning.

"This is an interesting book," I told her as she cringed away from Wendy, "I think we will use this as a guide on how to pay you back."

"Noooooo," Brittany moaned, "no please. I will be good. I won't bother you any more. Let me go and I will move. I will go somewhere else and you will never see me again." She was sobbing for real now as the welts from the cane began to show on her skin.

"I think you can handle anything you planned for Wendy to do," I said calmly, "it may take a while though."

"No, you can't do that," she said quickly, "I was going to let her go. Look at the last page… look, you will see, I was going to let her go. Tell them Wendy; tell them I was going to let you go."

I flipped to the back page and at the top were the words, LET HER GO. I looked at Wendy and she nodded.

"She shows me that page all the time," Wendy confirmed, "I never believed her though."

"But I was!" Brittany exclaimed, "I wrote it right there, the day after graduation."

"Maybe," I said contemplating the situation, "but it really doesn't matter right now. I think we will do to you everything that is written in here. Everything you have already done or were going to put Wendy through, we will make you do as well."

Brittany began sobbing again but Wendy was having none of it, she snapped the cane and Brittany stopped her whining at the sound.

"I think we should start now," said Wendy, "with your virginity." Brittany wailed again but her new mistress had no compassion considering what she had been through. She called to David and when he came to her she gave him a deep passionate kiss.

"I can't give you my virginity, but I can give you hers," Wendy told him while looking deep into his eyes, "and I will make sure you enjoy all her virginities before the night is up." David said nothing but blushed deeply.

"If that's ok with you," Wendy directed the comment at me.

"No, no, don't let her take me," Brittany was frantic now, "please, don't leave me alone with her."

"Shut up bitch," I gestured around the room at the people that had helped, "for the next few years, we own you!" Brittany hung her head in defeat and Wendy grabbed her hair and pulled her to a nearby table.

"First, get his cock out and start sucking it," Wendy ordered. The obvious disgust was written on her face as she began to undo David's pants. Swoosh, crack! The cane landed on her bare ass and Brittany cried out desperately trying to get his zipper open. Once faced with his hard cock she balked. Swoosh, crack! Another shot to the ass and she engulfed his entire length without hesitation.

"Is she doing a good job?" asked Wendy as she stood next to David and nibbled his ear.

"It's ok," he said. Whoosh, crack! Another stripe was added to Brittany's already sore backside. She doubled her efforts and David reacted with a low moan.

"That's it baby," Wendy whispered in his ear, "you let me know when she isn't trying and I will fix it for you."

I glanced around the room and could see that Diane already had the twins undressed and was on her knees alternating between sucking the two brother's' cocks. She used one hand to hold the cock she was working on and the other to play with her clit.

Katy had commandeered Brittany's skirt and shirt even though it was a tight fit. She snuggled up to me and watched as Wendy turned into a dominatrix right before our eyes.

"Get up on the table," she commanded the cowering girl. Brittany sat on the edge of the table and Wendy snapped the cane, "lay back and offer your worthless pussy to my boyfriend!" Brittany quickly lay back and spread her legs.

"On second thought, this is too good for you," Wendy announced, "I want you to remember this forever so I think a change in location is warranted." She grabbed Brittany by the hair and dragged her as she headed for the bathrooms."

"I need to take a piss anyway," she said, "might as well get a little lip service from my new whore." David followed close behind. I considered if we should just leave and catch up with everyone later.

"Oh fuck no we're not leaving," said Katy, reading my mind. She grabbed one of Brittany's cell phones and we hurriedly followed after the trio to the men's restroom. By the time we caught up to them, Wendy already had Brittany licking the rim of one of the toilets. She wasn't on her knees;, rather, standing stiff legged, spread, and bending bent over to give David and Wendy access to her pussy. They were pinching and pulling at her pussy lips while she completed her task.

"Are you ready?" Wendy asked David. He nodded and she got on her knees and sucked his cock some more before lining it up with Brittany's pussy. Wendy stood next to him nibbling his ear and coaxing him on.

"One hard thrust," she whispered, "give it to her like she had Frank give it to me." David slammed forward, piercing Brittany's hymen and eliciting a primal scream from her. He began fucking her in hard fast strokes making her struggle to stay on her feet. Wendy stayed next to him urging him on faster and faster until he could take it no more and came deep in her belly.

Slowly he pulled his blood and cum soaked cock from the despoiled girl and backed away only to have Wendy pull his face to hers and kiss him firmly on the mouth. He returned the kiss and held her until she pulled away.

Brittany stayed in place for fear of the getting the cane again. She sobbed quietly but dared not anger Wendy as she was afraid of what might happen. Her legs were beginning to cramp and the toilet smelled so bad she felt like throwing up, but she held back.

"Turn around whore," Wendy snapped, "you know what to do next."

Brittany turned around and sank to her knees. She knew what was expected because she had commanded Wendy to do this many, many times. She crawled to David and took his filthy cock into her mouth, cleaning it with her tongue. She choked and gagged a few times, but managed to get his dick clean without attracting the wrath of Wendy and her cane.

"Now, one of my personal favorites," Wendy smiled. She took off David's shirt and handed it to him before moving into the stall and sitting on the toilet. She only had to look at Brittany to let her know what she wanted. The broken girl crawled back into the stall and rested her chin on the edge of the toilet seat. Wendy slid forward and pushed her pussy into the girls face.

After a few seconds Brittany began to lick her pussy but began gagging. The shocked girl started to move but a quick tap of the cane made her think better of it, and she stayed put waiting until the degrading task was complete. Wendy stood up and bent over forcing her ass into the kneeling girl's wet face.

"I remember how much you liked making me do this," said Wendy, "so if I don't like it, I will assume you aren't doing a good job and I will beat your tits bloody." Brittany literally dove forward at the threat and began to lick her new mistress. She frantically worked on her pussy and then shoved her tongue as far up her ass as possible. She ignored the taste and did her best to make Wendy come as quickly as possible. She was successful, but Wendy insisted she continue until she shuddered in orgasm for the third time with Brittany's mouth and tongue working on her asshole.

"Not bad," said Wendy breathlessly, "I won't cane your tits yet. We still have plenty to catch up on. Maybe we can skip a few chapters ahead. I know how you like that." Brittany could say nothing as she knew it would only get worse.

"Oh, look Brittany," Wendy said, "they're taking pictures of you losing your virginity. Isn't that sweet? I remember you did that for me with Frank, so I think it's only fair we get you copies to show around of this event." Wendy kicked the girl lightly in the side.

"What do we say when someone does us a favor?" Wendy asked in a singsong voice. She kicked at the naked girl a bit more forcefully.

"Th-..Thank you," Brittany finally said. Wendy kicked her in the ribs harder this time.

"What? That isn't how you taught me to say it. Get it right bitch," Wendy punctuated her words with a stinging blow from the cane to her side.

"Ow,!" Brittany howled, "thank you for taking pictures of me losing my virginity!"

Swoosh, crack! Wendy snapped the cane down on Brittany's back and the tip curled around her side, catching her tit.

"Thank you for taking pictures of this slut losing her cunt cherry, Mistress," the tortured girl yelled. She braced for another blow from the cane but it never happened.

"You are a slow learner," Wendy mused, "I'm going to have to keep the cane, I can see that already. No worries, I've got it under control. Now, we have one more cherry to take care of."

Brittany jumped to her feet and made a desperate attempt to get out the door. Wendy easily caught her by the hair and with one hard yank, jerked her back to the floor. She snapped off four hard shots with the cane that crisscrossed the welts that were already there.

"Well, looks like no lube for you young lady," Wendy said, "This is going to hurt more than I originally planned." She pulled Brittany by to her hair over to a urinal and pushed her face into it. It didn't look too dirty, but Brittany thought otherwise and began retching as Wendy sat on the back of her head.

"Are you ready David?" she asked softly.

He stepped forward with a monster hard on in answer, and put it up to the restrained girls rose bud. As he pushed, Brittany moved around and tried to stop him from penetrating her. Wendy laid a few more solid strokes with the cane and Brittany acquiesced, moving into a submissive posture to let herself be sodomized.

David pushed against her nether hole and began to slowly inch his way forward into her. Brittany screamed at the intrusion and the sound echoed off the porcelain until Wendy leaned back, forcing her mouth into the disgusting water.

David pushed harder and slowly sank all the way up to his balls. He pulled out slightly and, without lube, her asshole pulled painfully against his cock. He settled for short strokes and got into a rhythm of fucking her ass. Wendy leaned forward and began to kiss David as he ground into Brittany. The extra stimulation from Wendy got him going and he began to get wilder and wilder as Wendy coaxed him.

"Yeah, fuck that whore's ass. Pump it hard," she encouraged him, "she loves it up the ass, don't you bitch." Brittany was spending every last bit of energy trying to keep her head above the nasty water line so she could breathe. David began to convulse as his hard cock shot another load of cum, this time up Brittany's now used asshole. He pulled out and Wendy got off of Brittany's head.

"Clean up time," Wendy said cheerfully. Brittany turned around and there was a unanimous groan from everyone as they saw the state of Brittany's face. Besides the urine there were small pieces of paper stuck to her face and a cigarette butt hung from one cheek.

"Wash your face first you nasty whore," Wendy laughed, "I've never seen anyone too dirty to suck shit off a cock before." Brittany headed for the sink but Wendy stopped her.

"Oh no," the now dominant girl said, "use the toilet, just like you made me do it." The debased Brittany slowly crawled to the nearest toilet, and put her head all the way into the water, before reaching up and pulling the handle to flush it.


Katy and I were cruising toward the interstate in the Chevelle. I had let Wendy and David take charge of Brittany for a while. After reading some of the things in the book of blackmail the bitch had written, I felt Wendy needed some time for payback.

My Dad had finally gotten out of Frank's office and pulled me aside. He told me that he had called Katy's parents as soon as he found out she was missing and told them I had surprised her with a two week trip. He had paid off everything I had spent on the credit card up to now and told me to go have fun.

"Remember the $10,000 limit," he smiled, "this time it's a goal. When you get back I'll give you some pointers on how to handle your new toy. Have fun and show Katy a great time, you two deserve it."

Everything had worked out. We rescued Wendy and reunited her with David. Diane had another fantasy come true and didn't even have to pay to get her nipples pierced. I didn't have to worry about the twins anymore and I had a feeling we would become good friends after this. I had a ton of cash, a hot car, and an even hotter girl.

I knew Brittany was getting hers because Wendy had mentioned stopping to see some trucker friends on the way home. I imagined the new submissive would be walking gingerly for a while after tonight. I had flipped through a lot of the black book and I didn't know if I would be able to follow through with my threat of doing everything in it to her. If she was willing to let Wendy go at the end of high school, maybe we should cut her some slack, especially since a lot of the things in there were pretty outrageous.

I pulled into a station and had Katy go get us some sodas while I stayed outside and pumped gas. I flipped through the book again and noticed a few notes about Maria, Brittany's nanny. She was more of a housekeeper at this point and it appeared Brittany had used her pretty harshly as well. I would check into that when I got back.

As usual, I ended up at the last page. It didn't make sense for someone so dominant to let a slave go after all that time. I held the page up to the light and looked for any kind of hidden water mark or something to give me an idea of why she would put LET HER GO at the top of the page.

Katy hopped back in the car and I handed her the book still open to the last phrase. She looked at it again and I wondered if she was thinking the same thing as I. We pulled out from the country store slowly bouncing over the uneven parking lot when Katy gasped. I looked over to see that she had spilled a drop of soda on the open book.

"Don't worry about it," I laughed, "a little soda never hurt anything."

"It's not that," she said, "look at the page." Where the drop had landed, the definite curve of a letter became visible. I took my soda and poured a bit on a napkin that Katy had brought with the drinks. I rubbed it on the page and before our eyes a message appeared. I realized Brittany had planned to reveal it to Wendy, probably just this way, the day after graduation.

As the message became clear I lost any sympathy I had for Brittany and I vowed to do to her everything in the book she had dreamed up. I would put her through more if I thought up something else, but there would be no mercy. Under the words LET HER GO appeared a new message…


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