

Chapter 10

I sat fuming in my room after the exchange with my Dad. He had only seen me with Katy since Diane was hidden in the shower, but that was enough to put him over the edge. I tried to explain that she was my girlfriend, and of course we were going to have sex, but it didn't matter. It seemed like his mind was made up.

An hour later there was a knock at the door. My Mom came in and sat next to me on the bed, took my hand, and tried to comfort me.

"Your father isn't upset about you being with Katy," she began, "He knows you are keeping other secrets from us and it worries him."

"I'm old enough to take care of myself," I told her, "Why can't he just let me work my own stuff out."

"You may not know this, but your father was quite wild when he was young. He doesn't want you to get into the same trouble that he did."

I had a hard time thinking of my Dad, Mr. Accountant, as being wild. My Mom saw me roll my eyes and smiled.

"Do you think we would just fix up your car if your father wasn't interested? He had a car similar to yours when he was in High School but never had the money to paint it or do all the custom stuff he wanted. He wants you to have more and do more than he has." She could see I wasn't completely convinced.

"You know he was a great baseball player in High School." She said.

"Oh, I know. I get to hear the old stories all the time." I replied.

"What you don't know, is he got kicked off the team for fighting in his senior year and didn't go any further," she revealed, "He doesn't want the same thing happen to you. He may be over reacting but give him some time."

Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of time to wait on my Dad to calm down. Wendy was counting on me to help her and I had no good idea of how I was going to accomplish this, especially without Katy to help me figure out a plan.

"Jimmy," Mom pulled my hand, "You can trust your father. He can handle a lot more than you think." She kissed my cheek and left me in my room with my thoughts.

I could still see Katy for a few minutes at school without a problem and I would have to sneak out on Friday to make my date with Wendy. I needed some more help and by midnight I fell asleep with at least an idea of what I was going to do.

Tuesday morning I got up to an empty house. There was a note on the table letting me know Dad had called Katy's parents. They knew I was grounded and not to pick up Katy for school. It brought back a lot of anger from the night before, but I had too many other things to worry about. I took the beater and picked up Diane at her house.

"What the hell is going on?" she exclaimed as soon as she was in and we pulled off the curb.

"Dad saw me and Katy in the dressing room after the fight," I replied glumly.

"Oh shit!" she brought her hands to her mouth in shock.

"It's ok," I grinned, "He didn't see you."

She sighed in relief and sat quietly for a few minutes.

"What are we going to do?" she asked seriously.

"Don't worry," I told her in my best 'I got this' voice, "I have a plan."

"Hmm," she hummed thoughtfully. "We better talk to Katy."


The Three Amigos were more than a little intrigued when I sat them down and explained the situation. I told them about Wendy and how I was going to meet her this weekend and why.

"What I really need," I told them, "Is a way to find the blackmail stuff Brittany keeps and get it back from her." I relayed the information I had from Diane on how the scheme worked and what to expect.

"We need to do some more Intel on our perp," Jerry said excitedly, "She lives two doors down and across the street from me." Jerry's parents were well off and it didn't surprise me that he would live in the same neighborhood as Brittany.

"Do we have to retrieve the videos and pictures?" asked David, "I mean what if we just destroyed them?" I hadn't thought of that.

"Sure," I told him, "What are you thinking."

"If she is having the guys take pictures with a camera phone maybe we can build a virus to wipe everything clean when it's uploaded to her storage drive," David said, "We may even be able to access her files on her computer remotely."

That comment got the Amigos really pumped up and they began talking in their high tech language that I couldn't understand. The short version was that the guys would work on it and get back with me.

It was lunch before I was able to see Katy and it looked like she had been crying. She came to me and fell into my arms as I hugged her closely.

"Are you ok," I asked her softly.

"Yes," she sniffled, "Diane told me that your Dad saw us at the fight. All he told my parent is that you were grounded and couldn't see me."

"It doesn't matter what he says," I told her calmly, "we're going to figure this out."

"But we have to help Wendy and the date is set for Friday," she said, "How are we going to come up with a plan by then?"

"I'm already working on it," I said. I recounted my meeting with the geeks and she was impressed.

"Beat her at her own game," she mused, "What about her cell phone?"

"I'm sure the phone she uses for the pictures is different than her personal phone."

"Yeah, but what if we could jack her phone?" she said. I looked puzzled and she had to explain further. "There is a way to overtake a cell phone and make it a one way listening device. We could hear everything she is saying and, if I had enough time, I could program the GPS function so we would know where she is at all times."

"How long do you need to have the phone?" I asked.

"About two, or three minutes tops," she said, "but that girl lives on her phone. I don't know when we could snag it for that long without her noticing."

"Maybe Wendy will have an idea," I was thinking out loud now, "We should get Diane to pass her a note in class and find out. I need to be able to talk with Wendy directly without Brittany overhearing."

"A transmitter small enough to fit in Wendy's collar can't have a long range," Katy mused, "maybe we can get her out of range and then talk to her."

I wasn't convinced this was a good idea. If Brittany thought we were on to her it would blow the entire deal.

"Let's work on coming up with an idea of how we can separate Wendy from her shirt," I said as the bell rang for our next class, "we can at least have a plan for Friday night even if we can't jack her cell."

Katy gave me a quick kiss and headed off for her next class. I would meet Diane at her locker and see if she could get an idea from Wendy on what to do next. I didn't want to tip off Brittany, so we had to be careful.

The day drug on until the last bell and the three of us met back at my car. Diane had communicated with Wendy and filled us in.

"There is a time tomorrow that we can get her away from Brittany. On Wednesdays, Wendy is sent to boy's bathroom and there is usually a boy waiting for her. She has to suck him off and then report back before the next class."

"This week is different because while the boy is usually set up by Brittany and knows what is going on, this time it will be whomever happens to be in the bathroom." Diane paused and looked at us expectantly.

How does that help?" I asked, "Brittany will be close by and listening to what is going on. If we pull her away from the shirt she will know because there will be no sound."

"Not if she hears someone actually getting a blowjob," Katy grinned. She had already figured it out. Diane would be the stand in for Wendy so we just needed to get someone to play the part of the unsuspecting guy.

"We should get Curt to help us," Diane blurted out. She looked surprised that the words had come out and put her hand over her mouth. It was so cute it made both Katy and I chuckle.

"I will speak to Curt tonight," I said, "but I don't think I will have any trouble talking him into it."


The next day Curt and I were positioned inside the bathroom door where Wendy was going to be. It was located a good distance from the cafeteria so there wouldn't be too much traffic this time of day. Diane was already in the last stall and ready to go.

Wendy showed up right on time and after she walked in I locked the door. She made her way to Curt and he opened with his first line.

"I'm sorry but you're in the wrong bathroom," he said stiffly.

"No I'm not," she replied like a bad b-movie actor, "I need some help."

"What do you mean?" asked Curt.

"I need a cock to suck," she blushed brightly and it was obvious she had been coached on what to say.

"You mean here? Right now?" Curt was really getting into it.

"Yes," Wendy hesitated before continuing, "I need some cum." Even though it was set up Wendy was still humiliated to the core.

"Ok," said Curt, "let's go back here in case someone else comes in. Oh, um," he had almost forgotten the critical part, "take off your shirt so I can see your tits."

Wendy took off here shirt to reveal her naked breasts and Curt let out a groan. Diane took the shirt and pulled him into the stall and shut the door. I could hear the zipper being pulled down and Curt moaning as Diane went to work.

Wendy slowly made her way back to me at the door, covering her breast with her hands.

"This is weird," she whispered, "I can't believe she would do that to help me." I just smiled at her innocence.

"We have a date for Friday night. I will be calling Brittany at the last second as to where to meet us; she won't have time to set up cameras so all she will have is a voice recording. I need to make sure she believes we are doing something that will get her to let me see you again."

"I know what you need to do," Wendy shuddered and began to tell me what Brittany liked about the other guy she had been sent to several times.

"You'll have to do more," she said sheepishly, "but I don't care how bad it is as long as I get out of this situation."

"I can handle that part," I smiled at her, "and it won't be as bad as you think. I also need to know a time we can get to her cell for about three minutes without Brittany knowing. Got any ideas?"

Wendy thought about this for a moment and then hung her head, "Yes, I know when you can get the phone." She shuffled her feet and stalled. Curt was getting closer so I knew we didn't have much time.

"When?" I quizzed her.

"In the bathroom at the club," she said, "She likes to humiliate me in them, bathrooms, for some reason. She will take me back to the women's bathroom around 11 pm and make me..." she trailed off, obviously embarrassed. "Just have someone in the second to last stall before 11 pm on Saturday night. Tell them to look under the divider and I will hand them the phone."

She wouldn't say anything else and turned to walk back to where Curt was getting quite vocal.

"Holy SHIIIITTTTTTT!" he cried as Diane finished him off. She caught his semen in Wendy's shirt and handed it back to her.

Wendy put the sticky cloth back on and I opened the door to let her out. I wouldn't see her again until Friday night.


Thursday was the last day of school and we all decided to meet in the parking lot before heading home. The Three Amigos where excited to tell us all about the virus technology they had designed for this adventure.

The plan was to find a hotel with adjoining rooms. I would be in one and everyone else in the other. Once Wendy was in the room with me, we would hand off the cell and have the virus uploaded to the SIM card. When Brittany uploaded the images to her computer the program would basically contact the Amigos via the internet and give them access to everything.

The only downside to this was she had to use the internet. If Brittany didn't get online after loading the program, the Amigos would never get a signal.

I was excited that we at least had a plan but I was a bit concerned about the cash that would be needed. We had to get two hotel rooms, gas, and some more techno somethings for the guys. I wasn't making enough to handle all the expenses but I figured one step at a time.


It turned out I didn't have to sneak out Friday night after all. Curt called the house and asked Mom if I could come over and visit them. She had agreed without talking to Dad, so I was in the clear. The guys showed up about seven and my Dad didn't even look up from the TV when I went out the door. Mom must have smoothed it over.

We headed out toward the Palace Hotel area and David took us to a bit nicer hotel with three floors less than a mile away. He had already made the arrangements and checked the rooms before we arrived so we knew they were attached. If you stood in front of the window you could see the parking lot but backing up a few feet basically made you invisible from the ground.

By eight thirty we were all in position with Diane, Katy, and Curt next door. David was in the lounge area pretending to watch TV and Jerry was in the parking lot, hiding in a group of trees close to where we thought Brittany would end up in her car.

I made the call and the mechanical voice answered. "Hello." Brittany's tinny alter ego said.

"Grand View Hotel, Room 315," I said flatly and immediately hung up.

It was about 10 minutes later that Jerry called to let us know Brittany was arriving. I peeked out the window and could see her pulling up toward the front of the building. Wendy got out and headed for the front out of my view. A few minutes later, Brittany got out of the car and went inside as well.

The phone rang in the adjoining room; it was David who was shadowing Brittany in the lobby. She picked up a copy of the hotel layout and headed back to the car under his watchful eye. I'm sure she was trying to figure out the best place to park so she could see as much as possible while listening in.

There was a knock at the door and I closed the adjoining room just in case the phone rang again. Wendy was standing nervously in the hallway as I invited her in. We had arranged this part for Brittany's benefit so I led her over to the window.

"Are you ready slut?" I asked in a menacing voice.

"Yes sir," she replied meekly. I glanced out the window to make sure Brittany was in place before slapping Wendy across the face. She fell to the ground out of sight and later Jerry told me it looked like I had knocked her out from his vantage point.

I grabbed Wendy and pulled her back to her feet in front of the window before dragging her out of sight. I tore at her tiny mini skirt and tossed it to the side revealing her lack of panties and a note written in permanent marker. 'Use Me' was written above her pubic hair.

Wendy blushed when she saw me reading the words and I felt bad for her but knew I needed to stay in character.

"You want me to use you?" I barked at her, "I'm going to use you like you've never been used before, bitch." I grabbed at her shirt but didn't tear it. Tossing in on the bed I put her up on her knees.

"Mistress wants you to take pictures," she choked out. I finally noticed the cell phone in her hand and took it from her.

"Hmm," I mused, "What kind of pictures should I take?"

The adjoining door opened quietly to reveal Katy. I handed off the phone and as she retreated a completely naked Diane walked up to the bed.

"I'm going to fuck you in the ass so hard you won't walk for a week," I said as she climbed up next to Wendy. I smacked Diane's ass and moved over behind her as the familiar glow started to rise in her face. I lined my cock up with her tiny hole and without warning pushed hard against her rose bud. My cock slid in easily and Wendy gasped as she saw what our plan was.

I banged into Diane's ass as I slapped her cheeks at the same time. Occasionally I would reach over and pop Wendy on the ass as well to get a reaction out of her for the benefit of our audience. Between those times, Diane was doing enough grunting and groaning to get our point across. After I had been pumping Diane for a few minutes I remembered my next lines.

"Beg for it bitch," I growled.

"Please fuck my ass," Wendy said immediately. "Please fuck my ass hard!" I slapped her butt again as she was saying it.

Katy returned a few minutes later with the cell and gave us the thumbs up. All I had to do now was take a few pictures and fuck the hell out of Diane while making a lot of noise. I decided to take my job seriously.

I took a few close ups of my cock going into Diane's ass and continued to pound her. She was still moaning and pushing back against me as I hammered away. Wendy kept up the dialog as I concentrated on my task.

"Fuck me harder sir," she moaned, "Fuck this worthless slut in the ass."

I was getting really turned on by her dirty talk and before long I was ready to pop. Wendy could sense what was happening and pushed Diane out of the way and backed her ass up to me. I pushed the end of my cock up Wendy's ass just before cumming. I filled her up to overflowing and then looked over at Diane.

Diane was frigging her clit furiously and I had to grab her hand and shush her before she came. I didn't want Brittany getting any hint that there was more than just me in the room. I took a picture of my cum dripping out of Wendy's ass and I made sure you could see her looking back at me.

"Suck it clean," I commanded and Wendy gasped at the order. She didn't have to worry as Diane was already on it and swallowed it whole before I could say anything else. She worked her way up and down, cleaning my entire length before motioning to Wendy.

Wendy moved over and took Diane's place before slipping my cock in her mouth. I took several more pictures like this before moving on.

"Let's take a shower," I said and the three of us headed for the bathroom leaving the shirt with the transmitter behind. Once the water was running and we were all in the shower I felt it was safe to talk quietly.

"Ok," I whispered, "we have the virus uploaded. What do we need to do next to get her attention and make sure she sends you back to us instead of someone else."

"You need to be more aggressive with calling me names," she replied quietly, "and you need to leave some marks."

Chapter 11

I spent the next few hours in the hotel room working the girls over. I used my belt to whip them, two or three whacks to Diane and then one lighter blow for Wendy. Diane had confided to Katy and me of her wish to be forced to take this type of punishment and she reacted as if in heat. The harder I hit her ass the more turned on she seemed to get. Wendy, on the other hand, took the lashes for the proof she needed for Brittany, but she never once pretended to like it.

I also made the must vulgar remarks I could think of to her while lashing the girls with the belt.

"You're nothing but a worthless cunt,��� I yelled at her between lashes. Then I had her say the line back to me.

"I'm nothing but a worthless cunt," she repeated choking back sobs.

I fucked Diane's pussy while Wendy pretended it was her getting pounded. After about twenty minutes of her watching she pushed Diane aside and pulled me in between her legs. This was the first time Wendy had showed any interest in getting fucked and I wasn't sure if she was enjoying it at first. It didn't take long to see she was indeed getting in the mood and I began stroking harder into her pussy.

Diane got back into the game by sucking on Wendy's nipples while I fucked her and it began to drive both girls wild. I picked up the pace and it didn't take much longer before I was dumping a load into Wendy's spasming pussy. I got back into character quickly and began to berate her.

"You fucking whore," I snapped at her, "you came while I was fucking your cunt, didn't you!"

"Yes sir," she said uncomfortably. She really was humiliated that it had happened.

"Get over here and suck the cum off my cock," I ordered. Diane was moving towards me but Wendy surprised us by spinning around and taking my slimy cock in her mouth without hesitating. I took a few more pictures and decided we had done enough to get a return visit.

"I'm almost done with you," I told her, "but first, I have one more thing to make you presentable for your mistress."

I pulled her to the bathroom with Diane following behind. I put Wendy up on the counter and she sat quietly while I pulled a few items out of my bag. When I produced a razor and shaving cream Wendy sighed but didn't resist. She pulled her legs back so her feet rested on the counter to give me access to the small triangle of pubic hair below the crudely written message.

I shave her clean in just a few strokes and then took out a permanent marker. I knew Brittany loved to write nasty messages on Wendy, so I decided to play along. I drew a line through the previous message of Use Me and below it, where her pubic hair had been, printed in bold letters WELL USED.

It was time for her to go and I hoped we had done enough to make sure she came back to us. I led the way back into the main room and threw her shirt to her.

"Here you go bitch," I said callously as she caught the small cloth, "get dressed." She put the shirt on and began buttoning it up but I stopped her.

"Just tie it," I told her. She looked at me curiously but did as I asked. She reached for her skirt and I stopped her again.

"You won't be needing the skirt," I said sharply, "how do you expect anyone to see my art work?"

Wendy froze with her hand inches from the garment but then slowly pulled away. It was late and there wouldn't be many people in the halls or lobby even on a Friday night. The gesture was a bit over the top, but it might just be the deciding factor on who Wendy would meet at her next rendezvous.

She nodded to me as if she understood what I was trying to accomplish, and you could see she was getting herself ready for the humiliation she knew was to come just outside the door. We walked over to the entrance of the room and, as I grabbed the handle, she suddenly put her hand over mine, turned, and kissed me passionately.

"Thank you," she mouthed silently before allowing me to open the door and let her walk into the hall. She was basically naked with only the small shirt to offer any modesty. I turned back to the room and Katy was there with Diane and Curt.

"Wow," Curt said, shifting his crotch with one hand, "that was intense!"

Katy was already checking for a signal using the new cell we had bought as a receiver. You could hear light footsteps on the speaker as the girl padded quickly down the hall and opened the door to the stairs. She probably figured there would be less traffic in the stairway.

"What the hell?" came the recognizable voice of David. He had taken up refuge in the stairway in order to avoid detection and Wendy had bumped into him. Once he realized who it was, he clammed up and let the terrified girl pass. There was the sound of another door opening and we all headed to the window in time to see Brittany turn on her headlights as Wendy emerged from under the hotel canopy and ran towards her ride.

Brittany moved the car slowly and kept her in the high beams to make sure anyone looking would be able to see Wendy's nudity. She dashed across the parking lot and tried to open the door but it appeared to be locked. We could hear her begging to get in but Brittany was telling her something we couldn't make out over the speaker.

It became obvious when Wendy pulled off her shirt and dropped it and the cell into the slightly opened window of the car. We could hear Brittany laughing hysterically as she pulled away leaving Wendy exposed in the parking lot to chase after her. The BMW finally stopped at the street and Wendy sprinted to the passenger door.

"Get in the back," came Brittany's voice on the speaker. We all expected Wendy to go to the back door but I was shocked to see the truck pop open and Wendy, not having a choice, climbed into the dark enclosure, and shut herself in. Brittany was still laughing uncontrollably as she drove away.


The Three Amigos, Katy, Diane, and I sat around David's house staring at a computer for what seemed like hours. There were four screens with different programs running at the same time and the guys never stopped talking. They were excited about getting the virus in place and anxious to see if it would work as designed.

The cell phone had worked perfectly up to the point that Brittany had tried to make a call with her personal phone and found the battery dead. She had robbed to battery from the phone Wendy had been using and the signal had died the instant it was removed.

So far, most of the plan was working. If the virus did as the guys explained it to me, there would be major activity on the monitors once the virus was uploaded onto her computer and then a connection to the internet was made. We waited.

It was almost 5 am before we all gave up and the girls went home. I stayed at David's for the night and we all crashed in different rooms on couches or guest beds depending on what suited us. The house was huge and David's parents were out of town so we had the run of the place. I was too tired to look around and fell asleep almost the instant my head hit the pillow.

I was awakened by the sound of cheers in the next room in what seemed like only a few minutes after nodding off. The guys were already in front of the computer and it appeared there was some activity on the monitors.

The Three Amigos were excitedly chattering in their high tech language as David frantically rattled the keys to make things happen.

"We're linked!" Jerry said excitedly.

"Yep, the patch worked perfectly," David said. The other guys agreed and slapped him on the back so I guess he had figured out something incredibly difficult.

"Can you see anything on her computer?" I asked.

"Dammit!" David suddenly exclaimed. The other two moaned and I was left out of the loop again.

"Is that bad?" I asked not knowing what everyone was groaning about.

"No big deal," said David but I could tell it actually was. "It's a firewall we have to break through and it's a good one. It might take a while."

"How long?" I quizzed, "I mean, until you can get into her computer."

"Not long," Curt piped in, "I'm betting five to seven days."

"WHAT?" I was dumbfounded. "Five to seven days? Can't we speed up the process?"

"Sure," David replied, "we just need a few things.��� He started to rattle off a lot of stuff I had never heard of and I finally stopped him.

"How much will all that stuff cost?" I asked him.

"About $1297.13," he answered and then smiled, "I've wanted this stuff for a long time so I know what it costs."

I barely had enough money to pay for our trip to the club tonight so there was no way I could buy it for him. We needed the info badly but short of a robbery I couldn't think of a way to pull it off.

"Keep doing what you're doing and I will get back to you," I said.


Diane, Katy, and I motored down the road on the way to the club. It was well past dark and I had slipped out my bedroom window just after 10 pm. My parents didn't think it too odd since I had been going to bed early, and getting up at 5:30 am to do my runs. I didn't think they would notice and I felt I needed to take the chance anyway.

We arrived in Katy's parents old four door just before 11 pm and had to hustle to get her into the bathroom before Brittany and Wendy were to show up. Katy slipped into the bathroom and I spotted the two girls we were looking for on the dance floor.

Brittany was at the edge of the dance floor but Wendy was in the center of everyone and getting a lot of attention. She had a tight white t-shirt that came to the middle of her back and a skirt that covered just below her ass.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Diane as she pointed at Wendy. As the girl slowly turned around on the dance floor I could now clearly see that the white shirt was literally painted on.

Wendy had tears in her eyes as she tried to dance to the loud music that filled the building but it was obvious that she was distraught. There were a couple of thin flesh colored lines in the paint and I realized it was from her tears dripping onto the paint and washing it away. I was surprised that, although all the guys were looking, none of them were actually trying to touch her. As a result she had no place to hide and there was about a five or six foot cushion around her, making it easy for everyone to see her predicament.

A teenage guy with dark, slicked back hair moved closer to Wendy and actually grabbed at her skirt. She didn't see him in time to prevent it and as the fabric uncovered her naked pussy. I could see the words I had written the night before where still there.

The young guy started to reach for Wendy's tits but was suddenly stopped by a huge hand grasping the back of his neck. Brittany watched as the muscle bound bouncer pulled the offender off the dance floor without much effort and dropped him carelessly at the edge of the bar. She was smiling and I couldn't tell if she had been directing the brute or if someone else was pulling the strings.

I watched the bouncer walk back to his perch and stand next to an older man in a suit. The man said something and the bouncer nodded and moved over to Brittany. He touched her shoulder and motioned at the man in the suit. She immediately moved in that direction and the man began talking closely to her ear as she nodded. After a few minutes she replied and walked directly across the dance floor toward the restrooms grabbing Wendy along the way.

I was surprised by Brittany's interaction with the man and began to wonder if she was a pawn instead of the mastermind like I had thought. The man and the bouncer began to move around the dance floor so I decided to follow them.

"Stay here and watch for Katy," I practically yelled in Diane's ear to be heard over the music. She nodded in agreement and moved until she could see the bathroom door.

I circled the dance floor and toward the hallway the men had disappeared into. After ten feet or so the dark hallway made a sharp turn and ended at a door with no markings. I didn't want to lose them, and I figured it was a hallway, so I opened the door and stepped through to find myself in a very large office.

I stood just inside the doorway as my eyes adjusted to the bright light. I squinted my eyes before being able to make out several people standing in front of me. Behind a large wooden desk across the room was the man in the suit and standing next to him, looking at a computer screen, was a short stocky guy with greasy hair. The bouncer was sitting in a chair reading a magazine and there was another man, taller and bigger than the bouncer, standing quietly by himself along the opposite wall.

I stumbled forward on the carpet trying to think of what to do. The bouncer and the big man started my way but the guy in the suit stopped them.

"What are you doing in here kid," he snapped.

"I… I'm looking for the bathroom," I stammered. I couldn't think of anything else but everyone seemed to relax.

"I take care of this Frank," the short man said in a thick Russian accent. He sized me up and then waved his hand as if to dismiss me, "you go now."

I stood dumbfounded for a second and the short man sighed. He turned to the huge man against the wall and nodded to him. The giant started toward me quickly.

"Don't hurt him," Frank said, "I don't want any trouble in the club." The huge man stopped directly in front of me.

"You go now," he said. He also had a Russian accent but it was even thicker than the short man's.

I turned to go and the goliath followed me a few steps after I was back in the hallway to make sure I wasn't going to come back. I hadn't planned on it… at least not tonight.

I moved back toward the sound of the deafening music and no sooner than I had stepped out of the hall, Diane was there with Katy.

"She did it," Katy said, "but you won't believe how."

"Let's get out of here," I said nervously, "you can tell me all about it on the way home."

We loaded up in the car with Katy behind the wheel and headed home. I told her about the men in the office first and then she told Diane and I about her encounter in the bathroom.

Katy was in the second to last stall as agreed and it wasn't too long before Brittany came in and led Wendy past her hiding place. Katy sat quietly as Brittany began to give directions.

"Eww," Brittany said as she opened the stall door next to Katy, "this toilet seat is nasty. Bitch, get over here and clean it before I sit down." Wendy had dropped to her knees and scrambled to the toilet to begin cleaning it. She stopped when she got to the lid and began taking off her skirt to use as a rag.

"No dumbass," Brittany chastised the girl, "this time I want you to lick it clean." There was a small yelp from Wendy but she turned back to the lid and slowly began to lick it as instructed.

"Hurry the fuck up, I gotta pee right now," growled Brittany. A few minutes later Wendy shuffled aside and Brittany backed up to the toilet.

"Get my panties and skirt off," she ordered, "and don't you dare drop my phone again." Wendy worked off the garment with the cell attached to it and held it tightly in her hand. Brittany sat on the toilet and began to urinate in the bowl.

"Get your face up there cunt." Wendy sobbed again but moved into position with her chin on the toilet bowl, her face inches from the stream of pee.

When Brittany was finished she stood up and turned around to face the wall. Bending over slightly, she pushed her wet pussy up to the crying girls face.

"You know what to do," snapped Brittany. Wendy began licking the girl's pussy and when it was clean she began to tongue her clit. Once Brittany began to moan softly from the girls efforts, Wendy pushed the skirt with the phone under the stall where Katy took it and immediately went to work.

Frantically Katy punched in the codes as the humiliated girl next door ate pussy in an effort to make Brittany cum. Wendy was going all out to keep her Mistresses attention and, at the same time, keep her from coming too soon. It didn't work because Katy still had the phone as Brittany began to reach her orgasm.

She bucked and moaned as Wendy continued to lick and within seconds she would turn around and see the skirt and phone were gone. Katy continued to punch the final codes as Wendy began to panic. There was no telling what would happen if she found out what was going on with her phone.

Wendy sized up the situation and made a decision. As Brittany was coming down from her orgasm, Wendy moved up and drove her tongue up the other girl's ass.

"Oh, fuck yeah," squealed Brittany, "oh, you little shit eating slut. If I had known how good this felt you would have been doing it since day one. Lick my asshole you worthless cunt!"

Katy finished with the phone and quickly handed it and the clothes back to Wendy under the partition, but now she had to finish what she started. Katy sat quietly for another ten minutes while Wendy, with tears in her eyes, licked Brittany to another orgasm.

"Wow," Brittany said, "you just jumped a few chapters ahead." She looked closely at Wendy's painted shirt and noticed the tears were causing the paint to wash away. She smiled at the poor girls tears and then had a thought.

"You did great today so I think we will make it a short night for your good behavior. All we need to do is get this paint off." Wendy looked hopeful but she knew better.

"Go over to the boy's bathroom and get them to help wash the rest of the paint off," Brittany said callously, "Just take off your skirt and squat next to the urinals until someone comes in and beg them to piss on you. As soon as all the paint is washed off, wipe it up with your skirt and come out front." Wendy gasped at the thought of what she was being forced to do.

"Hurry up though," Brittany giggled, "the club is about to close and you will want to have all the paint off before the last boy leaves, otherwise, we may have to go by the truck stop again on the way home."


I didn't get up Sunday until almost noon. I called the Amigos and found out they were still working on breaking into the computer. Brittany didn't leave it online all the time, so there were small windows of opportunity to work on the problem before she would shut it down again. The guys were getting impatient and I was worried that Jerry and Curt might jump ship any time.

"If you can get me the stuff I told you about," David started, "I can hack break in if the computer is online for about 5 minutes."

I understood the problem but I didn't have any money left at all. I was also concerned that if I got a call from Brittany, I couldn't afford a hotel room either. I was lost in my thoughts after hanging up with the guys when my Mom called me from the kitchen.

"Jimmy," She yelled, "Katy is on the phone." I headed to the kitchen and picked up the landline off the kitchen counter.

"Hello," I said, not sure why Katy would call my parents phone.

"Sorry to call but we have a problem," Katy said, "your cell is dead and the other two phones we added to your account are also dead. I'm guessing the bill didn't get paid."

We talked for a few more minutes about what to do. Katy and Diane didn't have jobs and the most money they could come up with was $61. The hotel cost me more than that, so I had to figure out another way.

I went to bed early that night but tossed and turned for hours. The next morning I got up, found my slacks, shirt, and tie to wear. Mom was still home so I asked her for a ride.

"Where to?" she asked.

"The bank," I said, "I need a loan." She looked at me quizzically but nodded and got the car keys. It took about ten minutes to get there and Mom never asked me what was going on. I guess she figured I would explain in my own time. She dropped me off at the curb and wished me luck before driving away.

I took a deep breath and as I headed to the front door of the bank I went over the possible outcomes. One, I got a loan and we would be able to save Wendy, or two, the police would be called and they would save Wendy from her situation, but everything would be public. She would be caught in the middle of a huge police investigation and the media would have a field day. I pushed open the big glass door and headed in.

The marble floor was polished and the interior of the huge building sparkled. I walked across the floor and directly to the largest corner office where a secretary sat typing away at a keyboard. Next to the door behind her was a gold plate that said; Bank President, Darrel James.

I walked directly past her, opened the door, and stepped inside. The man behind the desk looked startled as I walked in, and the secretary had jumped up and was right on my heels.

"I'm sorry Mr. James; he just walked right in," she stammered, "I couldn't stop him."

"It's ok, Denise," he said calmly, "I will handle this." She reluctantly retreated back through the door and closed it behind her.

"Well young man," he said deliberately, "how can I help you."

"I'm in trouble," I began slowly, "and I need your help Dad."

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