
Hastin meets Simon!!

'So, Quietus, what have you decided to do?' Slaughter asked.

A few minutes before, Hastin came to check on the alert and put the phone in silent mode. The app displayed a message,

'If you do not convince them that everything is fine, then I would make sure that you have a dead body on your bed the right next minute'

Suddenly, a large invasive lizard jumped out of the laptop screen and landed on the bed. It put the tongue out and licked the girl's face. Hastin shivered.

"Is the girl still alive?" Hastin asked in a shaky voice.

'Yes, she is. Why do you think I transported her here? Let us discuss these details later. Now, I want you to go back and tell the operator on the phone that everything is alright.' The app ordered.


'Then do not complain to me later. when one of my favorite pets, Tegus spoils your bed.'

Tegus opened its bloody mouth to take a bite on the delicious food in front of it.

"Ok! Stop! I will do as you say. Do not harm the girl" Hastin shouted and hurriedly walked away.

"I am sorry to make you wait. It's a terrible mistake from my end. One of my pets was running around and by mistake, this number got dialed. I apologize and I would make sure that this pet stays in its cage forever"

Without waiting for a response he disconnected the call. He held the wall for support and tried to control the consternation which was almost eating him alive.

No! He must stay strong to rescue the people who were incarcerated in the warehouse by his own mistake.

"Something is definitely wrong! That guy on the phone sounded like he was too scared to even breathe." Simon muttered.

"Do not worry! Anyways we have done our part. The officers will check and decide if any action is required. You just relax." Saira tried to calm him.

But Simon's heart did not agree. He got up from his seat and walked out. Then he rushed back and said to Saira,

"Just tell them that I am out for lunch. I will be back in an hour"

Simon rushed towards his car and started to drive towards the mansion.

Meanwhile, the patrol car reached Hastin's place and the officers started to examine the area.

The app once again beeped with a CODE: RED. Hastin walked slowly towards his room. The Scary lizard was nowhere to be seen and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up his phone and looked at the message.

'You caused a problem and now you resolve it. There are officers outside the gate. I want you to go and convince them. You know what I mean. Hurry, you do not have much time left before I send Slayer. If you do not act fast, then do not blame me for being merciless. Just remember, Slayer won't be as patient as Tegus. And you definitely saw that the other day and I hope you do not have to be reminded of that twice. Am I clear?'

Hastin ran towards the gate as if he was chased by someone; without even realizing that he had a huge collection of bikes parked in his garage. He ran without even wearing a shoe.

The officers looked at his appearance with irresolute eyes. Hastin was wondering how he should start the conversation? Should he say hi or just ask them why are they here? It was his first time, no… second time meeting a living human being. Even though they were standing outside the locked gate, it is considered as a close contact.

He was breathing hard because of his long run. When he opened his mouth only air came out. He held his thighs for support using his hands while bedding down. The officers looked at each other and one of them asked,

"Do you live here?"


"Does this mansion belong to you?"


"Do you mind if we come inside and take a look?"


"Excuse us… Are you stopping us from performing our duty?"

"I don't think you hold a warrant to do an entry and search. Am I correct? I already informed that emergency call operator that it was a mistake. I do not know why she will send you guys here. It's a waste of time for all of us. If you are not leaving then I would have to call my lawyer and have them sue you all. I hope you understand what I mean. Please leave and I don't like anyone wandering around my place."

Hastin turned around and left. Good thing, he read a few mystery novels and now he could make these officers go away. He hoped that they believed him and left for good. Or else he doesn't know what that app will do to them.

He felt afraid that they would not leave, so he turned his head and looked at the gate. He did not find the officers but he saw someone stopping his car next to the pavement.

Simon crossed the road and waved his hand at Hastin. Hastin ignored him and walked straight.

"Hey…" Simon shouted after he saw the retreating back of Hastin.

Hastin ignored him as if he did not hear Simon's shout.

"Hi, I am Simon. Didn't you make an emergency call about half an hour before?"

Simon raised his voice so that he won't miss this opportunity to interact with the person who lived in this haunted mansion.

Hastin halted and turned back. He rushed forward and held Simon's shirt collar through the grills of his gate.

"How do you know that I made an emergency call? Are you monitoring me? Why are you doing that? Do you know what this is called? Invading privacy! Do you know how long you will be placed in prison for that?"

Hastin agitatedly held his collars tightly and Simon almost got choked. While coughing hard, he held Hastin's hand and tried to remove them. But Hastin was too immersed in his angst that he failed to notice that he was actually choking someone.

"Leave me! If you hold my neck too tight, I may die here today…" Simon with great difficulty voiced out his misery.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry… please do not die… Please… I beg you…" Hastin bawled his eyes out.

Looking at such a grown man cry out in front of him, made Simon feel like a lamebrained. Still, he did not say it out loud and just tried to soothe the things out after looking at Hastin's innocent eyes.

"No.. NO! It's fine… All you need is just let go of my collar and I will be fine. Believe me!"

He let go of Simon's collar and wiped the tears away. Then he asked him once again, "How do you know I made the emergency call?"

"Oh! I work over there and I heard about the call, so I thought to come and check. I always used to pass by this mansion several times, when I went to my grandpa's farm. But I never once saw or heard anyone actually lived in that huge mansion. So curiosity won over me when we received that call. And here I am talking to the owner of this mansion" Simon said with curiosity.

At that time the Code: Red alarm rang and Hastin knew that it was his time to go back.

"Oh! What is that noise? I even heard the similar alarm went off while you made the call earlier."

"That must be my pet. I need to go…" Hastin turned to walk away.

"Oh! You must have a naughty pet over there… Do you mind if I come in and check out that pet?" Simon enquired as his interred was now piqued.

"No, you cannot! My pet doesn't like any outsiders." Hastin stood still with shock and even feared that Simon might come in.

"I am going… bye…"

"At least tell me what is that pet you have? I am really curious." Simon shouted at Hastin who is now almost running away.

"He is the Tagus, a giant invasive Lizard. I must really go back now…"

"Ok.. See ya later… I would come to visit you once again. Let us stay in touch" Simon screamed from outside the gate.

Why does everyone want to come inside my house today? Do they have no other better work? But still, he looked at his hands and thought, 'I touched a human who is alive once again'

He could not tell what that feeling was but he definitely did not dislike it. He still had some warmth left in his hand from the touch. Should he try to hold that girl's neck and see if he would feel the similar warmth he felt just now?

One more chapter...

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I would love to see a few opinions about this story so far...

Until we meet once again...

I am coming to you next!!!

- By Slaughter

Darlene_Virginiacreators' thoughts
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