
Chapter 11: Military Camp

[Land that she bought before]:

The land that Dalia buy before, has be use already to build a house and farm for all kind of thing and even after that the land still look empty. Dalia have a plan to build a breading center there and make it into a place where all pokemons that she and Kylie caught can stay.


It is the day Dalia and Kylie enter military camp, and this is no joke, even the lower The ranking in the military have at less 3 Early Elite Stage pokemon.

The military in they city is one of the powerful in this region, and they have 4 Legendary Trainer as the last protection military have on the city.

Legendary Trainer have at less two of they pokemons at Early Legendary Stage and three at Peak Pseudo-Legendary Stage.

(A/N: There is many more stage above Champion, that for another time, just to let you know.)

*In front of Kylie's house.*

"Is it okay to leave the three of them here?"(Kylie)

Dalia look at Eva, Elly and Flora that fighting each other, and feel that Eva can't be the leader when she gone so she reply to Kylie.

"Just make Flora they leader, and say to her that if she can make the two of them behave, I buy her a top quality sun stone."(Dalia)

"Flora, she say that if you can make they behave for 2 years, she buying you a top quality sun stone!!!"(Kylie)

The moment that Flora heard that she immediately run toward them and stand up in front of them, her eyes have a shine when she hear 'top quality sun stone'.

"Okay, Flora here the deal, i can buy you that sun stone but you make sure that the two of them don't make any trouble when i gone and if you did a really good job, i give you a top quality miracle seed for you."(Dalia)

"Miss, don't worry they are under my care while you is gone."(Flora)

"Make sure that all of them training and don't slack off and i want to see a improvement. Because a pokemon that we train are training on the wild and can improve much faster that you guys so don't make the new members think that you guys are weak."(Dalia)

Flora nodded and make sure to watch over them while training.

At this moment, a helicopter come to pick them up, Dalia and Kylie enter the helicopter. The helicopter take them to a far a way place in the wild, it where they going to spent the two years at. There already a lot of peoples arrived at the place, around 3,000 peoples.

(A/N: There is a total of 10 camp and this is one of them. There is about 30,000 peoples that enter the military camp this year. It look like they going to be a lot of kids that going to know the true cruelty of this world.)

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