
Chapter 2: Mystery Egg

(Location of the ten heroes)

Apparently the ten heroes was born in the same city call Knight City. Where pokemon trainer is the most common person you can see because the population of the pokemon trainer in this city is over 100 thousand people.

Knight City know as place where they train the best pokemon trainer and this city have about 1,000 Elite Trainer that been produce after the cataclysm until now.

The ten heroes are the same age as Dalia, but today is the day for them to receive they starter and go to a training camp for rookie trainer.

"Sylvia Night, Hilda Night, Mira Light, Bob Vail, Amelia Park, Kuma Park, Shadow Chance, Leo Power, Luna Bell, Draco Dawn and Frank Dawn, Come forward to receive your starter."(???)

"Yes, Mr. John"(TH) [Ten Heroes]

"The 10 pokeballs in front of you are randomly selected by computer and you can take any one of them. Who want to go first?"(John)


"Alright, Draco you go first."(John)

"Not fair!!!"(Luna)

"Huhuhu, look who jealous."(Draco)

"Don't forget, one you take the pokeball it be your starter pokemon. That mean if you get a weedle it be your starter and you can't choose another pokemon."(John)

"Understand, sir"(TH)

The ten heroes take about 20 minutes to choose they starter.

The pokemons they choose:

°Slyvia- Pichu

°Hilda- Pidgey

°Mira- Nidoran

°Bob- Abra

°Amelia- Sandshrew

°Kuma- Spheal

°Shadow- Gligar

°Leo- Poochyena

°Luna- Cranidos

°Draco- Rattata

°Frank- Baltoy

"Why do I get a f***ing Rattata and everyone else get a good pokemon."(Draco)

"Hahaha!!! look who is unlucky."(The other TH)


(Back to Dalia)

Dalia is looking at the pokemons in the neighborhood but suddenly see a shiny thing inside the bush outside her house.

She take a look and see an pokemon egg with a note.

"I see that you been looking at pokemons outside your house for about 2 months now. So I try give you something that you may like. PS, I looking forward to your future young girl." (Note)

"That unexpecting, oh well at less I don't have to caught my own pokemon."(Dalia)

Dalia don't notice that a woman is look at her face that look happy when receive the pokemon egg.

"I looking forward to your future young trainer" (???)

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