
Looking up at the same sky; with different feelings

"What the fuck was that?".

Arthur just smiled, "not understanding" Vladimir's words. The expression on his face caused Vladimir to narrow his eyes, frowning at his fellow Sovereign Boundary Physique wielder.

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand the meaning behind your words Vladimir?".

The Formless Night Shadow just scoffed, rolling his eyes at Arthur's blatant deception. He had just been used as a shield by the Boundless Forest Yearning in order to forcibly provoke that young man from the White Dominion Sect.

He had used Emotion Laws and carefully directed strikes at his ego and confidence, tearing away at his gentlemanly persona, and caused him to step over a line in regards to "his place", and his ignorance of the wider world.

He had just been taught a verbal lesson of how the world works, one that was given by Vladimir, although, it had been casted, produced and directed by-.

Arthur just smiled, tilting his head to the side, causing Vladimir to shake his head, letting out a sigh.

"I honestly thought that we might be able to be friends.... perhaps even comrades. But after meeting you like this, I can honestly say.....".

"That we won't ever be capable of seeing eye to eye..... I thought that we were similar in our regards to treating one another. You come from a Clan, so you do still value relationships more than most, especially considering you brought the remainder of your Clan here. But..... that little scheme of yours earlier..... what would've happened if I wouldn't of turned up here today?".

Arthur just smiled, not saying anything.

Vladimir just gazed at Arthur, whose silent smile seemed to speak louder volumes than actual words right now. The depth behind Arthur's gaze, seemed to get deeper with every passing moment.

"I don't appreciate being used. And even more so, I don't understand why you had to use me as a buffer. The Sect Leader of the White Dominion Sect is a peak Rank 5 Fae Master, one that can undergo Ascension at any time. But for someone like yourself, why do you bother with staying here when you've got both the Divine Tannhauser Empire to the North, and the Eternal Samsara Tree to the East. Why bother wasting your time with..... these nobodies?".

The corners of Arthur's mouth rose slightly, before he tapped his foot on the ground.

"Do you want the real answer? Or the answer that you want to hear?".

Vladimir just shook his head.

"I don't care what answer you give. I don't know whether or not it'll be the truth or not. Without Thought Laws or Desire Laws, it's almost impossible to tell whether or not someone with Emotion Laws is forcing specific emotions to the surface, or hiding them by amplifying other ones. Whatever answer you give, I won't believe you anyway".

Arthur just shook his head.

"I'll give you one anyway".

Arthur tapped his foot once more.

"Did you know that directly beneath our feet right now, is an entrance to Hollow Human Heaven?".

Vladimir raised an eyebrow, but he didn't open his mouth to speak.

"The main reason why I came East, to the White Dominion Sect, rather than West, to the Western Slavik Clan, or even why I didn't head directly North, a few days after reaching White Corpse City to the Divine Tannhauser Empire, is because there is a Fae Ground, directly beneath our feet".

That seemed to make Vladimir more interested.

"What Attribute is it?".

Arthur just smiled.

"What do you think?".

The Formless Night Shadow just let out a disappointed "tsk", shaking his head slightly.

".... Considering that your Wood Laws have reached the second level, I assume that it must be a Wood Attributed Fae Ground. Knowledge about Hollowed Heavens are quite limited, especially Human Heaven, and expeditions underneath the the earth often come out with nothing but casualties.... but I can at least see why you don't want to leave the White Dominion Region yet....".

Arthur just shrugged his shoulders.

"I could care less about the affairs of the White Dominion Sect, nor could I give a shit about a punk who doesn't understand the strength of a Fae Immortal. But once I'm done here in the White Dominion Region, I'm leaving the Azure Envy Continent. I'm not even sure if I'll ever come back.....".

Vladimir raised an eyebrow, gazing up at the sky for a moment before letting out a small sigh.

"How envious....".

There existed a huge, wide world for Fae Masters to explore and discover. The vast majority of those born with the talent to become Fae Masters are often limited by their origins, or their innate talent, or lack thereof.

Due to this lack of talent, Fae, resources or knowledge, the vast majority of Fae Masters can only pass down what little they had to the next generation, in hopes that they can carry their hopes and dreams into the future.

This was often the seeds that were planted, which eventually sprouted into a Clan or Sect.

Those that were born into a Clan, or raised by a Sect, were bound to them, from the moment they awakened their talents. Leaving them, or trying to cut ties was considered betrayal, especially for righteous Fae Masters.

Unlike most others, Vladimir was given an extraordinary amount of materials and wealth in order to push him to grow stronger and stronger, and could click his fingers once, and order the Elders to gather him unique Fae, precious Fae materials, ancient texts, rare resources, beautiful women, or even beautiful men if he so desired.

He was someone who did not lack anything in the world.

With the sole exception of-.

"When you become a Fae Immortal, the Nightime Demon Sect won't be able to do anything about you wanted to roam Human Heaven. You'll be free to explore and meet vast amounts of people all over the Thirty Three Heavens if that is what you desire".

"Personal freedom, obligation and responsibility are the things one must give up, and uphold if one is to enjoy the privileges and resources of a Sect or Clan. In some cases, their life, marriage, chastity, soul and origin essence sea sometimes entirely belong to a Sect or Clan as well".

"The Viridian Greed Continent Ten Heavenly Trees.... The Crimson Wrath Continent Nine Demonic Deserts and Three Divine Lakes.... The Violet Lust Continent 11 Divine Lakes and Three Famous Rivers.... The Golden Sloth Continent 15 Eternal Mountains.... The Orchid Gluttony Continent Three Frozen Cities and Three Heavenly Forests.... And the Amber Pride Continent Seven Abyss Entrances.... All of them are enormous Fae Grounds and yet.....".

"They don't even total half the amount of Fae Grounds within Human Heaven.....".

Vladimir nodded, still gazing up at the night sky. His breathing steady, yet his mind slightly perturbed.

Arthur smiled politely off on the side, pretending as though his words were nothing more than just advice or the experience of a fellow Sovereign Boundary Physique.


The memory of a time long since passed played out in Arthur's mind. Of a time when he was young, still inexperienced, and had yet to fully understand his place in the world.

Two young men laid down on a grassy hillside, overlooking the vastness of the Nightime Demon Sect.

".... you know Arthur.... sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I never joined the Nightime Demon Sect.....".

"Oh really? But weren't you raised within Fallen Ghost City? I know that your parents aren't Fae Masters, but I'm sure you would've learned martial arts from someone though right?".

Vladimir nodded.

"Yeah.... but don't you ever wonder, that if you changed a single thing in your life, a single event, feeling, emotion, or perspective, then-".

"Things would be different?".

Arthur paused, gazing up at the night sky.

"Yeah..... I think it would".

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