
Welcome Back Captain 3

Time passed by slowly, they heard a chilling scream just nearby which make everyone to be alerted and grab their weapons up. As said, the danger around is unpredicted.

"Ilyva and Fred, remain here at the camp, everyone else grab your gears and follow me" Mato stated without fear and was about to strode but then he saw Fargo not getting up.

"What are you doing?" he throw a kick toward Fargo which made him to immediately get up and was sweating non stop..

"Hey Mato, are you sure that was a person scream?" Fargo hesitantly asked. No one knows just how scared he is to ghost, though, he is bold at the battle field, but when dealing with ghost and spirits he can't handle it. It all started when they had a mission back then and because how tight the situation they spend the night at a cemetery and it was very dark and dusky that time. He didn't close his eyes until morning and was traumatized after wards.

"You afraid?" Mato glared at him in the most nipping way. This make Fargo to shudder. If he compare the ghost and Mato, he is the most frightening!

"ok guys that's enough!" Xie tried to ease the tension with a warm smile as he pat Fargo's shoulder

"Aren't you afraid of ghost?" Fargo daringly asked Xie, he look so meek so he assumed that this guy is may be scaredy cat.

"Why would i?" Xie smiled honestly. This statement shattered Fargo's assumption.

"I grow from the temple and my uncle used to be an exorcist before and I've seen the way he does it with my own eyes, but how do ghost exist in the first place anyway?" he added making Fargo to be speechless.

"You, Fargo are really a head ache what's the point of entering the military with such a lowkey mentality. You should be more afraid if it was a real person that will stab you! If they scare you scare them back! If they bite you bite them!" Mato who is tired of this damning man, yelled at him and started to strode at the forest followed by the other soldiers.

Their companions could only look at Fargo with pity. If there is anything to be afraid of, it was the vice- captain agro.

"So are you coming or nah?" asked Xie who is beside Fargo

"I'm going" Fargo utter weakly..

When they get out of the wood, they saw a grassy field before them that reach their waists and stood at the center was a person in white blouse and black pants.

"We saw this person out of nowhere and has been monitoring him until you came" reported one of the soldiers who went into a patrol and was one of the two soldier who saw this mysterious person first.

"Then what's with the scream?" Fargo who came after all asked with irritation

"Umm… it was me, I can't use any signal for the moment I just screamed" the other one apologized but he didn't escape Fargo's smack. So it was his scream after all!

"Any information who regarding his identity?" Mato asked the soldier who first saw the unknown man.

"Not at the moment, but it seems he doesn't belong to any of those researchers or a research test. He seem just good and uninjured" the soldier replied while a large torch is pointed toward the man completely viewing his all.

The man just appeared fine and neat. He has this long shaggy bangs that is covering his eyes. His hands in raise on the air, and he didn't even move an inch. But Fargo noticed the man skin that is as white as a sheet of paper. It's like as if he doesn't have pores at all, and his lips it is doubtless red.

"Hey Mato, can you not at least kill him? I need to ask his secret why does he have such a good skin" Fargo whispered with a nerve. Though, he know that he is handsome, this man before them bring shame to his skin!

Without a second, Mato smacked the not thinking right Fargo. It's such a waste really to think that this man is an idiot though he is a skilled soldier.

"That depends" Mato replied, in circumstances like this. They should be aware of people like this one. There is an order to annihilate anyone who shows suspiciousness abnormality since there is no guarantee that they doesn't contain any lethal virus especially this mountain is a ward of dangerous researches.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" asked Mato loudly with a clear voice toward the man

It takes a minute before the man replied

"I'm a traveler, I lost my belongings that's why I'm lost on my tracks" the man answered in a low tone voice. Although it's a bit of weak, the surrounding is silence so they all clearly heard it.

"Oh? Are you by yourself?" Mato in suspicion, asked further

"No, I have other comrade but they drug me and take my belongings and left" replied the man without cracking his voice

"What could you be doing in this mountain? This has been banned long ago?"

"As I said, my comrades was the one who lured me and abandoned me here"

"So where are your comrades now?"

"Probably gone away from this mountain already"

"Then what makes you think that they will betray you?"

"I think because I have valuable item in my bag"

"So you are the rich man son then?"

The back to back question and answer went and go yet Mato can't find a hole to suspect the man. He don't know if the man is being careful or he is really telling the truth..

"So what's your name?"

"Ed, Ed only"

"So what do you for living?"

"I'm orphaned from a young age and I live all by myself, I run a small barbeque restaurant"

"What's its name"

"People barbeque, if you don't believe me it was located at city C at Shanmei Street post no. 34"

With that, Mato stopped asking questions and looked at Xie who is behind him

"Did you list all of his statement?" he asked, internet isn't accessible around so they can't search the real down, plus they can't contact the head quarters for the moment. Xie nodded.

"Ok, stay there and don't resist we'll get out you from here" said Mato as he take steps forward then out of the blue, a gun shot echoed and a single bullet that can't be seen by the naked eye just flew past by Mato and pierce the tree near him.

This make everyone to stationed their guns and look at the direction where it came from with strong tension.

Then, not one but many figures went out from the woods. In their shock, this many is all wearing a military suits and it was very familiar. They are the 107th Imperial Military Slecial Combat Unit.

What are they doing here? And they even aimed their guns at them.

It's an unpaired peculiar unit that was lead by no other than the rumored Military's Austere Captain.

It's a preeminent unit, the most outstanding combat unit the military have but credits all belongs to the said rigorous captain.

"Apologies but I think you are interfering with the Survey Sect task!" Mato nearly lost his cool at that moment, he even want to shout at them and add ' you did even dare to shot me!'

"Hmp, we just happen to use this routine coming back from our finished mission. Don't be stingy and act you own this lawn" said a very familiar voice that give a cacophony in Mato's ears. The one who just spoke came out from the wood and his face was revealed completely from the flaring moon.

It was a damn face that pissed Mato to his spines

"No wonder its you!" Mato roared at the other party. Though, he is cold and bold, he has a very quick temper

"yeah it's me so what? Just what the heck are doing in the midst of fields?" asked the other man with an easy going voice. He is wearing glasses that match his stoic great features. He didn't notice the man named Ed, since his attention is focused on Mato's.

"Shouldn't I be asking you in the first place? If you gotta pass by just pass by and don't interfere with our business. Did the headquarters told you or it's just you're a mere idiot?" Mato ridiculed

This made the glasses man to get hyped in annoyance and then sparks flew everywhere making the atmosphere to become tense. This two were actually on the same Military Class before however they really didn't get along. The other one is so cold while the other is so prideful and every time they encounter each other, situation like this occur.

They just don't like each other guts.

Be might hearing each other voices is alike to that of the most disturbing sound.

When Xie saw that things has gotten out of control and if possible the two would be shooting each other right now, he stepped in.

"First Lieutenant Cain Ryans, I think you have a huge misunderstanding here. If so, please settle your differences later. We are currently on our mission and I think we are wasting our time, kindly understand, though, I understand your patronage" Xie explained at the most respectful and sincere way he could. If this were to continue the current mission would be at stake and they overlap. They can't afford such as mistake just because of this two who antipathy each other.

"Well I guess, you have some point… but aren't you too modest?" Cain, the four eyes glasses man replied and even looked at Xie from head to toe. It can't be helped, this fellow just looked like a female.


Luckily, Fargo held Xie fastly, he nearly went to charge over the glasses man in a terrible annoyance and with a murderous intent. He can't just stand being called on purposely as female or meek.!

He has a d**k you know! Thus, he isn't used dealing with this at all!

"You! Bastard! Fargo let go of me and let me show this piece of shit the person he just called modest!!" Xie lost his composed composure and is in a killing spree.

'Do you think I'm not a man?!'

'I have p*rn mags! Does that make me man?!'

Even if Xie has such misleading features, nonetheless, he has a fit build and was a skilled soldier. He is one of the pride of the Survey Sect, aside from Mato and also the loud Fargo.

Seeing the condition worsen they don't know what to do anymore. If those higher ups would saw this childish behaviors they would seriously hang everyone of them to reflect! They are well known soldiers but how can they act like this? especially in the middle of a mission!

But deep inside they are all good. With no spectators or someone monitoring them. They are free to do what they want. This secluded isolated place is one of the best venue for a fight to outbreak.

They almost forgot the man named Ed, who is caught up with this mess. Unknown to them, the man has been observing everyone of them this whole time and there is no assurance on what would he do next.

The moment they lost their guard, it's the perfect time to strike.

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