

"I didn't mean those words, I really didn't want to hurt you, I could never think of doing that, trust me, I just said that in anger and you know that right, said Ayan.

"Why the hell I should trust you, and why you are asking for my forgiveness, when I don't matter for you, when my presence never affects you and when you already compared me with your cheap girls, said Jhummi.

Ayan knows she is so hurt, but he doesn't know how to persuade her and make her happy.

"See, I know I made a mistake and from the bottom of my heart I am saying sorry to you, please forgive me this time, I promise, you'll never complain next time, said Ayan in pleading tone.

"But why, why you are doing this, I mean as you said, I am not special than others right, then why my forgiveness matters for you, asked Jhummi??

"Actually, it's just I realized that whatever I told you was not right so, and you were so hurt because of me, so I wanted to tell you sorry, now can you please forget what I told you, said Ayan getting closer to her.

"Okay fine, go you are forgiven, said Jhummi and she was going to sit on her chair back, but he grabbed her hand and she turned her head in his direction.

She can't control herself around him, she has a huge effect on her of him, her heart beats so fast, whenever he touches her, she can't breathe properly when he grabs her hand.

"You can't do this to me, you aren't allowed to touch me like this, said Jhummi trying to be normal, leave my hand right now, or I'll shout for help, she continued, she was feeling like her heart will explode.

"I know you'll not shout, I know you can't stop me, I know you, baby, why you are being this rude to me, don't you care if I got hurt. Your rude behavior really hurts me a lot. Why don't you care about me huh? Asked Ayan, there was a different type of shine in his eyes.

"Why the hell I should care about you, what you are to me, you are nothing for me, get that straight, said Jhummi. She knows her words are hurting him a lot, but what can she do, he has also hurt her a lot, she also cried a lot because of him.

"He made her look in his eyes if you really think this about me, then now repeat your words looking into my eyes, he said, yes you are nothing to me, get that, she said again boldly.

"Your times over now, I know you were lying, now If I don't matter for you or if I am nothing to you, stop me if you can, said Ayan.

As he said this to her, he pulled her closer, he removed her flicks from her face and tuck them behind her ear, he pulled her more close to her, he could feel her hot breathes and her beating heart, she was breathing heavily.

He roamed his fingers on her face, and did her chin up, she was feeling thousands of butterflies in her stomach, she was feeling like she will fell in his arms, she was controlling herself hard.

And boom he put his one hand on her waist and other hand were on her face, in one blink he pulls her close and smashed his lips on her, she was not allowing him to enter in her mouth, but he did, exploring her mouth, it felt so sweet, he thought, she was not resisting him now, she was too lost in the kiss, every time when he kisses her, she always regrets later, he thought.

Why I am allowing him, I am not stopping him, why it is feeling so good, his touch, his kiss, making me insane, why he has this much effect on me, Oh God, why I like him that much, she cursed herself, don't I have my self-respect or any shame, what the hell is wrong with me, she continued thinking.

His eyes were close when she opened her eyes. He was looking so hot and cute at the same time while kissing me, she thought and smiled hard, she quickly dismissed her hot thoughts and pushed him away, he opened his eyes and stare her.

"See, you couldn't stop me, now dare if you said again that I am nothing too you, dare if you said again that I am no one to you, get that, ill be always watching you, get that straight in your mind, he said and lest the library, as he walks out from there, he saw Suhani was standing there, she saw everything he thought and a blush appeared on his face as he remembered what happened and watching him blushing Suhnai laughed so hard on him.

He quickly walks out from there, As Suhani get inside she saw Jhummi was lost in her own world again and smiling like an idiot. Jhummi didn't even realize that Suhani was standing there and watching her quietly.

As Suhani thought that Jhummi is not gonna come out from her imaginations, she hit her head so hard, and Jhummi quickly cried, Ouch! whats wrong with you babes, why did you hit me so hard, said Jhummi roaming her hands in her hair.

" I am standing here from the last fifteen minutes, and you are lost in your own dream world huh, amazing my baby is in love huh, said Suhani in teasing tone, and wow, I mean he kissed you again, that was awesome babe, he was being so possessive the way he was talking, uff he was so hot, Suhani continued.

Jhummi didn't know that Suhani saw that, she was blushing so hard, hiding her face between her palms. "You saw that I was resisting him and actually it's just happened, Jhummi was trying hard to talk normally.

Ya ya, baby, I can understand, it's okay, I am not saying anything, its natural, said Suhani in a more teasing tone, by the way, how was the kiss?? She asked, wasn't it awesome, she continued.

"Stop teasing me baby, you'll know soon, how does it feel, said Jhummi, and Suhani knows why she is saying this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

ruchika_mangeshwarcreators' thoughts
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