
LOG 40: Valkrie Island

We arrived at Valkrie Island, just an island with a lake on the center and an island in the middle of that lake and another smaller lake.

From the pale tones of rose pink that were the essence of the guava, to the mellow yellows of mango, the cherry red hues of lychee and the fresh brown of soil, these were the epitome of the land. The flecks of green here and there were of the custard apple and freshly grown tea leaves. The cool blue came in the form of a small monsoon.

The place was good for photography, that explains why a lot of trainers came down aside from us. It was made a family park, or a pal park. There weren't really any buildings but the place was made to look like a carnival, which of course, made Valery's veins rush with adrenaline.

Tired from our previous mission, I decided to abide by what she wanted and watched a circus with her.

The circus had been erected on top of the tallest the hill in the district. The tents could be seen from miles around, their vivid yellows, magentas and royal blues advertising a good time to the down trodden peasants and farm workers. On the surrounding streets the performers skipped, jumped and danced while handing out free tickets to see the strong man. The visitors were dazzled by the sequinned costumes and elaborate make-up. They were flattered by the attentions of people so beautiful and bright. Then once they made the long trek up scar-face hill, their "free show" was over in a flash and the tickets for the big top were announced, at a special "discount" of course.

I'm not kinda inclined to this type of entertainment. I was like a mother taking care of a toddler to the sight of many people around me. While my eyes roamed the audiences rather than the performers, I was surprised to see Logan and Dawn enjoying the circus too. This made me look away with a bit of contempt.

"Logan and Dawn are here again," I whispered to Valery.

"Oh, okay. Let them be. They're not fighting us anyway."

She had a point so I no longer continued with busting down the pole of the circus as a way of distraction to escape. Too, well-thought, and another dramatic scheme that just came up my mind.

After the show, Valery and I rushed out as soon as possible so that we could continue on with our mission. Sadly, Logan and Dawn were able to outrun and was first to meet us outside.

"I knew you two would be here!" said Dawn. "You drugged our meals, bafoons."

"Hey, at least I didn't poison you. Show's my rare mercy, doesn't it?"

"She's right, you know," Logan said to Dawn.

"We're not letting you free this time without the fragments! Hand it over."

"No." I said plainly. "Not today."

"Don't make me battle you, Luna."

"Woah, my Pokemon are tired. I'm not going to battle today," Logan said and backed out.

"Me too. I'll leave this battle to the two of you." Valery said and backed out as well.



Valery climbed a tree and sat on its branch to have a wider view of the upcoming battle.

"Loppuny! Double Kick!"


Zorua went underground.

"Keep a steady eye, Loppuny!"

<Lop! Lop!>

Zorua emerged up and threw Loppuny off guard. Smaking it in the chin and scratching its fluffy cotton ears.

Valery dropped a berry from the tree. It landed on Logan who was watching while resting on the tree's bark.

"So, you're Logan?"

"Yes. And you're Valery."

"That's correct. I see you're a trainer."


"But not the usual kind who goes after bad guys."

"I go after them too. That's what trainers do."

"Still not the usual kind though. You go after every bad guy but not us, Team Rocket. Not, that I'm admitting we're bad, but actually, we really are." She bounced her legs to and fro.

Logan exhaled. "I guess."

"And you're being forced by that twerp who also has a blue hair! How nice. A battle of blue hair."

"Dawn's my friend from Sinnoh."

"Lopunny can dig as well!"

<Lopunny!> The Pokemon went underground.

"Fury Swipes on the ground!"

That attack I commanded sent Lopunny up, cancelling its original plan to outsmart us."

"Finish with Knock Off!"

<Zorua!> Zorua giggled mischievously and smacked Lopuny at the head, bursting away its Oran berry.

Dawn faced palm in dissapointment and sent back Lopunny back to its Pokeball.

"Luna... Defeated... A... Trainer!" Valery said.

"She's defeated a lot before, but I'm surprised she was able to defeat Dawn," Logan said. "Why, she did improve her skills. Imagine being her rival if she would ever take part in the Pokemon League."

"I didn't lose! It was just my choice of Pokemon. I should've went with Empoleon."

"I won. That means the shards are mine."

"No! We made no such deal. I just said we battle!"

The propellers of a helicopter came and intervened.

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