
LOG 58: Speed!

Droplets of water, spurting spikes of blue, and the haunting echoes of our own voices. Chargestone Cave is the place to be for one who is an admirer of electric types. I prefer the cute, but anything beyond that, well, it's game over to me. Chargestone Cave rests in Western Unova and was and is said to be the home of Nosepass and Magnetons which don't seem nor sound cute at all.

Traveling to a thousand caves before, I am no longer frightened of the dangers that lie ahead. It wouldn't be a surprise if a Magneton and a Nosepass turns into a Probopass and a Magnezone right in front of our faces. Dawn, who is quite familiar with the region despite being the latest to arrive, led the way to Mistralton City.

Considering what Clay said, I've sent out my Salamence just in case.


"Luna's not answering her phone!" grumbled Charlotte.

"If she's not, then she's probably in a cave where there is no signal," said Professor Sophie.

"We can just take it from her right, mom? I mean, we could bury the stone and we'll be safe!"

"That's not how it works!"

The stone flickered brighter, sending off a beam of light. The light exited the window and headed towards the west.

"What's it doin' now?" asked Zeal.

The stone stopped flickering and glowing as if it lost all life inside of it.

"Wait. Plasma… Plasma can only be contained inside a magnetic field. If my premise is correct, and Zekrom truly is calling Luna, it must've went for the west which is the location of Chargestone Cave."

Professor Sophie's phone rang.

"What on earth is she doing there?" said Charlotte.

"Wait for her to return. In the meantime, keep the stone here and do not touch it."

"What are you going to do, mom?"

"Doctor Zager needs me."


"Luna," whispered Virgo, pulling my sleeves. "Why do I feel like something's wrong in headquarters."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know Charlotte. She frequently calls us… and now she's not calling."

"Hmm, probably no signal."

It is eleven-nineteen. A few more minutes remain before lunch time. It appears this cave we're in is not limited to surprises as there are creatures I've never encountered before. There was even this wiggly floating fish that astounded all of us. If I'm not mistaken, it's called a Tynamo. The place is also filled with electric spiders, Galvantulas, and their baby forms, the cute little Joltiks who could just suck all the iron in your body.

"Ah!" screamed a voice, a feminine one.

We were alerted till she showed herself. She tripped right in front of the rock ahead of us.

She was a young lady with short blonde hair, fair skin, and bright green eyes. She is also medium height and is slim, though she has very wide and well-defined hips. Her outfit consists of a white shirt under an orange tank top, a tight fitting shin-length white skirt which gives her bottom half a wider shape, and a green beret with a white stripe running along the rim. To complete her outfit, she wears a white bracelet on her left arm, along with orange tights and yellow pumps with white bows. She also carries around a green fringed shoulder bag for storage, which she wears on her right hip and slings over her left shoulder.

All of us were utterly unfamiliar with her except for Logan who gave the clumsy lady a grin.

"I never knew you were here, Bianca!" said Logan.

Bianca, so that's her name. The woman stood and fixed her hat. "Logan? What are you doing here? Oh, and who are these?"

"This is Luna, Virgo, and Dawn."

"Luna? Virgo? Those names are familiar to me."

We gulped.

"Never mind, must've been me dreaming again. Well, anyway, my name is Bianca!"

We sighed in relief. For a second we thought she must've seen us in a wanted list which would make me even scared because I'm already throughout Johto and Kanto, and Unova's being a good hiding spot for me. Still, saying we were familiar is quite alarming.

She introduced more of herself as we did the same. Acting as if we were trainers. It appears that she works with the professor whose name goes by Juniper and has a father named Cedric. The two are said to be archeologists and geology enthusiasts. This could help in Team Rocket's search for the Meteonite. Again.

"You see, I was looking for a Pokemon called Tynamo when suddenly a Magnezone surprised me. Luckily, I came across you guys!"

"Us?" asked Dawn.

"Yeah, Bianca is a bit apprehensive and clumsy."

"Correction! I am clumsy and apprehensive!"

"And rambunctious too,if you were to ask me," said Virgo softly, barely audible.

With Bianca's help, she was able to lead us to a bridge. The bridge, according to her, is a connection between this route and Mistralton City. She doesn't plan to come with us since she still has high hopes to find a Tynamo. Lucky us we found one.

"You sure this bridge is safe?" asked Dawn, staring down to the abyss of darkness below. It was wooden, one that sways when one walks through. One snap of a cord could lead to a deadly fate we hope not to encounter.

"Yeah, that's perfectly safe," reassured Bianca, and at the same time, the bridge's ropes were cut. The bridge crumbled into pieces and entered the abyss, never to see the light again.

"Well, there goes plan A. I'm using Togekiss to get over there."

"Wait look. Are any of you familiar with this?" asked Logan who picked up a shard which has the similarities of a shuriken. I came to a conclusion that the bridge's fall was not by accident but done on purpose.

"Hah?!" Bianca exhaled. "That belongs to the Shadow Triad!"

"Those are the people warned to us by Clay, right?" Virgo recalled.

There was no one in sight though we searched around. They aren't called shadows for nothing. Logan kept the shuriken. I guess some boys are fond of pointy objects.

<Bish! Bish!> A Bisharp jumped from the other end of the cave to our side. It's jumping power is immense and knowing it could pass the spatial area of the abyss is quite scary.

One of the shadow triad's members did the same and stuck the landing on our side. These people could defeat us with only their fists and legs. Two more came out of nowhere. Were they invisible or was it their speed which made them seem awkwardly invisible then poof out of nowhere in first glance?

The other two members had a Weavile, and the other, another Bisharp.

"It's a three against five! Bring it on," said Dawn with confidence.

I felt the wind speeding up. In a blink of an eye, Virgo and Bianca were hanging up the jagged ceilings. Their hands were tied, and not that they were hanged, the other part of the rope was hanged on their waste. Their weight exerted, only limited time is left before the rope cuts due to tension.

"Oh… I guess you play fair," Dawn's confidence shrank.

Bisharp, Weavile, and another Bisharp, against Salamence, Empoleon, and Logan's Heatmor. Salamence's got flamethrower, fire fang, effective against them, and Heatmor's a fire type, so no problem there. Lastly, Empoleon looks strong so I guess it can defeat them too.

"Salamence, Flamethrower!"

"Empoleon, Avalanche!"

"Heatmor, Fire Lash!"

Both Bisharps dodged and countered with Metal Claw.

Weavile, with its powerful claws, slashed the falling ice and survived the attack. It was their turn to unleash a move. Two Assurance, one Ice Fang. Their speed was incredible, and we were unable to dodge it.

<Heat!>Heatmor slipped off the cliff.

"Quick! Salamence!"

Salamence hastened the pace and zoomed to rescue Heatmor.

"With Heatmor and Salamence busy, Empoleon and I are done for. Their strategy's not bad."

All three Pokemon tuned into Empoleon. Dawn was both concerned with the foes and Bianca and Virgo whose rope's tension couldn't last two more minutes.

"Now! Flamethrower!" Heatmor and Salamence teamed up. Floating above my Pokemon, Logan commanded it. Before all foes hit Empoleon, they were fired up by Heatmor's attack.

"No worries, take your time over there!" alerted Virgo. Virgo turned to Bianca. "Stop struggling! Your rope will cut quicker!"

"I can't!"

"Dawn, Logan! You two deal with those three, I'll get them."

"Right. Heatmor! Fire Lash again!"

"Empoleon, use Water Fall!"

Salamence dropped Heatmor back to the battlefield and went directly for Virgo and Bianca.

"Holy smokes, it's getting loose! Help!" Bianca shrieked, echoing throughout.

"Hold on," I said.

"Behind, Salamence!" alerted Logan. "Heatmor, grab its foot!"

<Heat!> Heatmor missed by an inch, Bisharp was still a projectile heading towards Salamence. Behind it, was Weavile whose attack was a meter close.

"Push off, Weavile!" Empoleon created a diversion. Once Weavile was pushed, Heatmor restrained the other Bisharp, leaving the Bisharp heading towards my Salamence left.

Bisharp was indecisive, but in the end chose to rescue Weavile instead of going forth with its trainer's command. I seized the opportunity, Salamence cutting the rope with Dragon Tail.

Both Virgo and Bianca fell.

"Get them, Salamence!"

<Sal!> Salamence dived deep, twirling herself. She twirled faster and faster until she was covered with wind.The rocks around her were attracted towards her as if she was a tornado wrecking anything in its path. She went underneath the victims as they fell on her wings which served as fluffy pillows.

"That was Hurricane!" said Logan.

Salamence dropped both Virgo and Bianca to the ground.

���Alright! Heatmor, release Bisharp!"


Heatmor blasted forward, with the potential energy it stored from its struggle against Heatmor's restraints, it was converted into kinetic energy, thus explaining its uncontrolled jolt. Think of it as a person trying to run but couldn't because he's being held. Once released, well, foosh!

The other Bisharp and Weavile returned. Now it's back to a three against three.

"Ice Beam!"

"Fire Blast!"


Hurricane stirred up all of the fire and ice from my allies' attack, shelling Salamence with a mixture of blue and red,strengthening its power as it travels to the flinch foes.

Wind gushed, fire expounded, ice attacked. The powerful boost sent a great blindness to all of our eyes as we covered them to protect our eyes from debris. The torment settled, and showed all three of the Shadow Triad members disappeared.

"They banished into thin air?" said Virgo.

"Must've used the moment to escape," shrugged Dawn.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Bianca bursted to us as if we were bowling pins.

Our last challenge to pass through the cave was to get to the other side. It was a simple trial to be honest. Salamence, Togekiss, both loyal Pokemon brought us one by one to the other side.

"Ahahaha! Thank you so much! Thank you so much! Without you, I wouldn't have survived."

"We appreciate the gratitude, Bianca. Hehe, but no need to say it repeatedly," blushed Dawn.

"Ah! So this is where we part ways! I'll be looking for Tynamo in this area. Ooh! I heard about a tower in Mistralton. You guys must check it out if you have the time. Oh wait, I remembered it was closed three days ago."

"Closed, why?" asked I.

"Something to do with Team Plasma? Eh, I'm not updated to the news. Anyway, ta! Ta!"

"And there she goes, running again," sighed Logan.

"Oops!" Bianca tripped. "I'm fine! I'm fine!"

"Well, at least she gave us Team Plasma's location," said Virgo.

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