
Chapter 5.20 - The Gala

As the sun began to set, The Gala had been setup. There was an entire dance floor for guests, as well as a small stage with chairs. Serin had dropped the charade and had all of the staff in their natural and uncovered forms.

The small stage was doing performances of the histories of the various races. Serin stood back with Jeffrey and Iris. "So what are your plans after the Gala?"

Jeffrey smiled, "Well, we head back home! Much to prepare for, trade negotiations, staff, and to find a suitable teacher."

Serin smiled, "If you wish you are welcomed to stay here for a month. You will be our guests. After a month, we shall have sufficiently prepared our embassy."

Jeffrey was still unsure what Serin was planning but he smiled, "Alright, a month. I would love to spend more time in your capital anyways.

Serin smiled, "perfect! We shall prepare a sizable gift to compensate the lost materials of your inability to work."

Serin then saw that the other dignitaries arrived. They were obviously on edge, and they froze at Serin's approach.

"Gentlemen! I apologize you were unable to make it to breakfast. Hopefully your wounds have healed."

Serin looked across the diplomats and saw a sea of emotions. Anger, Fear, Malice, and dread were easy to spot. But Serin smiled, as contempt was no longer present. Serin smiled, "I now with to present you with gifts for your rulers, as is customary and bound by divine law."

Serin motioned and a changeling, demis, and dhamphir came presenting chests. Each chest was filled with Mithral, Adamantine, and Aluminum, as well as containing a special goblet.

"You can check the enchantment yourself, but each of you is given a goblet. This goblet is enchanted to purify any liquid it holds of toxins and poisons. Perfect to ensure your rulers are not poisoned by each other. Additionally a box containing a few dozen kilograms of precious crafting metals from our mines."

Serin had already given this same gift to Jeffrey and had it placed in his carriage.

The diplomats were surprised by such a valuable gift. The permanent enchantment 'purify' was extremely expensive to put on something, such that it was normally worth it to just cast the enchantment instead. It would be like spending a king's ransom on a self cleaning toilet.

As they bowed, The first to speak was Crom of the Sarween Technocracy. "We were not expecting such expensive gifts, and to be truly honest we were expecting this event to not make it to the customary gift exchange. As such we have not prepared a gift in return. Instead we ask what gift we shall give to ensure that proper negotiations are followed."

Serin feigned hurt. "Is this true? I am sure I will come up with something before the hour is complete. What about the Northern Kingdoms or Grand Wood Alliance? Was it also their plan to scorn a fledgling nation that has not broken any of the rules of decorum?"

At this Simon paled, "We can offer slaves! 1000 slaves brought to your door. Surely that can appease you!" Serin of course knew this offer to be true.

Serin frowned "Unfortunately, Slavery is illegal here, therefore human capital is not considered a tradeable asset."

Simon paled. Serin knew that he had contacted back to his leadership and they had turned their stance on Serin's nation from 'remove' to 'appease'.

Serin smiled, "I know! Since you have seen how well a nation can function without slaves, you agree it is possible, yes?"

Simon began to sweat, "Yes! It is truly marvelous what you have done with your nation, Lord Serin."

Serin smiled, "then you would agree the perfect gift to show your agreement and generosity would be to ban slavery in your own country, correct?"

Simon turned white as a changeling. Serin continued, "That would be the perfect gift. Have all of the nations of the grand woods alliance formally establish law banning slavery. It would not cost you anything, and while there might be a few hiccups along the way, you can see that in the end it will be better."

Simon stammered, "I, I will have to contact my superiors."

Serin then laughed, "Of course! You technically have 2 weeks until the end of the diplomatic period." Then serin looked deadly serious. "My people are vehemently opposed to slavery, and I am sure they would agree that removing its practice is worth more than your Sovereignty."

Simon bowed and looked over at Paris from the Northern Kingdoms. Paris smiled, "We do not believe in slavery either, Lord Serin, and I have been instructed to offer you a single treasure from our Grand General's personal treasury. Name an item, and if it is in the treasury, we will ensure its delivery to you." Paris smiled, "however we cannot disclose the contents of our armory to you, state secret. Please know what you are looking for and we will provide it."

Paris was smart. This way Serin would have to be ambiguous with his answer or risk not receiving anything of note."

"What a gracious gift! We request the Nametag Reliquary of the Grand General's former guild, uncleaned and delivered without any changes to its contents."

Pairs froze, "what would you want with such a devalued and sentimental item Lord Serin?"

Paris knew not why he would need it. That was when an old man with a Cane walked up. "If I may intercede, Lord Serin."

Serin motioned to this new person. Who walked with a severe limp, one that could not be faked, as it had the show of someone who walked such a way for years.

"You See, I am Jericho, the Old Wolf, and a former member of Grand General Marcus' guild. I know my time on Terra is not forever, but I wish to spend my last years with those who I cherish most, the members of my guild."

Paris calmed. This would explain why. "On behalf of my nation, I agree. And fear not, i do not plan on hostilities towards your nation." Paris looked at Simon. Simon knew.

If the Grand Wood Alliance failed this diplomatic courtship with Haven, then they would receive a permanent debuff by the divine. This would make them a viable target for the Northern Kingdoms. If followed through with the request, they would be economically hamstrung, and a perfect target for the Northern Kingdoms.

Serin smiled, as his team had just maneuvered two warring nations against eachother. Of course, Serin wouldn't let one win. It was in his interest to keep them focused on eachother.

Serin then looked over to Crom. "I know! I have what would repair our already fractured relationship." Crom feigned a smile.

Serin then produced a golden page. "This is a unilateral extradition order, backed by divine decree. It states that the one who gave the order for the saboteur, as well as those who signed off on such activity, will be sent here to Haven to face public trial."

Serin continued, "regardless of your capital's location being protected, Magus Rarron is not. Sign the agreement, send over the terrorists, and we will see it as a sign of good faith moving forward."

Crom looked as if he was sending a message. Serin knew it took quite the mastery of magic to send a message over such a distance. Crom smiled, "It is agreed. I will sign the agreement on behalf of our nation."

Serin inwardly sighed relief. He knew he was only able to delay Ansar so long. Afterwards, he would have gone out to find Magus Rarron himself, and that would have spelled disaster.

With power it seems there is sometimes a difficult problem with ensuring it didn't spiral out of control.

With that, Serin motioned for th diplomats to enjoy the show, and Serin watched as the presentations were given by the members of their race in their various forms of theater. Although powerful illusions and mechanical marvels were the methods of theater for the Dhamphir and Gole, and the changelings presenting theirs in Song, Serin's favorite was the Demis. Their entire presentation of their escape from the chasing plague was done as a puppetshow.

With the theater concluded, Serin bid the gathering a good evening and retired from formalities for the evening, and called Dana and Flick to his home for an after action review.

Good Evening dear readers!

We just passed 200k published words!

But the best part is that the readers that have enjoyed my book seem to like where it is going. I do too.

There are many things still in store for Lord Serin. Places to go, people to meet, and things to discover.

I am happy to be along for the ride with you.

Stay Boundless Friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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