
Chapter 5.0 - Golden Friendships

Fall had come, and a festival was planned. The harvest festival, to not only commemorate the end of the natural season, but also to the first battle and subsequent first trade partner was in full swing. Serin had come to enjoy the festivals as recommended. The Summer dance was quite the display of different styles and colors of each race's culture. Even the Gole enjoyed the dance, however they tended to mimic the changelings' clothing, as they were similar in stature.

But here at the harvest festival Serin took a breath. He knew that the dungeon guides were prepared for him to take them deeper down. And as a new rule established by the Society of Explorers, each delve needed to include a representative from each race to ensure that all possible recoverable goods were found and retrieved so no race benefited more than another from the dungeon's bounty.

The reason for the postponement was that it had taken quite a long time to help a few Dhamphir and Gole grind levels to reach 20. Serin had previously made it a requirement because of safety.

This festival was extra special because Queen Narissa, Golden dragon of the Glassback mountains, had sent a missive saying she would be attending. At the behest of Dana, Serin had started to invite their only pseudo ally to all future events.

Serin smiled as the carriage arrived. Guarded by a contingent of winged Kobolds, Queen Narissa's carriage opened and there she stood in a sparkling golden dress.

Serin bowed to the fellow leader, as it was always wise to pet the ego of golden Dragons, "Queen Narissa, beauty of the Glassback mountains, our town is humbled by your magnificent presence."

Queen Narissa nodded her head in return, "Lord Serin, always graceful with your words. I am so glad you have invited me to your festival."

Serin took her to Jericho's and moved to the third floor, where Jericho had set up a private dining area opposite his residence. This was exclusively for entertaining heads of state, so for now, that was only Narissa.

As Narissa looked around the city, she stood impressed, "My, you have grown your domain haven't you. I even see a few interesting new people here." Queen Narissa was focused on Uriel, who's golden hair and blue eyes attracted her attention.

Serin smiled, "the harvest festival is a celebration of love, so as an honored guest, I hope charm favors you, but in case it doesn't, the mead does help." and with that Serin poured her a glass.

Narissa smiled, "I don't plan on stealing any of your people away for more than a night, I promise. I do however have a few matters of state to discuss. But first, I am quite hungry. What is on the menu for tonight's meeting?"

Serin had planned on waiting for the other designated members of government to arrive, specifically Dana, Sute, and Master Restin, as they were all well versed in diplomatic discussions. But until they arrived, Serin would make due, "our other guests are en route now, but i see no reason to not bring you a few of the starting appetizers."

With that, an appetizer of spiced steamed freshwater mussels, clams, oysters, and prawns was provided. Serin had not found any of these delicious goods, but they were procured on various levels of the wetter and more bountiful sections of the dungeon. The spices were grown from the variety of spices. In an effort to increase their trade, the 4th district had designated their shared greenhouse to produce only a variety of spices. While they were not self sufficient with food, they quickly had filled their niche for trade.

Narissa smiled, "It is so fresh! How do you ever do it?"

Serin winked, "they grow here locally. I would transport a colony back with you but they require expert care of an aquamancer and special growing facilities."

Narissa frowned, "I will just have to visit more often then. By the way, I was hired to come eradicate you from the map."

Serin dropped his fork. As he reached into his bag to pull essence for a high spell Narissa started to giggle, "No worries Serin, we are trade partners and friends! Plus i am not sure i could enjoy life without your delicious honey now that i have a taste for it."

Serin didn't know how to respond so he smiled, "I am also glad we are friends. I enjoy our trade back and forth. In fact I am having an auto cart loaded with presents and gifts as we speak. I find that although it was under awkward circumstances, I still wish to celebrate the day we met. It is the reason behind the festival." Serin then smiled, "well that and it's a special occasion for our dusted mead. If we drank it every day, nothing would get done!"

Narissa laughed, while Serin's heart was pounding. Serin then asked, "do you know who asked for us to be eradicated?"

Narissa smiled, "Two of your neighbors in fact. The Northern Kingdoms presented a sacrifice as well as a chest of gold as a gift. Naturally I took the gold and sent my polite refusal to that paranoid old codger. And the Grand wood Alliance brought a caravan of 100 human slaves as a gift. They promised over one thousand if I would remove you as well. It seems you have upset them dearly. But to be honest, I have no need for human slaves. Right now the poor things are frightened and my kobolds are ill equipped to keep them as pets. It's only a matter of time until there is conflict."

Serin made a note to talk to Dana afterwards. He would have to increase activities with the House of Masks.

Serin then thought of something, "Narissa, if you do not have a home for those humans, I can take them in for you. We would offer them citizenship and a chance at a new life. We are a home for refugees, so it would be no burden to us."

Narissa's eyes flamed, "And in return for such a generous gift?"

Serin smiled, "Queen Narissa, the buying and selling of slaves is illegal in our country. However since it would be quite the ordeal for you to help us transport these people to their new home, I am sure we can come to some type of arrangement."

Serin was walking a thin line and he knew it. He would have to be very careful with how he tread further. Serin sent out a message spell to Dana, 'Dana, please arrange to have our largest two caravans loaded with approved goods for Queen Narissa. She likes sweets, meat, gold, and fine fabric.' The response Serin received was immediate, '3 carriages were already loaded Lord. We are outside your door when you are ready for us.'

Serin then smiled to Narissa, "Dear Queen, it seems out late attendees have arrived and are awaiting our approval to enter."

Queen Narissa smiled, and inside marched Sute, Master Restin, Dana, and strangely enough Uriel, who was dressed in his finest military uniform with ceremonial saber.

Dana looked at Serin and winked. Serin remembered that Uriel had signed up to work with Dana at the House of Masks, and although he was not a spy, he was training to work as a diplomat. I guess this was part of his duty.

Queen Narissa's eyes flared in excitement at the appearance of Uriel.

"Good Evening Queen Narissa. I apologize for our late arrival. I am Dana, and I am the head diplomat for our city. With me is Uriel, a Lybringer Planetouched who serves as my assistant. Let me know if there is any way either of us can assist you with your stay."

Sute greeted Queen Narissa with a traditional Skygge bow, "Good Evening Queen Narissa. I am Princess Sutemos, a representative of the Skygge Planetouched people. We hope that your evening with us is a pleasurable as possible."

Finally Master Restin bowed his head, "Greetings, Ruler of all the Glassback mountains, shining Queen Narissa. My name is Master Restin and I am a representative of the Dhamphir people. Forgive my appearance, for what was a commonplace appearance where i come from I have been told can be slightly frightening or off putting. I am here to assure you my people are of no threat and our only aim this evening is to serve."

Each person greeted Queen Narissa, but her eyes never left Uriel.

Everyone took their seats, and Uriel made sure to sit next to Narissa.

Narissa then looked to the group. "How a nation would want to engage in hostilities with a town such as this, full of such kind, generous, and beautiful people, I will never understand."


Happy Thanksgiving Readers!

It lined up nicely that the fall celebrations in the book take place on the same day as the most important fall celebration for me as an American, Thanksgiving.

It is a very important holiday to spend with those you care about. Whether that is your family, friends, or just the people you are stuck in the Sand with, I hope you all have a happy day and get to eat a tasty treat today.

It is also a day to be thankful. I am thankful to all of you, my readers. Without your enjoyment this world I write would be words on a page, forgotten in a far corner of the internet.

So thank you for being apart of this journey with me, and may it have many more years to come.

As Always,

Stay Boundless Friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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