
Chapter 3.10 - Mutually Assured Destruction

"A boy such as you will thank me when you are older." were the words Uriel heard as he was pushed down by his Uncle. "By the powers invested in me as Steward Regent, you are hereby detained until I can finally end this war. Mast, you are charged with guarding him until I return."

Uriel Regis, Prince of the Anointed Crown, Monarch of the Lybringer nation, found himself detained in an underground shelter that he had sought refuge in during the last magical bombardment. Uriel looked around. Most of the people surrounding him were commoners. A few wounded soldiers. There were 100 of his people at best. They were a collection of all of the people who had been able to escape the blasts and make it to the shelter. Uriel knew there were many shelters such as this built throughout the capital, but not enough for every citizen. Uriel grew cold as he imagined how many were not able to escape the bombardment. Uriel thanked the divines for the luck that he had wished to visit his people in the city as he hadn't been near the palace at the time. Otherwise he would have been killed. He had received word that the Palace and all of the surrounding grounds had been vaporized.

Uriel's people had not left them in the dark. The Techonmancers were highly adept at a power called the Crystal Relay, which allowed for visual information being gathered by a focusing crystal to be passed through on the crystal's magical wavelength to the receiving crystals found within the bunker. It was used so that those below in the bunker would be able to have a visual indicator of when it was safe to go above. What Uriel saw from the outside was a devastated city. He could not imagine what could warrant such destruction. But he was not a fool. He knew the blame fell upon his people.

Two weeks ago was the 10th anniversary of their armistice with the Skygge Kingdom. Next month he was supposed to meet with the Princess of their nation. From all accounts she felt like him, felt that this war had gone on long enough. However before their coordinated peace summit could be met, the first step in ending the great war, there was an attack.

Matron Rus, the Matriarch of the Skygge Kingdom and grandmother of the princess, was killed in a bridge collapse. The Skygge people blamed the Lybringer nation. Tensions started to rise, and then a passenger vessel carrying mostly Skygge people was blown up at sea.

Uriel had not ordered it. Instead he had been trying to contact the Skygge Kingdom and arrange a peace negotiation. That was when the bombs fell on his city.

Regardless of who launched the first attacks, the war had begun again. He did not know what would end this war, but he was afraid of what it would take. His parents had died to bring the armistice of the last war when Uriel was just a child. He knew that many in his government wanted to the war to start again. Old prejudices and grievances never seemed to heal.

That was when Uriel saw it. On the edge of the display from the crystal monitor. Off in the distance, towards the direction of the Skygge empire, a flash appeared. It was a bomb. However the flash did not go out, but seemed to cause the sky to shutter. The flash continued to grow, the brightness of a second sun in the sky. At first Uriel heard cheers from some of his people as revenge for today's tragedy was at hand. As the light continued to grow, those cheers stopped. Then as nearby mountains vaporized and the sea surrounding their city began to recede Uriels people began to become distressed. The focusing crystal stopped relaying visual information as a shockwave covered the city and shook the underground shelter. Uriel looked at the door to the shelter. It was beginning to glow. The room was also starting to get very hot very quickly.

'Uncle, what have you done…'

It was then that the prince saw a magical gate open inside their shelter.

He got up and started walking towards the gate. Mast put his hand out. "Sire, I am to keep you here until the Regent returns."

The temperature of the room had risen to that of the hottest summer day and was still rising. Uriel, enraged by what his Uncle must have done, spoke using the full power of his angelic blood. His hair glowed white, eyes glowed blue. "Mast, Guardian of the Throne. Everyone outside that door is dead. As your prince, you will heed my words. This may be our people's last chance. We are escaping through that portal. "

Mast bowed under the weight of Uriel's gaze, then stood and called, "Everyone, this way for evacuation. Follow the prince!"


Princess Sutemos, or Sute for short, knew she had been exiled. Not in the true sense. She was still next in line for the throne of the Skygge Kingdom. But due to the 'rising tensions' with the Lybringer nation, she was sent to a smaller town on the far outskirts of the territory. It was as far from the capital and the border with Lybringer as possible. Unless she was to commandeer a fishing boat and head out to sea, of course. This town of Harp was a small fishing village for her people. The parliament that had voted to exile her had said that 'here she would be safe'. She understood it that here she would not be a bother.

But that is what Princesses were for. They were to bother. They were to question the decisions of the men who lead the country. They were to shield their citizens from as much as they could. So as magical fire was being launched at Lybringer cities from various locations on the other side of the nation, Sute had called all of the town to a meeting. The town of Harp cared not for politics or the war. They only wished for peace, and a good fishing season. There they rarely interacted with the violent hand of their government, except of course when the kingsguard came by to slay a troublesome beast near their town or their sons and daughters were conscripted for the war effort.

Sute had prepared well for the town talk she was planning. She had bought out the bakery with a royal note, and paid everyone's wages for the day for them to attend her talk. She had spoken at length about the cost of the war. Not just the economic cost, but also the cost in lives to her people and the kingdom funds that could not be reallocated towards public works.

"These hostilities have a path to abatement. I understand that our anger runs for generations. But I don't want our children to grow up in a war that has lasted thousands of years."

One of the old fishermen smiled, "We thank you for the food princess. And as much as some of us only came to the meeting because you made it financially possible to do so, I for one am glad that you have allowed this public forum. This town is a fishing town. Many of us don't care for war. Personally, I have lost two sons to this conflict. I don't want to lose any of my grandchildren as well."

Sute smiled. She knew that the growing sentiment among the common folk was that they wanted the war to end.

Sute smiled over to her Governess. Sute's mother had selected Flick to be her Governess, not because of her ability to teach Sute about being in the royal high society. Flick often had additional teachers come in to teach Sute how to do just that. The queen had entrusted Sute to Flick, because Flick was Loyal. Also it was an open secret that Flick was previously a Nightmask of the Kingdom, an expert assassin. Even now, dressed in a military jacket, riding pants, and with her officer's sword on her hip, Sute was sure that Flick had at least thirty knives on her person.

Flick kept her even stare, but the hint of a wink came to Sute, reminding her the Flick would always be on her side.

Sute started talking. "I know it is far in the future, but I believe a path to ending this war is achievable while I sit on the throne. And if we no longer had to spend on the military, we could devote more resources to developing our nation's slowly crumbling infrastructure. For instance, what could the kingdom do in this town to increase productivity and make an improvement for your lives?"

Sute heard one of the younger boys pipe up, "You mean besides giving away Auntie Jane's bakery?"

The town laughed.

Sute began to speak, but was cut short. In the sky in the distance there was a bright light. It started as a bright flash in the distance. Sute knew that was the direction of the capital.

So war has come.

Everyone started to murmur and cry out. Some started to cry, but they all watched. And then the horror began, as the glowing orb didn't stop growing. They could see it moving upwards and outwards, pushing clouds and trembling the sky.

Sute didn't know how to react. She didn't even notice when a portal opened behind her. She was instinctively backing away from the blast when she stumbled through the portal.


Serin watched as two gates opened on top of each other. One faced East, the other faced west. There was barely any noticeable gap between them. Serin had seen that there was not one request for assistance, but two. Serin didn't know if he activated on and not the other what would happen. So instead he attempted to press both. He didn't know what would be coming through the gates, But his people were already ready to assist.

"Jericho, Lady Eris, Rufala, and Dana, you take the East facing gate. Lady Ericka, Rachel, Ephraim, and Bilol you take the West facing gate. Quickly move people away from the gates, we don't know how many will be coming through, but we do know that time is short. If there are any issues with people coming through, let me know and i will assist."

Serin then watched as people stumbled out of the first gate. They were led by what looked to be a human at first glance. White and blue uniform slightly discolored from soot. With steam rising off of him. Serin kept looking, and it was unmistakable. These looked human, but were different. They all had bright blue eyes of varying shades, their skin all looked like a human but lighter. And some of them had a distinct glow surrounding them. It was as if they had a low level [magelight] spell cast on them at all times.

Jericho led them into the clearing while Rufala asked about injuries. It seemed other than being slightly dehydrated and a few suffering from overheating, they were fine. Jericho led them through the gate. About 100 people came through, and the last of them stumbled through with heat exhaustion turning into heat stroke. Rufala tended to them immediately with a low level casting of cold touch to lower their body temperature. Then moved them to the clearing with the refugees from the first gate. Overall the people coming through were no worse for wear, and other than the confusion and minor fear of coming through a magic gate to a strange place, they seemed no worse for wear.

It was not the same for the refugees from the second gate.

The first through the gate was a girl, dark tan skin like the color of a baked apple pie. Her eyes were red, like that of freshly spilled blood on a stone floor. Again Serin thought they might be a human. But then he saw the horns.

Nope, not a human either.

Then people started piling through the gate as fast as possible, they were crying and screaming in terror. "Run, its almost here! Run!"

Serin looked through the gate and saw a wave of destructive magical force wiping out the countryside. Although maybe a hundred or so had made it through already, not all of them would make it. Serin started using rapidly casting the spell knockback perpendicular to the gate, flinging people out of the way so more could come through.

'I can heal their injuries when they are through. But I can't heat a body if its ash.'

Serin kept rapidly casting and the rate of people coming through almost doubled, but then they stopped coming through. Serin knew why. He looked through the gate. Hundreds of people on the other side had turned to ash as they attempted to make it to or through the gate. Their faces a silent scream of terror.

Serin could not focus on those he could not save. He had to focus on those that made it through. Most of the people he had thrown were no worse for wear. Some had broken arms. The worst was a broken collarbone. Overall they were just grateful they were alive.

The gates stayed up. The people had crowded on both sides of the gate. "Our home is gone."

The people just stood and stared. Looking through each gate, Serin saw desolation. Seas were vaporized. Mountains were dust. the earth was glassed. It was a world burned.

Then the gates began to close. Serin then realized that the two peoples were two different races from the same catastrophe.

Serin had a bad feeling, and readied all his defensive magic. He mentally went through his spell sets and readied what he thought he might need.

He started by casting [calm] on the collected people. He had made this speech several times. "You have nothing to fear. You are safe here. What troubles were of your past, they will not follow you here. Now. is there anyone who is still injured? We have healers on standby."

Serin realized something was wrong. Although the lighter skinned folk had calmed, none of the darker skinned were affected by his [calm] spell. In fact, they all seem to know he attempted to charm them somehow.

A dagger flicked out and bounced off Serin's shield. He had no idea where it came from.

Serin watched as one of the darker skinned people looked at him "What trickster attempts to charm those of Mephasm's embrace? Attempting to charm the members of the Skygge royal family is a crime punishable by death." Serin used [greater identify] on the speaker. This was a high level combat person. Serin didn't want to kill anyone, but he also did not want a massacre. Just as he was about to answer, a different voice called out. "Of course the Skygge's 'hound of blades' would resort to violence as their first actions in this new place."

Another man pulled an immeasurably large sword from his back. Serin could swear it was glowing.

The female who had threatened Serin, grinned when she saw the speaker. "Careful little lamb, you don't even know who the wolf is."

Serin realized that most of the common dressed folk were terrified of these two people. Serin also realized that the two about to fight were powerhouses that were on par with heroes of near his level. Thankfully, Serin's stats were absurdly high for his level, so he wasn't worried.

And as predicted the two ran at each other, intent to massacre. Serin used a spell he had learned but had still not used. Serin overpowered and cast [Mass Stop] on the two parties engaged. Color left them and they were frozen in time. Although their bodies were frozen in time, their eyes could still move. They were still aware of their surroundings.

Serin then looked at each group. "I am going to need to know who is in charge other than these two. They are going to be impossible to deal with."

The first to confidently walk up was the girl that had first stumbled through the gate. She was wearing a frilly red dress. Her eyes were the color of blood, and her horns were as dark as night. "I am Princess Sutemos of the Skygge empire. I thank you stranger for rescuing my people in our time of need. But I would ask that you do not attempt to meddle with our minds again. We are immune to such simple tricks."

Serin raised his hands in apology. "I apologize for the intrusion. It was a simple calm spell to aid people during the difficulties of passing to our world."

The princess nodded and blushed a bit. "I did not know it was for our benefit. I apologize for my subordinate's attack. The attempt to bewitch a royal is treason, you see."

Serin smiled, 'Oh boy. This is gonna be difficult.'

Then Serin heard a voice. "Princess Sutemos. We were supposed to meet at the upcoming peace talks. I am Prince Uriel Regis."

The prince did a bow. Serin had no idea how to deal with Royalty. The only Noble he had ever met was back in his burb. The Noble there was responsible for reporting about the Burb and its surrounding activities to the magistrate, and was entirely insufferable.

The Prince looked at Serin, "Thank you for rendering us aid Magister, but if you could open up another gate to the coastal city of Set, I can get my people to safety."

Sute started to have tears stream down her face. She looked at Uriel. "You don't get it, you foolish boy."

Uriel looked confused. "I don't get what. You are welcome as our guests when we get there, and peace talks can begin in earnest."

Serin then looked at him. "Uriel. This place you are in. this town. Look around you. Does anyone here look like your people? Do either of you recognize anything other than the people you came through the gate with?"

Both Uriel and Sute started to take in their surroundings. They then realized, the architecture, the people, the landscape, was all completely alien to them.

Serin looked at them. "This town, this is a haven for refugees. I cannot tell you what has happened to your world. But I can tell you that your two groups are the last remaining of your kind."

Serin looked at the princess. She and her people were becoming severely distraught at Serin's explanation. Serin kneeled down to Sute, "Do you mind if I try to calm you again, Princess Sutemos?" The princess looked at Serin. "You are welcome to but it would take a very accomplished caster to bewitch the mind of someone with as much of the ancestor's blood in my veins."

Serin then overcast 10% [calm] into her and the other refugees. Serin watched as the rising panic began to subside.

"You are right magister, calming magic does help this process."

Serin looked at Olma, "Olma dear, can you go and remove every weapon from those two frozen in time? Also please shackle them to their respective charges."

Serin looked at a panicking Uriel. Serin overcast calm on him and his people as well. "This is a chance to start over for your people. You got out alive. Take the win."


With Flick shackled to Sute, and Mast shackled to Uriel, and both having all their weapons removed and set to the side, Serin had everyone collect all of the refugees together.

"I apologize for taking your weapons. They will be returned when you two can learn to behave yourselves." Serin explained.

Flick and Mast were still shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

'Better than actual daggers I guess.'

Serin then started his introduction. "When refugees come to our town, I usually am dealing with people not as prone to violence. So I give them the day to readjust, rest, and replenish their mind and bodies. But because your peoples have shown their propensity for violence and direct prejudice, I will be starting your introductions now." Serin looked at some of them with a worried expression. "Please grab a bite to eat or drink if you wish. And if you need to go to the bathroom do so now. I have escorts prepared to take you to the bunkhouse."

Serin knew that he would have to approach this group differently as before.

"There is a simple reason why you are here. This place has been designated by the Divines as a refugee nation. If you are here, this is your people's second chance, as you are the last of your kind."

With that, Mast spoke up. "Why would the goodly divines save those touched by darkness?" Flick snickered at him and retorted, "Probably for the same reason they saved your people. The divines here see only power, not light or shadow." Serin pulled essence out of his bag and overcast [calm]. "Alright everyone. Let's just calm down. We are only one sentence into your orientation and you are already at each other's throats. And if you too cause me to burn through my precious magical essence reserves, I will submit a bill to you later."

Serin continued, "I don't know what magic you used, or if the divines of your world had just had enough of your violence, but I watched what happened through the portal. Your entire world was swept over in a killing heat that obliterated mountains and vaporized oceans. Even if I could transport you back, there is nothing to return to." he heard muffled gasps. "I know half of you watched what i am talking about first hand. The other half will have to trust me, as they escaped from only the first effects of the heatwave."

Serin realized he might be a bit harsh at the moment. "I am not trying to scare you, but I am being straight forward with your situation. I also want you to know that you are not trapped here. This is a nation of refugees, but it is not a prison. You can choose to stay and become a citizen. Or you can choose to go."

Princess Sutemos asked a question. "What are your laws here?"

Serin smiled, "So far we have only had two write two laws and one decree. The first law is that slavery in all forms is illegal." Serin then saw the shackles he had placed on Mast and Flick. "That is a temporary measure. When you show you can behave it will be taken off."

Prince Uriel then asked, "What's your second law?"

Serin chucked, "All members of all plated races are of equal standing here. Each race has 3 representatives from their people to represent their issues in government."

The prince scowled. "But what about the magically gifted nobility?"

Serin shrugged, "In this world anyone is capable of becoming gifted in magic."

The Prince scoffed at Serin's response and then began to glow. "Surely some low born commoner such as you cannot command the might of magic as one such as I."

Serin just chuckled, It seemed a display of power was necessary. Serin overpowered a [fireball] over his head. He made it as large as possible for dramatic effect.

The prince wasn't impressed. "I see you are a semi accomplished elemental mage. That is about the size of our late Court Wizard, Artemis of the Undying Flame."

Serin laughed as he cancelled the spell. "Oh, is that all you have noticed? My elemental power? It might be that you are tired. Let me get you a glass of apple juice. Lord Koni, can you bring our new guest a glass of juice?"

"Certainly Master," Lord Koni knew this game, he came over exuding as much aura of darkness and despair as he could. He started into the prince's eyes as he handed him a glass. "I have heard this drink is popular with children."

The prince then realized that he had made an error. Serin not only had mastered elemental magic, but had mastered an Elder Lich, an undead so powerful Uriel had only heard of them in fables. Serin looked at the level headed princess. "Do you also need a glass of juice?" She had shrugged, "Oh I realized you were to be respected when you speedily launched our people from the gate to save more of my kind, and then cast high level healing magic on us. Also summoning two gates was kind of a giveaway. And stopping time for two of our nation's heroes."

Serin chuckled, "well the gates weren't technically me, but yes that's all about right."

The prince tried to cover his embarrassment. "You have made your point. Now what is your decree?"

Serin smiled, "Oh. Joining the protectorate, those that protect the nation, is voluntary."

Princess Sutemo then asked, "What incentive is there to join?"

Serin grinned, "Every member of the protectorate is guaranteed to be given the path to power, and the opportunity to protect the last of their kind."

Both Flick and Mast perked up at this.

Serin then smiled. "However if you wish not to join our nation, you can choose today to leave. We will prepare supplies for those that choose to do so."

This time an older gentleman pipped up. "So you are saying that we are free to leave now, and you will even give us supplies to do so?"

Serin pointed at a wagon laden with supplies, a few weapons, and even cages for animals. "We have a cart ready now."

The older gentleman, a shadow touched person smiled, "And you are saying that fighting is voluntary, and we can stead choose to live out a peaceful existence?"

Serin smiled, "Yes. All citizens are set up with starting supplies immediately, and housing is chosen on a first come-first serve basis, with anything beyond necessity determined solely by Merit. But for now there is a transient barracks. Also a simple meal of summoned travel rations is guaranteed for every citizen who cannot afford food."

The older man smiled down at the princess and the prince. "And what does the nation take from what I make?"

Serin grinned, "You are given full rights to the fruits of your labor, to use as you wish."

The old man smiled, "I can see why you would give us supplies to leave. Only a fool would do so, and fools need help to survive. Forgive my rudeness. My name is Hassan. I am, well I was, a boat captain. What is your name, young lord? And are there any of higher status than you?"

Serin smirked, "My name is Serin, and I am Sovereign of this nation."

Then Hassan smiled. "Then, Lord Serin, I will choose to live out my days peacefully under your rule, if you will have me."

Serin smiled. It was not the commanding presence of the Prince, or the Guile of the princess that had convinced the refugees to join him. It was the wise words of an elderly boat captain. Serin watched as they all began to kneel. Finally, the princess and the prince kneeled. Then, finally Mast and Flick.


Serin began in-processing when he ran into his first issue. The first person to come up to him, Hassan, showed his plate. Serin noted his race was not shadow touched, or Skygge, but 'planetouched'.

Serin then saw the prince's plate. It was not angelic blood or Lybringer, but was also listed as 'Planetouched'

Serin shook his head. 'So they are variants of the same race here.'

Serin then pulled the Uriel, Mast, Flick, Sute, and Hassan to him. Additionally, he asked for his representatives to join him.

"So we have a bit of a complication." Serin began to speak. "So we can explain it to our newest citizens, I will explain it by showing you a few plates." First he showed Jerichos. "This is our race. Human. You can see it when you view his plate."

Serin then motioned to Ephraim and Lady Eris. "These two are of the Demis Race. Although they have different features, they are of the same race. As you can see by their plates." Then he motioned to Bilol. Bilol showed his plate. Serin grinned at his marked improvements. "Bilol is a Changeling. Even if his appearance can be of anyone standing here, his plate tells us right away."

Serin then continued. "I have shown you this because of our second law. All plated creatures are equal. Now. I wish for Prince Uriel and Princess Sutemos, the two blessed of your people, to show their plate."

Uriel and Sutemos brought them up. Serin then used Minor illusion to copy and replicate their plates so that everyone could see.

"In this world, you two are listed as the same Race, 'Planetouched'. And although your deep rooted prejudices against each other, here you are recognized as one people. Therefore, between the 209 Planetouched peoples, you only get 3 representatives."

Serin then snickered, "If you cannot decide how to break the tie, the representatives from the other races will choose for you."


It did in fact end up as a stalemate. So as a compromise, Serin let the other representatives choose the third representative from the Planetouched people. They chose Hassan, the boat captain. Serin was glad for their choice. His level head would be a welcome addition. And with that orientation was complete, however this newest influx of people came with its own issues.

The second problem he encountered was space. Lord Koni had built up the town center, but it was not enough. Their population had almost doubled with the addition of the Planetouched. Their transient barracks was at full capacity, and every single household had to take in an additional refugee. Serin had offered rooms in his house but it was again just a stopgap. This had turned quickly into a situation that would grow out of hand. And he did not want to just copy and make full residential districts as that might lead to segregation.

Serin looked at Allister and Jericho. "We cannot lose the harmony we have built in this nation. We also cannot ostracize any group. In my opinion, the absolute center of our town should be the Quest Board and Adventurer's guild, across from the Town Center where the Gate always tends to open. I would like you two to work with Lord Koni to increase our infrastructure so that we can accommodate this initiative. Also, feel free to build modularly. Make areas for commerce and small pump houses. Make individual greenhouses." Serin looked at Jericho, "I know your Tavern is nearly done. There are some carpenters among those rescued in this last gate. They should be able to finish up."

Then Serin looked at his blinking Kingdom management screen and noticed his third problem.

Serin was quick to react.

Then Serin looked over at Rachel, "I need you to work with Julia, the human Apothecary to create as many brainburn potions as possible. Your expertise in finding wild herbs will be needed."

Serin then looked at Ephraim "How many weapons orders have you fulfilled?"

Ephraim was ready with a count. After 2 more days I will have completed 40 sets of Pistols, Rifles, and Scatterguns, and a few hundred rounds of ammunition for each weapon."

Then Serin looked at Bilol and Lady Eris. "I need you to assemble everyone that is currently a member of the protectorate or actively trying to seek membership and i will need them to assemble as soon as possible in the town square." Serin then looked at Olma, "Olma, I need you to run to the house and get every single brainburn potion we still have available. Then go and find Peter and Rufala and bring them to me at the town center as well."

Jericho interjected. "Serin, this seems very rushed, what is going on."

Serin shook his head. "We are going to be having company soon." Serin then showed the message.





The representatives grew nervous. But they believed in Serin's plan.

"Alright everyone, let's get moving."


Another Mass Drop! I am dropping a bit early this week as I am flying halway around the world for work. I will be relatively busy but i will try to make sure the story continues.

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