
Chapter 182: Taylor’s Doubt

Taylor scowled at David and started telling him a story, "It was a big surprise to me when I first saw Mathew watching The Tea Maiden. He usually only watches the Financial Channel so, when I called him on it, he got defensive. He scowled and asked me if I was suggesting that he was too old for a drama series. Of course, I said that I wasn't. After all, I am three years older than he is, so it would have been a bit like the kettle calling the pot black.

"While we were talking, I peeled an orange and fed it to him slice by slice, as he often asks me to do, and I sat beside him to watch The Tea Maiden. The show was about halfway over when Aiden arrived home and, when he saw what we were watching, he was very surprised. He said that the show was geared towards young people, and they are not for fogies like Matthew and I. He was equally surprised that we'd be watching a program that featured Khloe's archenemy, Kylie Finch.

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