
Testing Racial Abilities and Wild Sex

Getting back to the cave I proceed to take out the variant wolf meat and pass it to Gobugrak along with some herbs and vegtables we acquired along the way.

"Ha ha with this we should get quite a bit of evolution points, bringing us one step closer to our next evolution." laughing out as I realize that he is right, that after eating this wolf which was more evolved than anything we faced before as well as being a variant should boost our evolution quicker.

Deciding to spice up our meal this time I purchased some spices and cooking wear to create more complex and better quality meals.

*Ding* 'Host is buying a cooking set, 1 kg salt, 1 kg pepper, 1 kg chilli powder, 1 liter of vegtable oil, 1 pound jar of ketchup, 1 pound jar of mayonaise, and 1 pound jar of mustard for 300 TP y/n'

Selecting yes I find the items transfer to my [Inventory], getting them out I pass them to Gobugrak as he looks at the cooking wear and salt with elation while the others he has a confused expression.

Seeing this I proceed to tell him of what they are and their uses, nodding his head in understanding he tastes a small amount of each before his eyes light up.

"Wow this has a great taste to it, with this I should be able to make the best meal yet thanks Anna." hearing him I get an idea before showing a seductive expression as I make my way towards his ears.

Seeing my expression and me getting closer Gobugrak becomes slightly confused yet looking like he will be turned on soon, as I get right next to his ear I whisper in the most seductive voice yet.

"Well~ I hope that with these new ingrediants you will be able to make the tastiest and envigorating meal yet~ you'll need it for tonight~" as I slightly lick his ear while stroking his chest muscles during the moment, backing off seeing him having trouble controling himself trying to calm down the tent in his pants.

Chuckling in my mind I can see that with my recent transformation and more effective sexual skills it seems that Gobugrak will have quite a difficult time controling himself.

Not wanting to distract him anymore I let him cook undistracted as he uses the spices and sauces on the wolf meat before cooking them mixing the meat in with the frying vegtables.

Letting him do his own thing I go out of the cave seeing myself mostly recovered from the battle earlier to test out my fingernail blades as I will have to rely on that since my steel sword broke last battle and see the advantages it may have.

After a while I can see a triple horned scaled horse that the killer red bear had killed yesterday.

Thinking of my fingernails growing they extend until they reach the length of a short sword.

'Alright time for test one, how much do they increase my attack by.' thinking before I charge towards the horse, turning its head towards my direction as I manage to slash it across the chest with my fingernails.

*Ding* 'Host has dealt 108 damage to Triple Horned Scaled Horse'

*Neah* *Whimper*

Looking back towards the horse I just attacked I can see a long slash mark has formed across its body causing it to bleed.

Quickly grabbing my iron short sword I swipe quickly at the horse forming another slash across its body.

*Ding* 'Host has dealt 82 damage to Triple Horned Scaled Horse'

'Hm so the damage difference between both hits is 26 if we consider the amount of damage the sword adds to my attack then the added attack of my fingernails is 34. That amount of damage is even better than using the steel sword, now lets test mana strike as I feel triple slash and swordsmanship works on my fingerhails as they have a blade like shape.

Trying to imbued mana into my nails to increase their damage I can feel that the drain on them is lower than using the steel sword, however at the same time I can feel my hands burning slightly due to the dense mana concentrating on my fingers.

Quickly checking my [Status] I can see that my health is decreasing due to the mana causing damage to my body over time.

'Although using my nails as a weapon is better in quite a few aspects compared to the weapons I have before, using skills that would strain the weapon would put that same strain on my own hands hurting myself with every use.' shivering slightly after as I realize that if I wanted to concentrate the same amount of mana I used in the steel sword to cause lethal damage to that variant luminous alpha wind wolf could cause my hands to burst due to high mana.

Shaking those thoughts I can see the horse charging at me trying to skwer me in its horns I charge at it a final time dodging its horns while beheading it before it could register what just happened.

*Ding* Host has killed Triple Horned Scaled Horse gaining 375 EXP'

'Alright then with the nails out of the way time to test the other skills I got from becoming a lust demon.' as I then summon my wings out as my tail uncurls itself from my waist in order to test the racial skills.


"Wow your so close to hitting me, woah you almost got me try again! Ah better luck next time!" laughing at the bulls missing me very narrowly as I use my wings to boost my speed in one direction, as well as tail by wraping it around their horns just as they come close to hitting me directing them towards another direction.

Before I assumed that the skills could only help me fly or grant a prehensile tail, however after a bit of thought I had the idea of using my tail like this in combat assisting me in throwing my enemy off.

At the same time use my wings to grant a quick burst of movement to rapidly dodge enemy attacks.

Using the 7 bulls in front of me I trained the usage of these skills in this way for half an hour now, taunting them into trying harder in hitting me.

At the beginning they came very close to hitting me and I had to use quite a bit of effort to evade them, but after getting used to using my new wings and tail I got better at using them and likewise better at using them in combat to the point I can easily dodge them.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Soon all the bulls got tired and started moving slowly, seeing this I decieded to end this test as I quickly beheaded the defenseless bulls.

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 27 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 28 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 26 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 25 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 26 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 28 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has killed lv 27 Large Horned Bull'

*Ding* 'Host has gained 2805 EXP'

Collecting their bodies I decieded to end the experiments as Gobugrak will begin to get worried that I left for a long time.

Using my wings I rush my way through the forst using the the more desolate routes back to the cave to not attract attention to my self from wildlife or goblins...

After a few minutes I make it back to the cave as I can see Gobugrak relieved upon seeing me.

"Anna you were gone for quite a while, what if something happened to you while you were out there? I wouldn't have been there to help you fight against any dangerous enemies that may come to harm you." showing visible concern flashing through his eyes, seeing this I bring a warm smile to my face as I go towards him pecking him on the lips.

"Sorry for taking so long to get back, I was to wrapped up in testing the other capabilities of my new body to assist in future combat that I didn't realize immediatly that I spent so much time away from you. Next time ill make sure to bring you along if I end up taking so long." saying to him seriously as I do realize that I did bring unnecessary worry to him.

Seeing that I am serious he sighs as he accepts what I said to him.

"Anyways come enjoy the food I guarantee that it is the best I have ever made ha ha!" laughing outloud as I come join him in eating the food.

Taking a bite from what looks to be like stir fry my eyes widden before digging straight into the food as it seems to be the best food I have eatten, even considering my past life.

Finishing up the last of it within a few minutes I set down my plate before gaining a notification from the system.

*Ding* 'Host has gained 200 evolution points from Luminous Alpha Wind Wolf, unable to gain more evolution points from this creature'

"Ah that was the best meal I have had in my life, thank you Gobugrak." thanking him seriously as the meal easily topped the best meals I have had in life thus far.

"It was thanks to the ingrediants and cooking wear you gave me, without it I could not have made such a great meal." not wanting to take all credit as the spices and sauces really increased the flavor of the stir fry, while also accepting the compiment of making a great meal.

Going behind him I wrap my tail and arms around his waist as my breasts are squezzed onto his back allowing him to feel them as well as smell my sweet scent due to being a lust demon causing him to breath more heavily as his arousal grows.

Before we do anything I tell him something that calms him down momentarily.

"Gobugrak I want you to know that in the beginning I really did hate you for capturing you and treating me as a slave, but after seeing the improved treatment you gave me. The advice and information you gave me, as well as being more affectionate and caring towards me caused me to grow positive feeling towards you my hate for you to be completly gone. Now I really do appreciate what you have done for me and what you are willing to do with me. Although I will have others in the future to have sex with, I will always have a place in my heart for you darling~" hearing the beginning stabed at Gobugraks heart due to the guilt of having done that to me and hearing that I hated him breaking his heart a little.

However, as he listened on he became very happy and wrapped his own hands over my own as I leaned my head over the crook of his neck.

"Thank you Anna for being here with me, I apologise for what I have done to you in the past and from here on out I promise to also care for you with all of my heart." turning his head towards me we both begin to smile lovingly as we then begin to kiss, not an intense one rather a slow tender and loving one.

Soon he turns around facing towards me as I have my arms wrap around his neck bringing him closer towards my face, as he begins to gentle stroke my body before slowly moving his hands lower towards my ass gropping them causing me to release a small moan.

Using the oppurtunity Gobugrak pushes his tongue in trying to taste the inside of my mouth.

Tasting my saliva Gobugrak can't help but be suprised on how sweet it taste and arousing casuing his touches to become rougher and him sucking more on my mouth as though wanting to devour it.

"Mgh mgh ah mgh~" as he was doing this I released muffled moans from my mouth as he became more intense, I wondered for a second why his gentle movements became intense before realizing that my fluids when aroused have an aphrodisiac effect causing his lust to increase quickly during a short period of time.

Not stopping him even when knowing this he soon uses his hands to take off my clothing in order to get to the next part of our lovely session~

At the same time I also take off his clothes leaving the both of use with only our underwear on as both our penises can be seen poking through each others underwear as both our breaths become heavy filled with lust and desire at this point.

Looking at Gobugrak I reach for his underwear before pulling it down before revealing the beast that ravages my asshole every time we have sex.

"It seems someone is looking forward to what will happen next~" before using my hands to stroke his penis, while at the same time I also lick from the base of the penis to the tip as well as from time to time sucking on his balls.

*Grunt* *Grunt* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Grunt*

"Mgh Anna you are so good at this grr!" as I then bring the head of his cock into my mouth rolling my tongue around it casuing some nice moans and grunts to come from his mouth.

Unable to contain his lust anymore he grabs my head before proceeding to thrust his hips forwards causing me to momentarily gag as I then begin bobing my head back and forth deep throating his penis with great vigor.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Gag* *Slurp*

Being the first time continously deep throating his penis for a long period of time I gag from time to time though still able to suck his penis to the point it seems I want to drain his balls dry of any semen.

"M-gh mm-gh *Slurp* *Slurp* mg-gh~" moaning out from time to time as I can feel my dick twiching with excitement wanting to climax, feeling this I use my tail to start jerking my own dick increasing the pleasure I feel as even more moans escape my clogged mouth.

*Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

"Mgh Anna im cumming argh!!!" at the same time he grabs my head shoving his penis as far as possible down my throat causing his cum to pour directly into my stomach.

Strangely I did not feel as though I would suffocate, instead felt more excited than anything else as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

At the same time I also came along with causing my semen to drip from my panties, while this happened I did not forget the semen entering through my mouth as I hungrily drank his cum with vigor.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Pop*

As he finished cumming into my mouth I gulped down on the semen in my mouth with only a slight amount leaking from the corners of my mouth driping down my chin.

Taking his penis out with an audible pop being heard as soon as it left my mouth I looked up to him before showing a sexy grin.

"Mgh thanks for the meal~ it was quite yummy~" at the same time of saying this Gobugrak could see that behind me my tail formed a small heart by twisting it at the same time causing him to harden immediatly.

"Hm look at you becoming so naughty now, let me punish you naughty demoness by making you a sloppy mess." saying this he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist before tossing me onto the bed that we had left in the cave earlier.

"Kyaa please punish me for being such a naughty demoness~ punish me thoroughly~" saying in the playful manner wiggling myelf on the bed as I slightly bit and lick my tail causing my pleasure to increase, seems like my tail is a erogenous zone.

Hopping on top of the bed he pins me down by laying his body on top of me, while one hand reaches for my ass pinching my butt as the other hand reaches for my bra bringing it up revealing my breasts.

Bringing his hand back he pinches one of my nipples due to the pleasure and pain of being pinched in 2 places at the same time I moan out sensually inciting the lust of anyone that hears it.

Due to pinching my nipple some milk can be seen dripping form it, seeing this Gobugrak gets an idea as to how to punish me verbally.

"Hm as a naughty demoness you are telling me to punish me like you had a choice, ill punish you because I want to! Besides that you are a man yet you have such a womanly body acting like a cum addicted whore that can't help but think of having their ass penetrated just like a woman's pussy. The curves on your body, your asshole, and your breasts are all like that of a woman's having the figure of a beautiful woman and your ass acting like a pussy wanting to take in my semen greedily each time we fuck. Now even your breasts have grown to the point that your chest can't be anything but a woman's chest, and with them producing milk like a mother for their child the only semblance of you being a man is your cock. With your body like this there is no other choice but to go and ravage your body till you become a drooling mess!" although to another man these would have stabbed at their heart due to the desparity of having a body like this, I instead felt myself becoming more aroused.

Thats because he is right with my looks as they are now I can't be considered anything else than a woman with a dick grown on them.

Thinking this I can feel my ass gushing with fluid just like a pussy as I grin at him.

"Yes although I am a man in reality for you I am a woman~ your woman Gobugrak~ even when I have sex with woman as a man and woman having sex I will always be your woman along with others. Now pound my ass so hard that I won't be able to walk in the morning~" admitting that at times like this I will expose my most womanly self, but for woman ill be sure to make use of my male self to have sex with them of course unless they have a little something extra and want to use that from time to time~

Hearing my response he laughs out slightly before raising my legs high up spreading my ass checks revealing my asshole that twitches with excitement as some viscous liquid can be seen leaking out of it.

"Well it seems I was not the only one who was so eager, your own hole is practically begging for my cock to make a mess out of it." as he then points the tip of his penis to the entrance of my ass causing my breath to becoming more erratic filled with desire as my eyes plead him to enter me.

Seeing this he continues to poke at my hole causing me to shake my hips to get his cock to enter me as I a small pout begins to form on my face.

"Ha ha no need to act cute Anna, now then take this!" laughing slightly at my cute looking display before all of sudden shoving his rock hard cock deep into my ass.

This causes me to arch my back as my eyes roll back, tongue extending out of my mouth, and arms and tail wrapping around Gobugrak as though wanting to pull him deeper inside me.

"Mmmmgggghhhhh~" all I could let out was a deep throaty moan as I felt his cock twitching eagerly inside of me.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

Not letting me recover he begins to slam his dick in and out of my ass very quickly with his balls hitting my butt checks each time he plunges his member deep into me.

"Mgh ah ah mgh y-you a-re r-right I am a c-cum add-icted w-whore! I c-can't help but l-like the feel-ing mgh ah ah of y-your ah c-cock deep in-side of m-me ah mgh ah ah mgh!" seductively moaning out between breaths which causes the effect I was aimming for which is to use his nice hard dick to mess me up even faster.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

At this time we both lose ourselves during this time as we can only feel each others warmth, touch, and affection flowing through us during some nice rough sex.

"Mgh grr I can feel your asshole tightening even harder around my cock, making me feel like cumming any second!" as I am getting close to climax so my asshole is tightening to the point of not wanting his penis to leave so it can devour all his cum.

"Mgh i-im going to c-cum to, cum w-with me Gobugrak!" as I wrap my legs around his waist not letting him pull out, as my tail wraps around his waist pulling him faster and harder into my ass increasing both of our pleasure.

*Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

"Grr im cumming take it all Anna!" as soon as he said this I can feel a surge of heat fill the inside of my rectum causing a long sensual moan to escape my mouth as I also climax leaving cum all over the bed.

Soon his penis stops twitching signifying that he stopped cumming as I can feel all the semen he shot out fill up my rectum making my insides feel a comfortable warmth coming from it.

He then lays on me as I also take a moment to rest basking in the afterglow from our sex as I gentle stroke him.

"Ah ah if I have to do this a few dozen times ill be an emancipated corpse by then ha ha." laughing out loud weakly as he knows that just cumming 2 times isn't enough to put a dent in my extreme lust, while he already used a small amount of stamina so far.

Smilling mischivously I raise myself up causing the penis in my ass to slid out as a few drops of cum leak out of my asshole before closing up.

Reaching my hands out to my face I then push my b-cup breasts into his face allowing his face to come in contact with soft supple flesh, before he could ask what I was doing I told him.

"Remember I can produce milk now that can recover stamina. Now then make sure to drink a lot tonight as we won't be sleeping for most of the night~" presenting my nipples which are already excreating milk due to my excited state right now.

"Ah thats right thanks Anna." remembering my milk had such an ability he cups my breasts in his hands squeezing them and pinching the tips causing more milk to leak out as I release a muffled moan.

Seeing them producing milk in front of his face that seems to have a very nice fragrance to it he immediatly brings the nipple of my right breast to his mouth drinking the milk that comes from it.

"Mgh thats it ah keep drinking ah mgh~" as I whisper into his ears as I carress his head lovingly causing him to increase the intensity of his sucking.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Pop* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

At this point he stops sucking my right nipple leaving and audible pop to leave his mouth leaving some milk and saliva to drip from it before doing the same to my other breast.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Pop*

"Ah yout milk was very good and refreshing I feel like I can take you on all night ha ha!" chuckling as he can feel himself re energized feeling as though he can take me on all night long, before having a nervous expression on his face.

When he said that I couldn't help but expose a sly grin before turning him around leaving his back on the back as I straddled myself on top of his waist.

Planting his cock right in between my butt checks I rock my hips back and forth causing him to groan in pleasure, before coming close to his ear whispering into his ear as he slightly turns pale.

"Well in that case there is no problem if I go all out for the remainder of the night right~" as soon as he heard that he realised that even with a means of recovering stamina his mind will still tire out due to the constant sex, he knows he fucked up by saying he could take me on all night long as he knows that he won't last that long.

"W-wait Anna I know I said I could take you all night long I was joking right?" hearing this I put on a gentle smile before caressing his check pecking his lips with my own, for a moment he seemed relieved before hearing what I say next.

"I know you can't actually match up with me all night long alone, but this does not mean we can can not go for as long as you can handle it right~" hearing this Gobugrak loses some light in his eyes before nodding to me slowly bringing a smile to my face, if I could hear what was going through his mind I would certainly laugh for a while.

'Me and my big mouth, why did I have to boast about being able to handle her. Ah seems I will be sucked dry tonight, I really hope Anna gets some new lovers soon.' resigning to his fate as I then shove his penis deep into my asshole again pumping the cum already in my ass back and forth as we continue our session.


"Ah ah ah well that was quite nice wouldn't you say Gobugrak?" as I breath slightly labored as my stomach looks inflated again before slowly reducing in size as my body absorbs the semen in my rectum.

Looking at Gobugrak he is passed out on top of me laying his head on my breasts as the 2 of us are covered in sweat and other juices.

'Ah looks like I went overboard again, I should really try to control myself when we have sex tommorow.' thinking back to the session we had.

After accepting Gobugrak's 'challenge' we went at it multiple times in different posistions, seems the evolved skills and me being a lust demon now added a great variety to our daily love making.

Now I have knowledge sex positions becoming better allowing us to go at it in different ways.

There were times I put my hands on the walls as he gropped my breasts and spanked me while pound me nice and hard.

Times where my legs wrapped around his waist as he grabbed onto my ass pushing his hips back and forth as my own hips swings in rythem with his own causing his penis to pierce me even deeper than before.

Another was me going at reverse cowgirl position ridding on his cock as he watched my ass jiggle slightly each time it met with his hips.

All in all we had sex all over the place and in different ways bringing lots of enjoyment to the both of us, still I did realize that as a lust demon controlling my libido is more difficult than I thought best to keep that in mind for the future.

Gentle carressing his hair as I hum in a soft tone I kind of feel addicted to the feeling of soothing someone like this, hm Loki did say men can get pregnant in this world wonder if I would like to be pregnant with his child.

As soon as I thought that I thought of an image of a baby sucking softly on my breasts as a soft lovely and affectionate smile was on my face carressing the babies head.

Shaking those thoughts from my mind I looked gentle at Gobugrak before thinking.

'Perhaps it wouldn't be bad to be pregnant, though I don't think Gobugrak knows there is a way to get men pregnant. Might need to tell him in the future if we decied we want kids.' before using magic to clean the both of us as we were very dirty after going at it 40+ times.

After that I wrap the both of us under a blanket as I kept Gobugrak over my chest as I gentle carressed as I went to sleep.

Sorry about no updates everything has been hectic for me recently with meetings that I forgot I had to do these past few days. As well as taking care over a family member that got sick, thankfully not Covid-19. Anyways tell me if you like the lemon this time, if so I will make them this way in the future.

ShadowBlade328creators' thoughts
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