
Apex club training.

I warn you at the outset. This chapter is going to be long ..... Haha ... Mostly these will be extensions of the club members' training.

I really worked hard on this chapter. Finding curiosities was exhausting and very hard.

Additionally, the chapter has 2700 words, which is a lot.

So, give a lot of power stones and a lot of interesting comments. And fighting the bad guys in 1-A training. It will be contained in one long chapter. And if it's not enough, it will divide it in half.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

So I invite you to read. ≧◠◡◠≦✌


As you know, a trip to emergency training is approaching inexorably. Like the UA tournament, to which the club's Apex students train. And the rest of the class, probably too.

At the club's first Apex meeting ... in a sense, the first following the announcement of upcoming events. Kazuki announced at the outset that today he will present a new range of training or new punches for each member. Which will diversify their arsenal.

Starting at the end of the member's list (chapter 36).

Izuku still has a lot of problems ... it's safe to say he is one of the worst in terms of Quirk development and fighting skills. All because of his power, which is too strong for him. And there is not enough time for him to develop it. Enough not to break your bones during the tournament.

So Kazuki decided to split his four-hour training at Apex club. Into two unequal parts. For three hours, Izuku practices the two fighting styles that were previously introduced to him. But now, he has added more items to him. These martial arts are Muay Thai and Judo. So martial arts that Jackson "Jax" Briggs uses.

Jax had two metal arms that focused on targeting the powerful robotic arms driven by him. Which, under the influence of the energy and strength of the blows, could heat up to redness. So in short, he focused on delivering strong blows, focused on strength. So it's a perfect match for Izuku, who has some kind of super-strength.

Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) is a traditional Thai martial art & sport, of which has grown into a popular style with a strong emphasis on knee and elbow strikes when applied with aggression. Muay Thai employs all of the punching that Western Boxing offers including the jab, cross, hook, uppercut, overhand, & etc. It also employs the Thai round kick, the lead and rear leg front kick known as the "teip" along with straight and round knees as well as elbows. The ring tools of Muay Thai are also very practical, as well as, simple and brutally effective when applied to "street" self-defense applications.

Judo. A modern martial art, its most prominent characteristic is its competive nature, where the goal is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize, or subdue them with a grapple, or force them to submit by joint locking or strangle hold or choke.

Next on the list is Pony Tsunotori. Overall Kazuki had a hard time developing Pony fighting skills and her Quirk. And he had to take a little more time to think.

The thing about Quirk Pony is that she can fire her horns like a cannon ... or rather harpoons. Which can control ... how to explain it. Maybe it is as if telekinetically directed them in the air after being launched. The horns grow back immediately after they are fired. And for the curious ... three-quarters of the garbage at Apex Club. These are Pony horns. Which do not magically disappear. At first, they made an ornament, but the number of them was increasing. Because Pony practices his Quirk every day. So Kazuki and Shoto exercise their fire powers on these horns instead. Trying to melt them. What only Kazuki succeeds. But Shoto tries too.

The initial limit of horns fired was six. But it's practically the beginning of the year. But after training, the amount has increased to ten and continues to grow. Kazuki figured out several ways to use them. Though Pony already knew about some. Among other things, using them as a means of transport because of their large size. What is hard, but she succeeded. Even so, keeping the balance is very difficult for her. I'm not surprised.

There has been a lot of training in the manipulation of horns. But let's focus on the physical skills.

Since the horns can be used to attack, this is definitely not convenient. And while trying to attack, she is exposed to many attacks. So Kazuki chose two martial arts for her that will give her strength, even without the horns.

These martial arts are Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do. Two martial arts that Sonya Blade uses.

Tae Kwon Do (태권도, 跆拳道, Taegwondo) is a Korean martial art, characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques.

This martial art harmonizes perfectly with her athletic build with strong (sexy) legs.

Even though she was having trouble performing fast high kicks. She struggled with it because of her horns, which are quite heavy, and it certainly took more effort from her. But her legs ... Heh ... were so strong and stable that she managed to do it after two days of training.

Kempo Tai Jutsu uses atem punches and kicks (attacks on vital points), levers, throws, takedowns, and choking. Additionally, Kobudo techniques (using sticks and sticks of various lengths).

Much emphasis is placed on the practitioner's own inventiveness and adapting the fighting strategy to his physical abilities, such as height, weight, speed, strength, stronger and weaker sides.

The program takes into account the perfect knowledge of several defense and attack techniques and their application in practice.

The student, with the help of an instructor, creates an optimal style of self-defense.

Much emphasis is placed on the psyche of the practitioner - getting rid of fear during a fight, motivation for training, and self-improvement.

They also practice combat tactics, the ability to predict and prevent threats.

He will then introduce the club's two Apex girls who received nearly identical martial arts. However, with a few references to their Quirk. Well, these members are Ibra Shiozaki and Kyoka Jiro. Both of these girls have been taught the two martial arts that Sindel uses.

These martial arts were Zha Chuan and Fu Jow Pai.

Chāquán(Zha Chuan) (Chinese: 查拳; pinyin: Zhāquán) is a Chinese martial art that features graceful movements and some acrobatic aerial maneuvers. Chāquán also includes a large range of weapons.

Fu Jow Pai (Chinese: 虎爪派, literally "Tiger Claw System"), is a fighting style which it's striking movements are lightning fast, agile, and powerful. Techniques unique to Fu-Jow Pai are ripping, tearing, clawing, and grasping applications.

Compared to Jiro. These fighting styles bore fruit when she received several expansions to her costume.

Although she also got a portable gadget. In the form of a necklace with a small emitter of sound waves.

All she needs to do is plug her ... ear tips ... I don't know what to call it. And it can attack with sound or sonic waves.

Kazuki and Mei were working on the "kids." For several hours, they modified Jiro's costume, or rather completely modernized it. Now it was a lightweight suit with many sonic emitters in a few specific places. Well, she had the largest emitter in the center of her chest. The glove had two emitters attached that were modeled after Jacqui Briggs gloves. Only instead of guns, she has sonic emitters. Which look ... or have been disguised as speakers.

Kazuki also designed a special sole for the shoe for her. Which had an emitter on the bottom, focused on it. To give her something in type the double jump.

And from the fact that Sindel used sonic attacks. Although with her it's just a scream. However, both martial arts are perfect for Jiro.

In Ibra's case, it was mostly about using her hair. Like Sindel. So that she does not focus on delaying them or on a ranged attack. But she would not forget about them either. It's about using your hair as Sindel did. So, despite everything, Ibra fit perfectly into Sindel's martial arts.

Although, apart from the fact, there is no sonic scream.

However, she diversified them with her Quirk and ranged attacks and general hair attacks. After disconnecting them.

Bakugo is next. He is one of the most interesting members of Apex. Because not counting more advanced people, such as Kazuki, Mina, Ochaco, and Shoto.

Bakugo is making the most progress. Mainly thanks to his determination and strong character.

Bakugo still wants to be No. 1 in the ranking. Which irritated Kazuki a little, but he didn't see anything wrong with it. And he paid no attention to it.

Kazuki added two new martial arts to his arsenal. Tae Kwon Do and Zi Ran Men.

Tae Kwon Do is a perfect match for Bakugo. Because this martial art is characterized by an emphasis on the head kicking, jumping, and spinning kicks. Which, with the use of his Quirk, give him, more attack power.

Ziranmen or Zi Ran Men are also known as Natural Boxing is a Northern internal style of kung fu that is taught in conjunction with Qigong breathing techniques.

This is Rain's main fighting style, although it had slightly different powers. However, a martial art that is a development of the basic boxing Kazuki taught him at the beginning. She gave him more daring at vital points and more powerful punches at faster intervals.

Fumikage Tokoyami. He was one of the most difficult cases. However, after a few training sessions and a forced (by Kazuki) modification to use "Dark Shadow".

Maybe she can explain it. "Dark Shadow" takes over Tokoyas in very dark places. Wrap his body and turn it into some shadow essence. However, the mind uses DS (Dark Shadow), for example, covering Tokoy's body with shadow armor. And making blades like Baraka's blades, Kazuki's idea.

For Tokoyami, the fighting styles are Silat. The main martial art of Baraka, which is based on light kicks to the head as in Tae Kwon Do, but also strong blows with the hands. (See the MKX fight with the participation of Baraka.)

As for Shoto, he continues to develop his skills in the two Hapkido martial arts.

Hapkido is a highly eclectic Korean martial art that employs hand and leg strikes at long distance and joint locks and throws at close range, emphasizing circular motion.

And Dragon Kung Fu.The second style of fighting that both Shoto and Kazuki have mastered. However, Kazuki at a much higher level.

Dragon Kung Fu. The movements of the Dragon style of Shaolin Boxing are based on the mythical Chinese dragon. The Dragon style is an imitative-style that was developed based on the imagined characteristics of the mythical Chinese dragon. There are five Animals of Shaolin Boxing; the other four styles are Tiger, Crane, Leopard, and Snake.

Another member of the club is Tsuyu Asui. Whose Quirk "frog" fits perfectly into the two martial arts selected for her. Tae Kwon Do and Yuan Yang. Yuan Yang is a martial art used by Frost. Like Tae Kwon Do, she focuses on kicks, but with the addition of short but fast attacks with some acrobatics, which gives Tsuyu a lot of room to show off.

Denki Kaminari, known as "Human Pikachu". He had a rather peculiar Qurik. Which gave him a lot of possibilities, but now his focus is on speed, so it would be perfect to give him the Monkey Fist martial art.

Monkey Fist (猴拳 Houquan) is a Chinese martial art which utilizes ape or monkey-like movements as part of its technique.

Which fits perfectly in his fight with the speed boost. With the use of acrobatics. It is one of the martial arts used by both Noob Saibot and Liu Kang.

It is a fairly opaque martial art and multifunctional enough to be left to him alone. And that he would lead her to the highest possible level. And not to give him any more, so as not to work against him.

Momo is next. Who previously practiced some martial arts. However, Kazuki gave her two more suitable for her. Which helps her make better use of her athletic body and Quirk.

So Kazuki ... asked her ... forced her to modify his outfit. That it would not cover her breasts, or at least that her belly would be exposed. For a while, Kazuki promised her that he was working on a special fabric that would allow her to use Quirk. Without unnecessary exploring the body.

Even though Kazuki loved to watch her in her old hero costume. Somehow ... I don't want others to admire this view too.

The first martial art is Bojutsu, i.e. fighting with the Boo stick. One of Jade's techniques.

Bojutsu in the main is measured on the spigot using the Boo stick. Performing kicks while breaking out with a chopper. Hitting the stick or using it completely in combat. In many ways.

The second fighting style is Fan Zi, one of Jade's martial arts. Which Momo and Mina both use now.

Fan Zi. The style emphasizes around offense and defense in the hands, and movements are described as: Two fists are fast like the falling rain drops, and fast like a snapping whip.

Overall, Momo was trained by Kazuki with her fighting style. It was almost the same as Jade. Of course, with the addition of a few gadgets. Like grenades or other items created by it. However, everything requires special circumstances.

Both of these fighting styles suit her and harmonize perfectly with her height and build. But for melee, for Ochaco, Judo is the best. Because its most prominent characteristic is its competive nature, where the goal is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize, or subdue them with a grapple, or force them to submit by joint locking or strangle hold or choke.

And finally Mina Ashido-Hasashi. She is the second strongest member of the Apex Club. It has in its arsenal, in addition to the highly advanced Quirk. Which now not only can control the degree of acid strength. From insanely strong to very weak and harmless. But he can also create it and create constructs with it. Such as weapons, frying pan, and more.

Mina's arsenal is quite opaque in martial arts.

Fan Zi The style emphasizes around offense and defense in the hands.(Jade)

Tae Kwon Do characterize by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques.(Sonya Blade)

Eagle Claw is a Chinese martial art known for its gripping techniques system of joint locks, takedowns and pressure point strikes.(Kitana)

Chou Jaio The style features strong yet comfortable moves, and its blows are quick and accurate. Hands and feet cooperate well in order to create an advantage and longer reach, and its strikes are short yet lethal. ( Ashrah with Mortal Kombat: Deception )

Mina started less than a year ago, learning a different fighting style. To surprise your opponent if necessary. This fighting style is a mixture of kickboxing and karate. Which makes for a pretty killer combination.

Then there is acrobatics, which weaves almost all martial arts and is useful in combat.

Mina is undoubtedly one of the strongest, if not the strongest. A student of AU, because only with her Kazuki has the best and in various ways. If Quirks are not used.

As for Kazuki. It would take a long time to talk about him. Kazuki has a great knowledge of martial arts. After all, to teach someone, he had to know these martial arts himself. At least on a high theoretical and basic physical level. Kazuki currently has twelve martial arts that are of a high standard. And they are divided into six groups of two. By giving him kits for various situations, depending on the opponent. Basically Kazuki trains like crazy martial arts. And it doesn't stop.

And the training of these skills for each member of the club lasted almost the entire week. And they will continue even after the UA tournament. Because learning these martial arts and how to use Quirks effectively takes time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts
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