
Chapter Two

I don't know when but I fell asleep. Opening my eyes I saw that I was moving. Trying to move, I was squeezed. Looking at the person who was holding me princess style, I frowned. I raised my hand to touch his face and I have to admit. The minute he looked down at me and the feeling I felt against his face, attracted me, those strange tingles.

He growled lowly as I continued to run my fingers against his face. He looked down at me with black eyes and ordered, "Don't run away again!"

"Where are you taking me?" I asked Jason, or well his wolf.

"You have no scent, make no sound and you're light! I searched for you for over three hours – we're heading back to the packhouse, where you'll stay and behave," he said as I turned away from me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Geovenn," he said in a gentle voice that I don't know where it came from.

>Geovenn… Ah, I'm suddenly horny just hearing his name,< Reign purred in my head.

"Geovenn, put me down now!" I warned. He looked at me scoffing. Still carrying me, we arrived at the training area while I yawned. I close my eyes leaning into him. My body sank and I curse, 'You overdid it again!'

Yawning, Reign growled not caring and we both blanked out. I heard Jason say something but what? Only he knew.

I feel a sharp pain through my brain and so does Reign. >Ah!! Fuck! What in the fuck why? Why does it hurt Eth… Ethan wake the fuck up and open your fucking eyes – let me see the face I need to shred to pieces!<

Many faces frowned when his voice reached their minds through the pack link that we did not know we were connected to it.

'Shut up, why must you speak? Your voice is more piercing than the damn pain… I'm not opening my eyes, take over my body. I am going to pretend I don't exist for the next seven days, I'm tired – don't talk, shut up!' I yelled back at him.

He growled loudly making me wince, >GET.THE.FUCK.UP.AND.SEE.WHO.IS.HURTING.US!!<

��NO!! SHUT UP' I yelled back.


I thought about it… this doesn't sound like a bad idea – he heard it. >DON'T TELL ME, YOU'RE CONSIDERING IT!< he asked shaking in fury.

'Are you going back on your threat?' I asked disappointed.

>What's wrong with you?< he asked dumbfounded.

'Let me sleep for seven days,' I negotiated.


'Can't I exchange you for a bunny… a cute one?' I asked teasing him.

>I was born with you< he sighed defeated.

'Does that mean I can't swap you?' I ask with a smirk.

>SAGE!!< he growls annoyed

I chuckle, 'Alright, you win… I'll get a goldfish instead.'

"That's not nice," a small voice said making us quiet down.

After a moment of silence he asked in our native tongue, >Will you still sleep after that?<

'It's not our mother right?' I asked back in our native language.

>Impossible!< he protests.

"No fair, don't understand!" the voice spoke out again.

"Me too."

"Me three," said two more voices.

"All of us!" I heard after a series of complaints, it was Jason's voice.

Reign continued in our native language, >I think that the pain from before is the Solver pack link embedding into us.<

I nodded my head. Opening my eyes slowly. I rubbed my blurry vision away. A lady in doctor's clothes with her ginger hair tied behind a bandanna is standing before me with a frown on her face.

Humming, I sat up, 'Reign?'


'I'm going back to sleep,' I said with a yawn.

>This!< he started cutting the link. We looked at the lady that was frowning, she asked, "Can you see me?"

Blinking my eyes, I nodded. Her frown deepened, "Were you pretending to be blind?"

I shook my head. "Then what? No lying," she demanded.

"If I want to see you I will," I answered.

She nodded and said, "I embedded the family's link in you so you will be able to communicate with us."

I nodded, looking around I saw my father and Luna in the room, Jason was here too.

He didn't seem to be too happy. The corner of my mouth twitched wanting to question his gaze but I remained silent.

"Do you have something to say to me?" he asked.

"No," I answered.

"Explain to me why you ran away and why you were pretending to be blind."

"Running away – for fun…" I trailed.

He clenched the handle of the seat he was on. Gritting his teeth he asked, "And my second question?"

"Mamma told them I'm blind, they told you I'm blind – I play blind for fun," I answered looking around.

"So you and your mother like lying to others," he said in- disgust.

Hearing him speak of my mother in such a disrespectful tone made my body stiffen. Gripping hands into fists against the bed. My body started shifting in and out of both forms as the two of us struggled to maintain our calm. Under our breath, we said in two voices, "Alpha Jason, you are disrespecting my mother using that tone."

My neck cracked turning slowly. Climbing off the bed I walked towards the door, "Where are you going?" he asked grabbing my wrist.

"You don't want me here," I forced out and snatched my arm away from him. Theodore looked between us conflicted. Turning around the corner I ran off.

Darting away with quick and quiet steps. I reached one of the bedrooms, opening it, I stepped in shutting the door quietly. During this, Jason cursed "Fuck!" running around looking for me.

"Find him now!" he ordered through the pack link.

"Yes Alpha!" they all answered.

"Nooo, stay away! You're pissing us off," I yelled.

"Where are you?" he sent to me privately.

"And I would tell you why? Do I look like an idiot?" I answered making sure no one was in the room.

The bedroom I stepped into belonged to a 'Chloe.' I know this because it's written on the wall in wooden letters. Her room was a mess or well there's stuffed plushies all over… Ah~ there's a pile over there – let me hide.

I made space for myself willing the wind element I controlled, picking the stuffed plushies up covering me. Covered from head to toe in the pile in the corner of the room where they were piled before.

Leaning back I closed my eyes blocking the link.

>Why do you keep running?< my wolfie asks.

'Reign, you and I don't stand a chance against Jason and I don't want to be around someone who disrespects our mother.'

>We're special remember, we have ways of beating his Alpha ass up.< He teases making me smile.

'Mamma said we shouldn't show off. It doesn't matter who we are or where we are – they might kill us or use me as an experiment,' I answered sadly.

>Mn, I understand but we can't keep running Eeth,< he whimpers.

'I know bub,' I answer him.


The smell of roses and baby lotion assaulted my nose. Blinking my eyes open my arms tightened, I looked down at the lock of brown hair.

I moved slightly and the one wrapped in my hold asked looking up at me, "Big brother Ethan, are you awake?"

I nodded my head gazing at the bright smile. She's the little girl from earlier on that ran into our father's arms.

"Chloe?" I asked making sure.

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Big brother Ethan, you know Chloe?" she asked as she turned in my hold.

I smiled at her nodding. Leaning down I kissed her nose, "I know Chloe."

Her eyes glossed with tears. Quickly wiping them away, I hugged her to myself, "Don't cry baby girl."

She nodded her head tightening her grip around my neck, "Big brother Ethan, why do you keep running away but you just got here?"

Patting her back I answer, "It's because I'm afraid of big brother Jason."

She pulled away looking at me shaking her head, "No no no, Jase isn't scary."

'Why must you defend him?' I asked myself. Patting her head I just smiled. Frowning I asked, "Did you tell big brother that I am here?"

She shook her head, "I don't want you running away again, stay with me please," she asked.

I smiled nodding. Pinching her cheeks gently I asked her, "Do you want to play tea party with me?"

Playing house with Chloe is quite interesting. And I love how this small wolf can keep a secret. She's five and the only girl between the set of triplets. Her brother's names are Chester and Cleo the same age as her.

Then there's another set of triplets named Eden, Eve and Eva ages nine.

Jason's the eldest. Then comes the Kane family's second child Melissa at age fourteen. I'm two years older than her and Jason three years older than me at age nineteen.

"Soooo my beautiful Angelica, are you enjoying the tea, cupcakes and cookies I prepared for us?" asked Chloe in character.

She gave me the name Angelica because she thought it fit my current appearance. I had my wolf's battle outfit on with my sliver hair hanging loose against my flat chest.

When she left to get us the cookies, cupcakes and tea I changed into my battle uniform that mamma made us.

We have oriental ancestors far down the line on my grandmother's side and my mamma thought it fit if I wore our attire.

It's a long fitted dress with thorn embroidery in scarlet and gold. Ribbons danced on my legs as us wolfs don't need shoes unless we're in public in front of the humans.

She clipped butterflies into my silver hair saying that it suited me… unlike most wolves that strip before battle or rip their clothes, my dresses material is made from special woven silk.

The dress split at the sides making space for my legs to move freely. Mamma also said that I am as beautiful as a girl and majestic so dressing up like on is fine too.

It's that or she just wanted a daughter, both Reign and I don't mind though, we loved mamma with her weirdness.

The sky slowly lost its colour and everyone must be tired of looking for me. I opened the link to the packs' communication link and I groaned.

"Alpha, we've searched everywhere."

"Where the fuck could he have gone?"

"It's your fault, Jason, you better apologize."

"Shut it, Melissa!"

I nodded, "Yes baby girl, did you make these?"

She shook her head pouting, "Mamma and the aunties won't let me near the stove."

Humming I nodded, "How about you and I go shopping, when's your bedtime?"

Sipping her tea she answered elegantly, "Soon, let's go tomorrow, promise?" she held out her pinky… I did the same and we crossed it.

"Alright, tell Jason I'm with you and we'll head downstairs."

She frowned but nodded. "Big brother Jase, Angelica's with me," she said into the communication link.

I facepalmed. The communication link went silent.

After a moment Jason asked, "My angel, can you repeat what you just said."

"I said Angelica's with me." She repeated.

"Chloe baby, who is Angelica?" our father asked.

Raising a brow I looked at the mischievous smile on her face, "She's my beautiful silver-haired wolf."

I rolled my eyes. Taking a sip of tea I soon heard our father ask, "Chloe baby this isn't a game, how long as Ethan been with you?"

"Ethan?" Jason asked.

"My beautiful sister has accompanied me the entire time since her escape," she grinned.

Everyone, "..."

Footsteps approached her room, it was Jason and who knows who else. He flung the door open, I noted that he had a worried look in his eyes for a split second.

Looking over at us he froze looking down at me. I was facing Chloe and she faced me leaving everyone to stare at us from the side. I heard a gasp, looking over I saw Jason, Michael, father and someone from the tracking team.

"E-ethan…" my father trailed.

I stood up. I pulled my scarlet robe over me tying it at my waist. Looking up at them I asked, "What is it now?"

"The whole pack has been looking for you like crazy and you ask what is it?" Jason says furiously.

Chloe jumped off her chair. Standing before me she pointed, "Don't scare him anymore big brother. What you are doing is not right! Ethan is our brother and you keep chasing him away… we're sibling by blood so you should not do this anymore!"

His mouth hung open at her words and so did mine. I never expected that this pup would stand up for me…

Smiling I bent down hugging her to myself from behind. Kissing her cheek I said, "It's okay Chloe, I won't anymore."

She looked at me hugging my hands, "You promise?"

Humming I nodded squeezing her tighter, "I did promise to sing to you every night and play with you so I won't be leaving."

She turned in my hug, "Mn that's good, let's go down to eat."

I took her hand and we walked to the door. Then they stepped aside for us to pass, Jason sent me a personal communication message through the link, "Come to my office after dinner."

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