
Sea water

"Sea water? Where did you find this sea water?"

Riley asked checking the water that Shaclen had brought.

"There was water coming out of the 234 floor where the dungeon diggers made a hole into the 234 floor."

Shaclen said,

"Führer, can you ask this dungeon digger about this sea water?"

Riley said to Makoro who was watching the Homunculus examining the water in the test tube.

"I think we should find out for ourselves. The dungeon digger was killed by the nobleman in the first round in Gulag. Try to ask the female knight who protects the nobleman. I'm sure she knows a few things."

Makoro said,


At the Homunculus factory, the place where female captives were used to produce semen for the production of Homunculus troops.

"Mgh !!! Mmmggghhh !!! (Damn !!! Let go of me now !!!)"

Said the female knight who was tied up and ready to be used as a means of producing semen.

"A pretty good body for a knight. I couldn't believe I could see a body this good."

Said Luna to preparing the female knight to be used as a cow for milking her semen.

"Damn it !!! Why are the elves cooperating with the dungeon master?"

Said the female knight when Luna took off the cloth covering her mouth.

"I work on my own, you know? The master of this dungeon is very kind. It's different from the humans out there who are a bunch of senseless animals."

Luna said,

"Your character is so weird. Stop pretending. I know that's not your true nature!"

Said the female knight who was tied naked to Luna,

"Pretty great apparently. 5 star knight apparently huh? "

Said Luna, who was no longer acting in front of the female knight.

"Better untie my ties now !!! If you don't do it I'm sure the goddess Irma will punish you !!!"

The female knight said to Luna, Luna thought for a moment and looked at the female knight's breasts.

"It's huge. When it's big, use this, right?"

Said Luna looking at the hose with a cow milking tool.

"Wait !!! What is that thing !!! Don't get close to it !!!"

The female knight said. But Luna silenced the female knight's mouth and turned on the cow milking tool. Luna put it on the female knight's nipple and the cow's milking tool sucked the nipple from the female knight. The female knight struggled in pain and tried to break free. Luna then took a stimulant drug and lubricated the stick of milking the semen to be placed in the female knight's vagina. Luna untied the female knight's mouth and asked.

"Information about the dungeon wormhole, now!"

Luna said, the female knight was panting and trying to catch her breath.

"Okay, I'll do anything. Please let me go."

The female knight said to Luna, Luna nodded.

"A dungeon wormhole is a skill where you can make a teleportation hole to the deepest floor or to a floor where there is a dungeon core. This skill drains a lot of manna and is also very useful if we want to destroy dungeons that we don't know about. This. Draining the manna and it could also create other wormholes. "

The female knight said while trembling.

"Another wormhole?"

Asked Luna,

"The other wormhole is a wormhole that was accidentally made. This hole randomly makes the other wormholes in different places at random. In short, the other wormholes are random wormholes that were made accidentally and we don't know where the original holes are. this worm resides."

The female knight said.

"Thank you."

Luna said, then Luna took a gas cylinder with a ventilator at the top of the gas cylinder. Luna attached the ventilator to the female knight and released the gas on the female knight.

"No! What are you doing! Get off me now!"

Said the female knight to Luna,

"Sorry. I do not want to forgive a bad person who wanted to hurt my friend."

Luna said, then after Luna gasped the female knight Luna left her. Then a Homunculus enters and prepares the female knight.

"No! Please! Don't! I don't want to end up like them!"

Said the female knight who started to lose control of her body.

"Why is my body weak."

The female knight said.

"Your body is weakened by the gas. The gas slowly diminishes the motor function in your body and leaves you paralyzed."

Said the Homunculus. Then the Homunculus inserts a stick covered with Makoro's stimulant into the female knight's vagina.

"No !!!!!! No !!!!!!!! I beg you !!!!!!!"

Shouted the female knight in her mind because she couldn't speak anymore due to the gas. The stick began to vibrate in the female knight's vagina and the stimulant drug began to permeate her entire body. Her face was flushed red because the stimulation was so strong. The homunculus reattached the cow's milking device to her breast and also inserted a tube in her buttocks so that the excrement removed by her could be retrieved and did not contaminate the semen machine.

The female knight's entire body trembled and tears dripped from her eyes.

"How does it taste? Isn't it amazing? Now you will be the same as everyone here."

The Homunculus said, pointing to all the women who were tied naked with all the milking tools that harvested the semen belonging to these women. There are 15 women including the female knight.

"This place has been very full since the first adventurers came here and got caught by us. Thanks to your semen we managed to make around 1000 Homunculus now. It's still a little but just wait a few more years. We will be ready to destroy the Centurion kingdom."

The Homunculus said to the female knight. The female knight begins to lose consciousness and begins to accept her fate as a cash cow.


On the 345th floor, there is a lab where the Homunculus begins their experiments.

"Yeah !!! Latest breakthrough !!! We managed to make a terrible monster !!!"

Riley said,

"What kind of monster do you mean?"

Makoro asked,

"Look at the Führer !!! It is our masterpiece !!!"

Said Riley,

"This is just a magic jamming. Not too scary, right?"

Makoro asked,

"For us! But for all the creatures in Anflem this thing is very scary! We can put it on a plane that flies slowly and make the entire area covered by this jamming magic! All enemy magicians will definitely panic!"

Riley said,

"How much area will the magic jamming effect cover?"

Asked Makoro,

"It is as large as 2 x 2 white buildings belonging to America that the Führer told about. And lasted for 45 minutes. I am still trying to expand more so that the distance is even wider and also make the duration of the effect last longer."

Said Riley,

"That's great. Keep developing for us."

Makoro said,

"I didn't expect Riley's extra class to be engineers."

Makoro thought, Luna returned with data about the mysterious sea water.

"A wormhole created by accident? That means this wormhole is in the ocean."

Makoro said, Makoro thought.

"We can make a profit by making 234 floor a herbal area. I'll try to move this wormhole to floor 220 where it is still empty."

Makoro thought, then with the Makoro dungeon Absolute control skill, Makoro managed to move the wormhole to the 220th floor. Makoro quickly felt a large torrent from floor 220 to floor 230.

"Quickly the whole floor was covered by sea water. I'd better change the floor layout. 220 to 230 to be floors with the shape of the vast ocean."

Makoro thought, after being arranged Makoro visited floor 220 and saw the whole floor 220 to 230 becoming an ocean.

"No way. The entire floor turned into an ocean."

Makoro said it was at the entrance to the 220th floor which had turned into a beach. Makoro smiled,

"They will be very difficult to pass."

Makoro thought, Makoro stretched his neck and saw all parts of the 220th floor door which turned into a very beautiful beach.

"A little recreation seems fine."

Makoro thought, then all the higher ups in the Chimera dungeon teleported to the 220th floor in their swimsuits.

"Yeah beach!"

Ted shouted, Ted quickly jumped into the blue sea which is on floor 220.

"Gosh, that kid's always excited."

Makoro thought,

"Wait! Where did you guys get that bathing suit!"

Makoro said, most of the high-ranking officials who came wearing beach pants or bikinis.

"The shop on the 365th floor is all kinds of things. We've been wanting to go to the beach for a long time but since we never met the allies who owned the beach so we just bought them so we were ready for this!"

Alice said with a proud face.

"Don't tell me that all this time it was you guys who made the Dungeon leak the points I got with all that struggle!"

Makoro said,


Getting Dungeon points could be with Gulag, concentration camp that Makoro hasn't made, or by completing thousands of documents about problems in the dungeon. And Makoro accumulated a lot of points by completing all the endless documents.


"You know! I was about to buy a Plutonium factory which is very expensive. No wonder why my dungeon points are always drained! I will punish all of you!"

Makoro shouted angrily, but a hand grabbed Makoro's shoulder and when Makoro turned around, he saw Luna wearing a dark purple bikini with a purple flower-patterned sheath covering Luna's bottom.

"I also got punished right?"

Asked Luna, Makoro fell silent to see Luna who was very beautiful in this bikini.

"Cheater !!! If it's like this I can't be angry !!!"

Makoro thought, who kept glancing at Luna's breasts, which were wrapped in the purple bikini.

"Is this really a swimsuit? Why is this thing so exposing my skin?"

Asked Luna,

"It is true that this is a swimsuit, Luna. In our previous world this outfit was very normal."

Asuna said,

"And why is a bastard like you wearing it too." Makoro asked Asuna who was wearing a white bikini.

"What's wrong with it? Luna asked about a swimsuit so I helped her. And also, Luna bought me this swimsuit. I'm so thankful and can we play break my watermelon too?"

Said Asuna who started thinking about perverted things.

"Shatter this watermelon. Not two of your watermelons that were in your chest."

Makoro said carrying a watermelon.


The watermelon game that Makoro means is the game of Suikawari, the watermelon is placed on the ground, one person is blindfolded, then with the guidance of the voices of the people around him or her, he or she will try to go towards the watermelon and then hit the watermelon with a stick.


Alice was the first to try, her eyes closed and Alice tried to find the watermelon.

"It will be over quickly. It's not fun at all."

Makoro said irritably,

"What do you mean?"

Asuna asked, then quickly Alice turned to the watermelon and jumped on the watermelon and broke the watermelon.

"She is an assassin. She must have a very sharp sixth sense. And also that watermelon is very dead."

Makoro said pointing at Alice who was wearing a blue bikini with a plain blue sheath covering Alice's bottom. And when Alice opened her blindfold she saw the watermelon she had smashed into pieces.

"We can't eat this."

Luna said,

"Okay, let's try again. Buy the watermelon!"

Shouted Bill, then Alice opened the dungeon shop and bought watermelons.

"Bastard! So all of you are using my dungeon points that I have accumulated to buy useless items ?!"

Makoro asked angrily.

"Calm down Führer. We do not use all your points on useless things."

Alice said, then Makoro looked at Alice's thoughts and Alice's status.

"What do you mean by I hope the Führer doesn't know about that 40,000 dungeon point outfit! And why do you have the title of consumerism?"

Asked Makoro angrily, Alice stepped back, and Alice quickly bowed down.

"Forgive me Führer. I have used my authority as a Chimera dungeon leader at will."

Alice said,

"Alice. You know I will punish you no matter what, right?"

Makoro asked, Alice nodded her head.

"Your punishment is to replace all the points you have drained. No matter what!"

Makoro said,

"Don't tell me!"

Alice said,

"That's right. You must complete at least 600,000 documents about this dungeon!"

Makoro said,

"No !!!!"

Alice shouted, then Alice realized her mistake.

"It would be better if the Führer would not authorize me to be in charge of the dungeon."

Alice said,

"Sorry but I will not give up your position as dungeon boss."

Makoro said, suddenly Ted returned to the beach, carrying a body.

"Ted what is it?"

Will asked,

"A Drowned. I found him sprawling on the island."

Ted said pointing to an island in the middle of floor 222.


Makoro asked, then everyone surrounded the drowned Ted was carrying.

"Why is it drowned here?"

Akira asked,

"Did Mr. Makoro call them?"

Asked Jager.

"No, I think they got carried away by wormholes."

Makoro said, then they only looked at the naked woman's body with moss on her body.

The drowned woke up and looked around her. Her eyes were black with blue pupils like the sea.

"You're awake. What's your name and why are you on this floor?"

Asked Makoro,

"I don't have a name. I was attracted by some kind of hole with some of my friends."

She said to Makoro,

"Now where are your friends?"

Asked Makoro,

"I don't remember."

She said to Makoro.

"All right, we'll find them."

Makoro said, then they got ready to explore the entire 220 to 230 floor.

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