
Dressing You-III

She saw how his eyes drank on her view, and how his gaze swept over her, not missing a single part of her skin. Ian watched how her legs squeezed together, her bare skin was soft and it took him a moment to warn himself not to bite into her legs and run his fingers all over her skin and her full bottom that was barely hidden by the chemise.

"I told you to wait," whispered Elise. It was too late for her to take anything to hide her legs, even if she wear her stocking now it would only be another view for him. Her skin tingle and a part of her body felt like it hardened.

"You spoke too late," Ian reached out his hand to close the divider between them, and with him entering the divider gave them the extra disclosure than Elise needed when she was bare footed with only her panties on her lower half.

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