

Lisa wrapped her arms around Ryan's neck and asked "Do you need an invitation to perform exercises darling?"

Ryan chuckled and said, "No babe, my mood will always be on for this kind of romantic sexy exercises."

"What are you waiting for?" Lisa said while giving a peck on his lips

"Let's go to our apartment. I will show the new positions." Ryan said

"Geez, get a room guys," Nina said

"See you soon Ni," Ryan said before lifting Lisa and walked out of the apartment

"So Ni, you want to ----"

Cutting him off Nina snapped "No, I don't want to do any kind of sexy exercises with you."

She wants to do it with him but she can't give up so easily without teaching him a lesson for being a jerk in past.

"Sexy exercises? Where does that come from?" Erik asked

Erik widened his eyes in shock when he realised something and asked "Wait? What? Are you thinking that I asked you to do sex with me?"

When Nina pursed his lips, Erik chuckled and said "My sentence is you want to eat anything"

Erik let out a laugh when Nina closed her eyes and cursed herself for assuming things. How can she assume such things? What if he thinks she is a pervert? No Erik never thinks like that, he kinda likes Nina's bold and seductive side.

"I don't mind if you want to do sexy exercises with me, darling, I seriously missed our midnight exercises a lot," Erik said before kissing her nape

Nina let out a satisfying gasp when he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her closer.

"Babe, I want to do things with you but you know I can't until I clear mess that I created between us. I missed you a lot darling." Erik said

Nina blushed harder. Why his voice become so cute and soothing whenever he says such romantic words?

Nina chuckled and asked, "From where you learned such romantic words?"

"I'm self-learner babe," Erik said before removing his hands from her waist. He knows if he hold her for one more minute, he ends up doing things which are not good for them.

"So you want to eat anything?" Erik asked

"Yeah, what about sandwiches and some mushroom soup?" Nina asked

"Perfect" Erik said before walking towards the kitchen


Francis mansion

"Why? Why did you do that?" Mother Francis snapped

"Babe, He is stubborn just like them." Father Francis said

"So what he is stubborn? Do you know how dangerous for him to go to the UK?" Mother Francis said

"Babe, I tried to explain situations to him but he wasn't ready to accept my words so I trusted Geroge and let him go" Father Francis explained

"Do you think George can protect Andy?" Mother Francis asked

"Yes babe, Geroge knows everything about him and Do you remember how George helped Andy when he visited the UK without our knowledge three years back?" Father Francis said

"Yeah I know but I couldn't help but—"

Cutting her off Father Francis said, "Darling, it is his fate and he has to face everything in future and you know they are many people in the UK who can protect him."

"And They are many people who can harm him" Mother Francis retorted

"Darling, we are trying to fix everything. Please be patience" Father Francis said

Mother Francis nodded her head and said "I don't want Andy to suffer like a big brother"

"Don't worry darling, Andy is not like brother. He is smart enough to analyse everything. He don't trust people blindly" Father Francis said


Amy and Andy's apartment


"I want to do something special to him," Amy said

"What? You already gave a special treat to him last night babe." Nina said

"Oh not that Ni, I want to make cupcakes for him," Amy said

Nina and Lisa widened their eyes in shock and shouted: "Please don't do that."

Amy frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Babe, I still get vomit whenever I think about your food," Lisa said

"Yeah, do you remember that chicken lasagna which she prepared for us?" Nina asked

"How can I forget that Balck coloured overcooked chicken lasagna?" Lisa said

Amy frowned and snapped "Hey its not my fault. You guys disturbed me that day."

"Taking a selfie for a minute is called Disturbed? I don't think we disturbed you" Nina asked

When Amy rolled her eyes, Lisa chuckled and said "Babe, cupcakes are Andy's favourite. You can't spoil his taste by your dangerous cooking skills."

Amy pouted her lips and said and "I just wanted to prepare his favourite food"

Lisa smiled and said "Okay fine, I will give you a recipe and try it out."

Amy excitedly clapped her hands and said "Okay give it"

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