

Hello everyone, my name is Saturnalia Blackrose. Thank you for reading Volume Five of Date Her Instead. As always, I'll start with the apologies. If there were errors in spelling, grammar or consistency with the story, I apologize. Once you reach the fifth volume of a series, it can get a little difficult to remember everything that has happened, but I'll still try my best.



Man, I've been waiting for this moment for so long (as I'm sure many of you have). I'm especially looking forward to writing a bunch of fluffy moments between Haruna and Kanako in the future. For those of you that have stuck with this series and waited patiently, I give my thanks. I know slow-burns can be frustrating at times, but in my personal opinion, nothing beats the pay-off one can get from a slow-burn when the two main characters finally get together.

This volume turned out to be the shortest by page count, but it also proved to be the hardest for me to write, as there was so much internal stuff for the characters. That kind of stuff can be difficult to plan, but I believe it all worked out well enough in the end.

Of course, there's thanks to go around as well. To Baprima-07, who continues to give me great cover art. To the people who support me in my writing. And lastly, but most importantly, the readers. Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

Now for some news. With the completion of Volume Five, Part 1 of 2 is officially done. I'll keep how long the second part of Date Her Instead is a secret for now, but know that there's still plenty of story to be told. And, just like always, while there will be plenty of good times for the characters, plenty of problems still await them as well, so I hope you'll continue to support all of them.

Usually I'd wrap up the afterword by saying the next volume will begin shortly, but I'd like to take some time to really make sure the next volume (and more) are well-planned. So, Volume Six will be starting in about two weeks from now.

Until then,

Saturnalia Blackrose

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