
Blue Moon

"What help?" Li Ming asked.

"What kind of help do you need at the time, Little one?" Rather than answering her question, the Deity replied with a question of his own.

"You don't need to worry about my problems. I can take care of them by myself." Li Ming said with a frown.

Maybe she was looking like a drunk and her mind was on break for the time being, but she was still the stubborn and self-dependent girl who was not going to take help from any stranger whose intentions were still not clear.

Of course, the same rules didn't apply as she rested in the same stranger's warm embrace, whose intentions were not clear yet. Talk about double standards!

The Deity chuckled softly as he saw the frustrated expression on her face and the little pout adorning her beautiful face.

"Look at the Moon." He whispered softly in her ear.

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