
Chapter 527 Eyes of Revelation

"To the nameless assassin who stabbed me in the back earlier, come out and I will forgive you of your crimes."

"Continue to hide and I shall add you to the list of the disabled." Clark threatened in a loud firm voice.

"..." Sadly, he got ignored by the assassin.

"Okay then. So you have chosen pain and suffering. Very well." Our bored gamer nodded after 10 breaths had passed.

Such a problem was easy to solve now that he had taken control of some hard headed people around him.

"Gather the wounded in the middle. Only heal them and close their wounds." Clark instructed and his words were carried out without fail. This was the obvious respect and epic perk that belonged only to the strong.

He then returned to the center of the Invincibles' camp and sat on the only furniture nearby.

The bed was soft and looked expensive but our good gamer's thoughts were on something else at this time.

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