
Chapter 504 Battle of Giants

Our bored gamer could have escaped that but he doubted that he could keep up dodging a strike from a level 10 existence for long.

Thus, he ate the fist head on and without blinking an eye in the process. Clark was without a doubt very practical in his battle approach at this time.

"BOOM!" A broken body could be seen to be entombed several kilometers underground.

Our good gamer looked like scattered meat paste in the aftermath but a very curious thing happened in the next moment.

"WHOOSH!" A great suction whirl pooled around Clark's sad form and the energy in the world created a miracle for him.

The torn flesh was born anew and the gallon of blood that was spilled from him was once more caged into the perfect form of his smiling demon mask visage.

This op technique was of course brought about by the Divine Elephant Immortal Physique on our bored gamer's possession.

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