
Chapter 215 The Ice Queen is Coming!

"I can't say that I've heard that before. You have a way with words, Clark." Amber smiled and tried very very hard to hide her discomfort.

She most of all did not want to show how overly stimulated and aroused she was at this very moment. Especially not in front of the sole reason of this wet dilemma.

"I try. I try, Amber." Our bored gamer said and the ride to the late dinner date went on smoothly as planned.

Clark did not drive like a rascal like the way he had arrived in the first place. He instead rode the vehicle with great finesse and care.

The ice queen was with him and thus, he certainly did not want to appear like a daredevil in steroids. At least not just yet. They arrived in a lavish restaurant.

Perhaps the most expensive one in the city with a staggering five thousand dollars per head bill. The Sapphire Flame Experience!

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