"This place is horrible!" This was the first thing that everyone thought after they were transported by the mystical formation.
There were mangled flesh and rotting bodies around them which in turn caused some with weaker stomachs to vomit upon the terrible welcome that awaited them.
"HAK!" Lian Li and Lian Ah could not help but show the natural response of any mortal like them but Old Peng resisted such simple urges.
He was made from tougher stuff and was alive for more than a century already. Grotesque events like this one were nothing unnatural in the dark suburbs of the slum.
Clark, Wan Fei, and Ning Xi were faring better than anyone else in the party.
Since they were cultivators who prided complete mastery of their body at the Mortal Shedding Realm, it was only natural for them to have better control of their physical urges.
They won't easily throw up in ugly scenes like this one.