
We can use Butter scotch flavour..

Mark's POV:

We came to the Main Party Room, after a few minutes we saw on the other side of the room, our partners are entering. All are busy in searching for their partners..

I found Anna, she stays still where she is standing, and her face looks worried. She is looking around like a lost puppy maybe she is searching for me. I went near to her silently and placed my hand on her cold back. She recognized my hand and looked into my eyes directly..

The moment she holds my hand, she asks me what happened to my hand, I don't even recognize the wound on my hand is bleeding. She is worried and cleaned it with a tissue..

Meanwhile, Mona and Tom came to us and Mona checked on my wound, and she finds an alcoholic glass..

I was scolding Mona and closed my eyes to get rid of pain. Suddenly, I sense one hand on my blazer and the other hand on my cheek by tapping me slowly to consoling me, I understand it's Anna.

The moment Mona pour alcohol on my wound, I hold Anna's waist tightly and hide my face in her neck by pressing my lips on her shoulder to control my scream.

Then after few minutes, Mona said, "Mark, you are hurting Anna exactly on her bruise on waist.."

I released my grip, and take a step back..

Meanwhile, the music got started. Mona, along with Tom, went for a dance. I looked at Anna, she is looking around with her excited eyes.

I don't know she likes to do the dance or not but I like to dance at parties. I am not a specific dancer, but I can manage in the parties..

I look once again at Anna's excited eyes and offer her my hand to her and ask, "Will you dance with me..?"

She immediately looks into my eyes with a smile on her face and hold my hand quickly and said, "Always."

I keep one of my hands on her waist and with the other hand, I hold her hand and move slowly like a slow salsa step by looking into her eyes.

She seems to be very happy to dance and she is taking the step perfectly according to the slow music...

Mark: "You are a very good dance."

Anna: I love to dance...

(Then I rotate her and lift her by holding her waist and landing her like a salsa jump. She immediately responds to my step and makes it a perfect move and we both didn't take our eyes off. We are looking into both of our eyes.

Mark: Did you answer the Que card questions?

(I can sense her shrills when she heard about que card, her face turned to blush, and nodded her head as yes.)

Mark: What did you answer to the first question about my favorite flavour?

(We are continuing our dance steps)

Anna: (I got goosebumps when he asks about condom flavour..

I stabled my mind myself and said..)


(I smile a little and ask her teasingly)

Mark: "Did you like strawberry flavour?"

Anna's Pov: (what he is asking about?

He is asking about strawberry condom flavour or strawberry flavour in casual..? )

Then I strike my head as no and said, "I don't like strawberry flavour."

Then he smiled to himself and said, "Ok, then we can use Butterscotch flavor, I think you like Butterscotch?"

What he is talking about..?

What did he mean we can use?

What are we discussing about?

A Condom of butterscotch flavour or a strawberry flavour?

I understand he started teasing me.

Mark: OK?

(I nodded my head as Ok

What I just said, Yes?

Yes, for a condom of butterscotch flavour?

Meanwhile, he smiled by looking at my confused face. He again lifted me by holding my waist and land to the other side as a salsa step. The speed of the music increased and we increased our dancing steps to speed, and we both are enjoying our dance...

I was a little bit embarrassed about his questions..

Is he going to be teasing me..?

We didn't stop our dance, and we are continuing the dance and lost in our own world, then a final note of music we heard, and he keeps me in a salsa pose, bends me back by catching my waist with his hand.

I can hear claps around the hall, I get back to reality and stand straight. On the dance floor, I saw another two couples, one is Tom and Mona; they are kissing with each other and the other pair I don't know.

I was scared that everyone is looking at us, and I hold Mark's hand as a Lost puppy. We get down the dance ramp and went to the table arranged with four chairs to sit.

Me, Mark, Mona and Tom sit near the same table and laugh to each other...

Mona: Anna, I don't know that you dance perfectly..!!!

Anna: I like to dance, Ria and I participated in so many dance events and we have a band in our school too..

Mona: wow! That's great..!!!

Meanwhile, we hear an announcement.

"Attention to everyone.."

We all look at the Host, who is the Host of this event.

Host: "Hi, friends, Good evening to everyone..

First, I will thank every couple for attending this event and making it successful. I hope you all are enjoying it but there is a little announcement..

I didn't inform you prior that I would like to sponsor a trip to the hill station for the best couple of this evening..

We are scaling the Best couple by the following parameters..

1. Que card

2. Physical Intimacy

3. Social Responsibility

4. Couple dancing

You all know about the Que card, we collected from everyone at the time of entrance and we sorted 20 couples out of 50 couples who give all the three right answers about their partners.

(all are murmuring and laughing and I know we are definitely not in that 20 lists because we don't know each other about our personal spot and measurement.)

Out of these 20 couples, fourteen couples qualified for physical intimacy..

I mean these 14 couples are caught on our hidden cameras when they are taking part in sexual intimacy with their partners like making out, kissing, hugging, holding sexually, etc.,

Out of these 14 couples, three couples won the couple dancing by not leaving their hands throughout the song...

(I am scared because we are one of the couples in the three couples in dancing. I feel nervous if we are going to win, then I should answer to Mona about Intimacy, about the que card etc., and it feels awkward before Mark because we are not real couples either.)

Host: And the final test is public responsibility, No one knows about this test...

Let me explain...

After the que card was done, you all have waited in the hall for a few minutes, there we arranged a prank on both men's side and girl's side..

On men's side, we plot four men as a gang to tease one of the management girl.

Only two men supported the women and beat those gangs to death, and one of the two men is a cop. I think he informed to the station and some cops are waiting outside.

So Mr. Cop, please excuse us, and say to your team members to leave our boys...

(Tom raises his hand as ok, and both Tom and Mark look at each other and smile but Mona and I were in shock and staring both of them for their heroic actions, and the Host invited that management girl.)

Girl: I am personally thanking to Mr. Mark And Mr. Tom. I am extremely sorry to prank you but your caring for the girl's values makes me flat on both of you. Actually, I need to nominate only one but I am nominating both of you to the final.

Mona: I think you both won the trip to the hill station, go and enjoy yourself.

(Mona said with a pout on her face. We all three laughs at Mona's comment.

Host: And we prank the social responsibility of girls too. When they are staying in the room before entering the party hall we send a Fatty girl and ask her to mingle with the girls.

In a short time, who's getting close to her will be our finalist...

Let me invite her,

(And the chubby girl is on the stage, Mona and I look at each other...)

Chubby girl: Hi, everyone, there is a reason to conduct this prank because some people think that body structure shows the status. Some people think that eternal beauty is status.

I personally give priority to the people who care about eternal beauty than physical structure.

In my case, the prank went to worst, and I literally cried for the humiliation by one of the girls at this party. Out of all the girls one got support to me, she raised her voice to support me...

She is Ms. Anna, Thank you so much...

(I am shocked when I hear my name. Mark holds my back and tapping me as well done..)

Chubby girl: But that girl humiliation did not end with me,s he raised her voice on Ms. Anna too. Here my other friend came to support Ms. Anna; she makes that girl shut up.

(I looked at Mona.., I know the chubby girl is saying about Mona..)

And she is none other than Dr. Mona...

I am heart fully thanking you for your support. I should only nominate one but I am nominating these two girls to the Final. Let's our Host decide who can be the winners.

(we all four look at each other and smile to each other.)

(please do support this story with power stones and your valuable comments. thank you)

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