
This is me Part 11


Toh walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist. "How do you feel?"

"Mmm, still a bit dizzy. I was just going to make milk for the twins."

"I'll do that, you sit down." Toh pushes her down onto the couch and took over making milk for the children. 

"I spoke with Yuhi." Sumire brought up.

Although she woke up in Toh's arms after the first time she spoke to Yuhi in the space. She didn't bring it up and he didn't asl

"Ah, how did it go?"

Sumire sighed. "He really is an idiot. He told me everything, filling in the gaps from Renna's story." She trails off. "We've been talking, gradually. Not revealing too much because it would overwhelm the other party. But, we are getting there."

Toh nodded. "Take it easy. You two have a lot you need to speak about."

Sumire nodded and sighs. "I really shouldn't have kept so many secrets from him. It's partly my fault that he is so insecure."

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