
I Will Give You A Chance

It was a high end condominium in the middle of the city and they were on the top most floor.

Russel looked around and could see that its security was of top notch as well.

"This is a five star condominium and its security is truly among the top," seeing her look Amber started speaking as she prepared some coffee.

Russel just looked at her as she sat down on the sofa.

"I think we have something else to talk about other than the security of this place," Russel then said.

"But I think you do need this kind of place," Amber said as she placed a cup of coffee in front of Russel before sitting opposite her.

"Why should I?"

"You are after all trying your best to survive by staying in the lime light, by staying in the crowd in order to not allow them to get to you and take you while you were alone."

Russel's eyes grew wide, "Who are you? Could you be one of them?"

She stood up ready to leave.

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