
Ch. 64 The Beach 2

We walked over to Zack and his friends who were standing a few steps away from us. I was trying not to make eye contact with any of them.

"Are you guys ready?" Nali said suddenly.

"Yeah!" Noah and the other person exclaimed.

Noah took off his shirt and threw it on the ground.

"Race you there!" he yelled and started running.

"Not if I beat you there first!" the other kid yelled back and ran.

"Aghh!!" Nali yelled laughing and began running as well.

I watched as they splashed into the water. Zack remained. I looked at him.

"Aren't you going?" I asked him.

"Well I can't just leave you here by yourself?"

I laughed slightly and watched as he took off his shirt, revealing strong muscles that were outlined softly by the rays of the sun.

"Are you ready?" He asked, tossing his shirt onto the towel that had been layed out on the sand.

"If you are!" I said smiling.

He grinned and we began walking to the water. We were about halfway to the water when his stride grew a little faster. I kept up with him.

"I bet I can beat you there." He said almost jogging now.

"You wanna bet?" I asked.

He broke out into a sprint and left me behind. I smiled and caught up to him.

"You're pretty fast!" I said laughing.

When my feet touched the water a cold shiver crawled up my back. I kept going till I was in deep enough water to dive in. I held my breath and went into the water. The feeling of the cool water felt amazing. I moved and went back up to the surface.

When I was above water I let out my breath and looked around. Zack was in the water a few feet behind me. He moved slightly closer to me and brushed the water off his face and smoothed his hair back. I felt my face grow warm. Was I blushing? I glanced back and forth from Zack to see the others coming towards us.

"What are you lo-" Zack was interrupted by Noah jumping onto his back. They fell underwater.

Nali came over by me. She was laughing. Was this how humans got along with each other? I joined in on the laughter. When they both came up they were laughing.

"You scared me!" Zack yelled while laughing.

"Sorry! That was funny though!"

They laughed and fooled around a bit more before Nali asked "Do you guys want to do a chicken fight?"

What was that? A fight? With chickens?

"Yea! I'm on Nali's team!" said the person whose name I still did not know. Maybe I should ask.

"I will be the judge!" Noah called and moved off to the side. I noticed he made a motion towards Zack with his eye.

Wait that meant, I would have to go with Zack. I walked over to him.

"What is a chicken fight?" I whispered to him.

"Just watch what they do, I will lift you."


I watched as the person dipped underwater and Nali climbed ontop of his shoulders.

"Ready?" Zack asked.

"Yes." I said slightly nervous.

He went under water and moved forward and slipped my legs onto his shoulders. I felt movement and he rose up out of the water. His hands held my legs on his shoulders.

"Okay! Are you guys ready?" Noah asked us.

"Yes!" Nali and Zack called.

We moved forward and Nali grabbed my hands. She was pushing on me. Is this what we are supposed to do? I pushed back on her. Her arms shook and they both fell into the water.

"Zack and Myira win!" Noah shouted.

"Good job!" Zack exclaimed.

The other two came back to the surface and started laughing.

"Best of 3?" Nali asked while smiling and giggling.

"I geuss!" Zack laughed.

Nali got back on the other person's shoulders and came back at us. I pushed them over both times.

"How are you so strong?" Nali exclaimed.

"I don't know!" I laughed.

"She is magical!" the guy said.

I looked at him. I felt out of place but I have heard worse things than that.

"Sorry Myira, I didn't mean to offend you if I did." he apologized.

That was strange. I am not used to apologies.

"It's all good!" I said.

For the next 4 hours we continued to hang out at the beach. I walked up onto the shore to sit down and let my muscles rest. I watched as everyone splashed around in the water. Pretty soon the other kid came up on shore and sat next to me. I looked at him, his dark skin glistened in the sunlight, it was honestly mesmerizing.

"I've had fun today!" he said breaking the silence.

"Me too!"

He laughed. "Wait have I introduced myself yet?"

Finally I can find out what his name is.

"No you haven't."

"Ahh! I am sorry! My name is Xzavier." he said holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you!" I said shaking his hand.

He was kind, and mostly quiet. In a way he was a perfect mix of Noah and Zack. Some what crazy and outgoing, but relaxed and refined.

"That was a pretty cool stunt back there." he said suddenly.


"At the school, you destroyed that beast with one fell swoop."

This was going down hill. I didn't want to talk about this.

"Oh yeah." I half mumbled with a laugh.

"I thought it was cool and pretty brave of you to be honest."

My jaw dropped. He thinks it's COOL.

"I told myself I would thank you the next time we bumped into each other. So, thank you!"

I sat there dumbfounded. Rendered unable to speak. Was I hearing right? Was I dreaming?

"Y-you're welcome." I said looking down at my lap.

"Ofcourse! It's really the only thing I can do. You save thousands of lives you know."

I paused before speaking. "Honestly I am not used to such praise."

"What! Are you serious?" he asked in shock.

"Other people cowar in fear just by the sight of me."

"Yeah I've noticed that. I mean yes you are powerful and mysterious but I have never seen you use your power for bad."

He paused and looked at me. "Zack seems to trust you a lot so I feel I can trust you the same."

Zack trusts me. I felt my mouth grow into a smile.

"Thank you, this means a lot to me."

"Your welcome!" he said and looked towards the water.

The rest of the group was walking towards us. Nali was running towards us and laughing. Zack and Noah dragged behind and talking. When Nali reached us she let out a sigh.

"Ugh I am starving!" she said as she stretched.

"Me too." Xzavier agreed with her.

"We could go to that one restaurant near the city." Zack suggested.

"TRBP?" Nali asked.

What does that mean? I wanted to ask but decided not to.

"Yeah!" he answered.

"Okay!" Let's go pack up!"

Me and Xzavier stood up. We all walked back to the towels and started to pack up.

"The wind has stopped." Nali said and she packed up her bag.

"It has!" I said shaking the sand off the towel.

I handed the towel back to Nali and watched as she shoved it in her bag. She stood up and put her clothes on over her suit. I did the same. When I was done I glanced over at Zack. He was folding up towels and shoving them into a backpack. Noah and Xzavier were packing everything else up. I looked back at Nali. She slung the backpack over her shoulder and walked closer to me.

"Maybe we should go and see if they need help." Nali suggested.


We walked over to the guys and helped them pack up. Once we were done we were ready to leave. While we were walking out I noticed there was still plenty of people on the beach.