
Ch. 57 Movie night

We walked through the dining room and around the corner. The livingroom was a medium sized room that had a computer in the back and a door that I assume lead to the backyard. There was a couch and a recliner positioned infront of the TV. The couch had blankets on it for the two of us.

"Make yourself comfortable." Zack said smiling.

I walked over to the couch and sat down on the right side of it. I grabbed the super soft blanket and pulled it over me. Zack shut the lights off and the room went pitch black. He walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite end of it. He turned the TV on and the room brightened significantly.

"So what are we watching?" I asked suddenly.

"It is called, 'Spirits of the Lost'. It is about these people that go hiking on this mountain and, supposedly anyone who has ever went on the mountain never returned except for the old man who is the tour guide. This lady says he isn't real because she believes he sold his soul to some merchant on the mountain and the merchant needs more souls. But the old mans story is different, saying he is bringing these people to safety atop this 55,000 ft mountain. I don't know the trailer seemed interesting though."

"It sounds like it would be good!"

"Yeah, I hope its going to be good."

"I think it will be." I said watching as Zack searched for the name of the movie on the TV.

"Found it!" he clicked onto it and the movie began playing.

The first scene started out with a plane flying over the mountain and soon showing a ski resort at the very bottom. Next the sound of a phone ringing and a lady answering it. "Hello thank you for calling the Changley mountain ski resort, my name is Tara how may I help you?" People walked pasted the camera. "You would like to book a tour with Mr. Seo Longlind?" she paused, "You do realize what your in for right?" she paused again, "Okay, how many will be going?" she breathed heavily, "EIGHT!? Are you sure about this?" she sighed heavily, "The next available tour will be on next Wednesday, the 18th, at 7:30 AM, with this be ok?" she paused one more time. "Ok see you then. Bye." she hung up the phone.

"It seems pretty good so far." I said to Zack who had reclined his part of the couch.

"Ya it does!"

"Wait how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That thing with the couch." I said pointing to his feet.

"Oh, there is a button on the side."

I felt around for a button and found one. I pressed it and the couch made a grumbling sound.

"Try the other one."

I found another button, pressed it, but the couch grumbled again. I looked at Zack and he slid over to me.

"Excuse my reach." he said reaching over me to mess with the buttons on the side of the couch.

He pressed a button, the couch grumbled again, he hit the side of the couch. The couch made a 'ding dong' sound and Zack pressed another button and the couch shot open. We started laughing.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.


He was so close to me. I brushed hair out of his face that had fallen. He blushed and returned to his side of the couch.

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