

Alex approached and reached out to squeeze Zeke's shoulder. "Don't worry, there are many of us here who will watch over her. Abi and the others will also be there for her all the way, so don't worry. All you need to do is come back to us as soon as possible. Don't make her wait too long, do you understand me? Huh, Zeke?" Alex then tightened his grip and gave Zeke a slight shake, as though savoring the last time in a long while to disturb this friend of his.

He nodded at Alex, gratitude brimming in his dark eyes. "I know I can rely on you and everyone, Alex."

"Well… I don't mind helping out babysitting your child along with mine, since you claim you've babysat me for a long time."

They both laughed weakly at Alex's attempt at a joke.

"We will take care of Alicia, brother." Kyle said as he too, approached and held his brother's hand, followed by Kai and Zeres and Lucas.

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