The misery inside her heart was bubbling over so much she found it hard to even breathe. She had foolishly hoped, trusted… and now, here she was, barely breathing in utter defeat. The hope that she had been desperately holding onto was slowly crumbling into pieces, being scattered by the wind. Why? Why did he lie to her? What was the point in trying so hard to bring her to this place then? Was there even any point to all this?
In the midst of her agony, Alicia suddenly stilled. That's right. If the reason Zeres told her was a lie, then what's the real purpose of their journey?
She lifted her face and the moment she saw Ezekiel standing below, Alicia rose from the crystal throne. A long and deep breath escaped her lips as she forced herself to suppress the misery that was threatening to swallow her whole.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: