
Chapter 8

Training proved to be beneficial giving me an insight on what I could do and where my limits where drawn.

Having a kid's body didn't make any sense in the big scheme of thing I could control reality with my voice why would I wait for my body to age if I could do it now, "Adulthood,"

My body started to grow to what I would've looked like if I waited, I had in mind my age when I died twenty one years old, this serves two purposes one the Uchiha kid that originally was in this body died the day of the massacre and the same time I was reborn in his blood like a Phoenix.

Reborn as Uchiha Yami, the darkness that will control the shinobi world.

"Mirror" creating a mirror to inspect my appearance, I started to check myself out.

I was a good six feet tall. Right now, I was wearing wearing comfortable ninja clothes (like the one in the cover image), with a pair of short swords on my back.

I had pale skin, short unkempt black hair and curved eye lashes. Overall, I was pretty similar to Shisui but taller.

"Well, I should've done that long time ago, I don't have time to go through puberty again," I chuckled, "System am I fully an adult?"

[Affirmative, your body changes on a molecular level, even is somehow anti magic made its way here this change would be permanent,]

"Very well," I was ready to go back to the house and rest for a bit, not because I was tired but because I already finished my training.

However as I made my way to the house something new occurred to me, could I command my body to forcefully awaken the sharingan?, and maybe even the mangekyo?

"Mangekyo Sharigan," I muttered it was a test worth taking, my eyes started to burn almost immediately bleeding a bit on each one, and in the blink of an eye I was seeing things differently, I had the Mangekyo.

[Mangekyo has been unlocked....



Suffering damage to the optic nerves....


Starting self repair....



Countering damage...]

It was that easy, I just had to say it and my eyes went from no sharingan to a fully developed one, perhaps I could get the Rinnegan.

"Rinnegan," Nothing happened, which proved I couldn't force my body to create cells it didn't have, but I could still evolve my eyes one more time, "Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan,"

My eyes changed once more, clearing any pain I was feeling, I could see more clearly now.

[Optic nerve damage has been stopped....


Eternal Mangekyo Sharigan has been obtained.....


Assessing three unique abilities....

••Left eye••

•Jikan•(time)It allows the user to see one minute into the future, allowing the user to plan and counter attack any attacks.

••Right eye••

•Soki•(recall)•It allows the user to recall his position in time up to ten seconds ago, erasing any damage he might have received during that time and recovering any chakra he might have lost, this technique can only be used twice an hour before it needs to recharge.

Basically the user bounds backward in time, returning his health, and position on the world to precisely where they were a few seconds before.

This jutsu can be used on other people but it's more taxing.

••Both eyes••

•Janpu• (jump)• The zips in any direction through space, and reappears several yards or miles away depending on how much chakra the user puts in.



Assessing Susanoo...

Data incomplete...

User needs to use the susanoo for more information,]

"I don't like to toot my own horn and I not one for trash talk, but Madara lost his title as the strogest uchiha," I chuckled.

[Data shows you had more fire power than Madara the moment you figure out you could recreate a nuke,]

"I don't think there is any jutsu that can help ninjas withstand radiation," Madara and Hashirama were powerful but could the avoid their avoid the mortally of their bodies, no.

[I don't find such jutsu in my database... so your assumption is correct.]

"Very well, it's time for me to go back and see if miss Uzumaki is ready to leave this place," I said to myself, "Teleport,"


"Ahhhhh" Karin once again was startled with my teletransportation, "Stop doing that!"

"Mmm let me give that a thought... no" I chuckled darkly.

"So you're an adult now?" Karin asked.

"Yes, my body will remain on its peak forever, both mentally and physically," I answered.

"How old are you now?" Karin titled her head trying to figure it on her own.

"Twenty one," I answered her.

"Only fourteen years old," Karin hummed, "I can work with that."

With that she hopped out of the room leaving with one question, "Deal with what? My age doesn't affect her at all... I can't seem to understand kids."

"So I can call you sir now?" Maori asked, by the looks of it she just woke up, her hair was a mess but I could tell she was better.

"If you wish," I chuckled, "It seems you're doing better,"

Maori smiled, "I haven't had a good night of sleep in years, I used to work with them at least seventeen hours a day, and those were slow days,"

"Brutes, they didn't even know how to use their resources correctly," No wonder they were a village nobody cared about at all, they had idiots running it.

"I'll be ready to go in a few hours sir," Maori added, "I just need some food a bath and we'll be ready to go,"

"Water tank," I didn't create the house with a water system, "water system, feminine hygiene products, female adult clothes,"

Each command worked as I intended creating and working water system for the bathroom, a lot of hygiene products, and clothes for her.

"Take a relaxing bath, and dress with something nice," I ordered her, "Take the chance and clean Karin,"

"I will sir, thanks for your kindness," Maori bowed.

"Kindness... this is just basic human decency woman, now go time is ticking," This wasn't kindness this was just basic human rights.

"Karin! Time to for a bubble bath!" Maori called Karin, which came running like a bullet.

"A bubble bath?!" Kaori exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes, we own the luxury to our boss," Maori smiled at her daughter's antics.

"Thanks!" Karin hugged me and ran with with her mother to the bathroom.

"Well, it seems a soap can buy you some loyalty... this world is sad," Soon it would be time to collect the ninjas on my list, Kakuzu being the first one on the list.

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