
「 Submerged 」

"The name of the test that you will take right now is, 'Submerged Fish Hunt.'"

Right now the regulars who are willing to take the final exam are gathering to hear the rules of the final exam from Hansung Yu.

After being given the test mechanism this time, the point is, the Regular must escort the Net dolphins to gather fish to the queen in the hole or Net Dolphins Madame.

The shape of the test arena this time is similar to a wine glass, and the Regular must let Bam and Rachel disguise themselves into fish so they are swallowed up by the queen.

Of course the Net Dolphins have enemies who are stalking them, thieves who target their fish with worms, the 'dogs' who is their natural predator, and the 'Bull' which shaken the food-chain in the wine glass at this time.

After that, Hansung Yu left and gave all Regulars time to discuss their plans.

At this time Regular were seen sitting around a round table to discuss plans. After 30 minutes of discussion, Aguero finally concluded that to protect the Nets Dolphines from their predators , the Thieves and the dog.

Spear-Bearer and Scout will observe the thief's movements, and make them fight each other with the Dogs. So the Nets Dolphin can freely gather the fish to be swalowwed by Nets Dolphin Madame.

After that, the test began.


On one of the underwater cliffs in the Wine Glass, Kira was seen monitoring the Net Dholpins from the rocks and there was no sign of their movements. He seemed to be thinking about something right now.

'Hansung Yu is an Anima, I know that ... then, he must have controlled all the' bulls' who are here and gave certain orders to them. Well that is an easy thing to remember because he has listened to all of our plans beforehand. '

Kira then watched Shibisu who was seen standing watching the Net Dolphins from behind the rock in the bottom. And suddenly looked panicked when the 'bull' which was the biggest threat finally appeared and tried to prey on Shibisu.

' They have appeared ...? It hasn't even been 5 minutes since the test began. '

However, Kira does not seem to intend to help Shibisu, especially since there are already people who will kill the 'bull'.

Endorsi, Rea, and Anaak get the task to kill the bulls that appear, and currently those who are near Shibisu are Anaak and Endorsi. While Rea went with Hatz, because Aguero did not want the confrontation between the dogs and the thief to be interrupted due to interference from the bull.

'Well, if it's the two of them, I don't think the' bull 'is ... wait a minute, what are they doing. '

Kira said that because he saw the Bull that nearly died revived after Endorsi and Anaak instead fought with each other instead of killing the 'bull'. And finally the bull managed to escape, before they both finally chased him.

Kira then saw Shibisu waving at him from the bottom, And Kira who saw that jumped down.

* Tap *

Kira then walked closer towards Shibisu who looked happy because Kira approached him.

"Thank God you're still here, Kira. The two of them, those stupid princesses ..." Shibisu said, pointing to the cave with an annoyed face, but before he finished his words Kira cut him off.

"Okay, you keep watching the Net Dholpins until they finish making Shinsu's net to catch the fish, While I will pursue both of them."

" Alright! "

Shibisu nodded, Then Kira ran into a cave that was covered in darkness, a place where Anaak and Endorsi went after the bull before.


"Damn, this is all because you bothered me to kill him earlier, lizard.!"

Endortsi said with an annoyed face.

"why do you blame me, Witch... It's your own fault for not ending his life immediately."

At this time it looks like Anaak and Endorsi are running after the 'Bull'. However, they did not realize that the brand was getting deeper into the dark tunnel. Using Baang as a torch, they both continued to chase after the 'Bull' before he disappeared into the darkness.

"He disappeared." Endorsi and Anaak immediately stopped after they lost the trace of the 'Bull'.

"As we have to do now? We have lost track of the 'bull' because of a certain lizard." Said Endorsi.

Hearing that, Anaak felt a blue vein appear on her forehead.

"What did you say? You blame me for your mistake for not killing him as fast as possible, you old witch?"

The two of them then growled at each other and debated who was wrong between the two of them. Before, they felt their bodies tighten.

"Hmm?" Endorsi then glanced sideways, and there she saw the 'Bull' who flew using his wings which resembled the wings of a bat.

* Rarrgh *

"He ~, you have dared to approach me apparently, move aside you lizard girl, I will kill this creature." Said Endorsi while taking a red needle from his Inventory.

"No, this time it will be my turn to face him," said Anaak while swinging Green April in her hands.

" I do not care... "

"You !!!"

* Fwuosh *

However, while they were arguing, suddenly a sword of light cut through the air and stabbed straight into the heart of the 'Bull'.

* Spurt *

Make them both stop arguing with each other, because there are people who dare to steal their prey.

The bull was immediately killed in an instant and his large body fell to the ground. The light of the sword that pierced through his heart had also broken into particles of light and scattered in the air.

"Who is that !!!" Said Anaak with an annoyed face, while Endorsi thought when she saw the familiar sword of light.

'This Light form Shinsu ... Kira, huh. '

Then Kira appeared from the darkness like a ghost and said with a deadpan expression to the both of them.

"What are you doing, don't make this test even longer." Kira said.

Anaak who saw Kira calmed down, while Endorsi only sighed. Kira then said to both of them.

"Let's go back."

Hearing that, the three of them prepared to step their feet before a woman's voice came from the darkness behind them.

"Looks like I don't have to bother looking for you girls."

Hearing that, Kira, Endorsi and Anaak immediately stopped their steps and looked back.

Then, a beautiful woman with black hair and red eyes emerged from the darkness, the woman wore a red ribbon to tie her hair.

Seeing that figure, Anaak looked confused but Endorsi seemed to know the woman.

"Daughter of Anaak Jahad, huh ... you two look very similar."

Anaak looked surprised when she heard the woman's words, then Endorsi said while stuttering a little.

"You are ... Miss Ha Yuri Jahad, what do people like you do in a place like this."

As Endorsi said, the woman in front of them right now was one of Jahad's Princesses, a High Ranker, The Blake Snakehead Ha Yuri Jahad.

"Hmm? You are ...?" Yuri looked confused, before Endorsi answered.

"Endorsi Jahad," she answered.

"Ah! That's right ... well, if you ask what I'm doing in this place, actually I came here to take back my belongings.." Said Yuri.

"Your Belongings?"

Yuri then pointed towards Anaak and said.

"Hey Daughter of Anaak Jahad, I heard that Black March is in your hands right now ... I came here to get that thing back."

Heard that Anaak flinched a little, Yuri then approached Anaak, then he glanced a little towards Green April who was in Anaak's hands and said with a smile.

"Looks like your mother's Green April is in your hands too."

Hearing that, Anaak growled a little, but there was a bit of fear behind her expression, she then said doubtfully.

"II will not give up my Green April to you." Said Anaak, her legs trembling a little when she saw Yuri's red eyes glowing in the dark.

"I understand your feelings, but you are not strong enough to protect that thing ... that's why I will save Green April until finally you are strong enough to use it later," Yuri said.

Anaak who heard it bowed, her hands trembling, she did not know what she had to do, whether she had to give Green April her mother's legacy to someone else.

"I actually know a little about your mother, and I don't want you to be in danger of holding a valuable object like Green April when you don't have enough strength, you might already know it, but you are considered a disgrace to King Jahad, and there will be many killers after you, You understand that right? "Yuri said.

Hearing that, Anaak could not deny Yuri's words, besides, if Yuri really wanted to have Green April and Black March, maybe she had killed him now.

Although she had doubts, Anaak then took the Black March in her Reel Inventory and handed it with Green April to Yuri.

" You have to return it to me when I've become stronger. " said Anaak with determination.

Seeing that, Yuri smiled as she then inserted the two weapons into her Reel Inventory and said to Anaak.

"When you become a Ranker, Come to see me if you want to take Green April back."

Anaak just nodded, while Kira and Endorsi had been listening to the two of them.

Yuri suddenly asked Endorsi.

"By the way, do you know where Bam is?"

Hearing that, Kira and Endorsi thought.

'She knows Bam? '

However, before Endorsi could explain it, a voice came from Kira who had previously only been silent and watched the chatter of the Jahad's Princesses.

" Wait a minute... "

"Hmmm?" Yuri glanced at Kira.

"Do you think your status as a ranker and a Jahad's princess enables you to break any rules? Doing whatever you want and entering the regular examinations, and now you want to mess up the exam? do you understand what you just did? " Said Kira with a serious expression.

The reason why he spoke like that, was because if Yuri really did get to know Bam and realized that there was something strange about this test and saved Bam, then Hansung Yu's plan to recruit Bam certainly failed.

Hearing Kira's words, Yuri only answered with a cold expression

"So what? Moreover, since the beginning of the exam like this is not normal, you should take care of your own business little boy." Said Yuri slightly turned towards Kira.

Seeing the tremendous aura that came out from Yuri's body, Kira flinched slightly because the aura possessed by Yuri was very strong and terrifying. But he can't back down, promises are promises ... he has to help Hansung Yu because he has helped him all this time.

"Even so, you still cannot intervene in the course of this exam." Said Kira, preparing if Yuri would attack him.

Hearing fearless remarks made by Kira, Yuri said while grinning.

"Ho ~, if I don't want to?"

Then a sword of light formed in Kira's hand, he then said with a deadpan expression and said to Yuri.

"Then I have no choice but to stop you here."

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