
(IN) Chapter 015 - The Defense of Kath Part I

"You had a dream you say?" Byran asked Duke as he continued to shovel dirt.

"Yes, it was extremely horrible... and strangely metaphorical too! I was visited by Gaiseric. And even a Dragon!" Duke uttered as he helped Byran and the Knights dig up defensive trenches where they would hide in to ambush the bandits.

Duke and the Knights were lucky that the Bandit's hadn't ransacked Kath yet before they arrived. And so to further their chances of success Byran advised Duke to set up defenses.

*Sigh* "I remember Gwaine used to have weird dreams before we set off to battle... Gahaha, maybe this is a good omen!... We never lost every time Gwaine had those dreams... No, actually we never lost even if he didn't have dreams..." Byran sighed.

"Why'd you think they were metaphorical? Maybe Gaiseric did bless ya or something. Gahaha" Byran tried to lighten the mood as he saw Duke was visibly tense.

"I hope not... There were four demons who looked like me and started to hurt everyone around me... And Gaiseric and the Dragon were insulting me and gramps!" Duke looked scared when he remembered the Four Demons in his dreams.

[Metaphors, metaphors... Hmmm, the obese Duke obviously represented my laziness. And maybe my fatness too? But who were the other Dukes? Maybe Gaiseric is a representation of my "Great Future"! Gehehe. And the Dragon was probably a representation of my family?] Duke thought as he mistook the great Spirits and Deities who had visited his dreams for mere "metaphors"

[But why is the last part so blurry... Did it depict my death? Maybe it's true what they say. That no one can see their own deaths. Or what if one of Gaiseric's descendants would be my death!? I mean he was fighting with that Dragon! And I'm a Dragon (Pendragon)! Guuuu... I must make sure to act extra respectful and kind to people I meet in the future... Who knows which one of them is Gaiseric's descendant! Kiiii] Duke's misunderstanding deepened as his irrational phobia for Gaiseric's bloodline, Duke would be known for in the future, started... despite him also being of Gaiseric's blood, well technically 60% of people from the Empire and the surrounding continents had Gaiseric's blood as he prolifically left many of his seed in Myrth.

"Umm, Sir Count, I would like to invite you to dinner. It's not much but we prepared most of the food we can spare for the winter..." An elderly man respectfully invited Duke and his group.

It was the village elder.

"O-oh, thank you, sir!" Duke's deep thoughts were interrupted by the elder but he didn't care as his stomach was distracted by the words "Food"

"It's time for rest I guess... Everyone let's rest for now!" Byran commanded. And with that, they merrily headed in the middle of the village for lunch.

*Nom Nom Nom Nom* "Seconds! ah, wait it's already my thirds gahaha" Duke merrily ate the food as he asked for seconds. The food was plain and wasn't really that appetizing but Duke's tired body from digging up the trenches gulped down the food. [I'm a growing boy!] Duke shamelessly thought.

A young farmer boy looked on Duke with disdain as he gave Duke another serving.

Duke was quite used to getting looks of disdain from people and so he immediately recognized the young boy's eyes.

[D-does he know me?] Duke became scared at the boy's unwarranted anger. [I-is he perhaps... Gaiseric's descendant?!] *Gulp* Duke swallowed his saliva in fear.

"B-Byran? Why do some people look so angry?" Duke whispered to Byran as he asked the reason for the boy's disdain.

"Ah, you see. These are extra rations prepared by the village. But that doesn't mean it's actually enough to last them through the winter. So some of the people in the Village will have to starve themselves one or two days to make up for the deficit. If that doesn't work... Some of the sick or elderly would have to give up their share for the younger ones..." Byran silently explained to Duke.

"Not many make it out of winter" Byran continued.

*Ughh* Duke suddenly felt sick as he realized the other Knights eating very little portions despite their robust bodies.

[I had just killed a person with my stupidity...] Duke blamed himself as he remembered the creepy smile of the skeletal fourth clone in the dream.

["You're too fat and stupid"]

"I-I had enough food! Thank you for the meal! It was very delicious!" Duke shouted to everyone as he began to work back at the trenches.

[I must do work equal to at least three people!] Duke swore to himself to work the same amount of food he ate.

As Duke worked the trenches tears suddenly fell from his eyes as he remembered the boy's eyes and then he remembered his grandfather.

[Did he lose his grandfather too? Or someone close to him maybe?]

Duke's heart pained as he remembered the dusty and hungry-looking villagers who only stared at them while the Knights ate.

The villagers felt sad and helpless that all they could do was give the Knights their share of the food as they couldn't even help the Knights defend the village as they were too weak and hungry to fight crazed bandits.

Duke empathized with their helpless gazes.

Duke might've been a Noble, but he knew how it felt to always be below others. And how painful it felt to be powerless as you watch someone you loved, die in front of you. Either of disease, like Duke's grandpa or hunger, like the boy's family member probably did as those specific eyes of hate could not exist without something that traumatic to trigger them.

Duke was incredibly great at differentiating "belittling" hate from "justified and legitimate hate"

Duke's bullies always gave him belittling hate as they used him as an outlet for their own grievances and to let themselves feel superior.

While that boy's eyes or like Duke's eyes whenever he saw himself hate his abusers where REAL legitimate hate of someone who was powerless as something precious to them was taken away.

"Are you crying, mister? You look like a drowning hippo it's not cute at all!... So cheer up!" A little girl asked.

"Here I'll even give you my teddy! So don't cry" A girl handed Duke a small teddybear made from rough linen a chipped wood for stuffing.

It was cheap and any noble being given the item would shriek in disgust.

But Duke right now was aware of the financial status of the farmers.

It was probably the most precious thing the girl in front of him had.

"Kuh-" Duke began to tear up again as he saw the kindness of people despite being in hardship themselves.

A miracle called Empathy.

"What's your name, little girl?" Duke gently asked the girl... or at least he tried... He Tried Ok!?

"Eww asking for my name... A-are you one of those pedophilic counts my mama talks about, mister?" The girl suddenly became apprehensive as she saw the crying fat man in front of her suddenly grin evilly... Duke was trying to give a gentle smile by the way...

"Haaa... Kahaha!" Duke laughed at the misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry if I scared you" Duke sighed after laughing away the pain of being unjustly misunderstood.

"I-It's Annie..." The little girl shyly replied.

"Ooh? What's this? Already abducting little girls are we?" Byran gave Duke a big grin as he joked.

[Trully there is never a single evil soul within the Pendragons...] Byran thought as he looked at Duke who was busy doing work, probably feeling guilty at eating three bowls of porridge, and being nice to the little girl.

Byran remembered Gwaine's less misunderstood kind smile as he was showered with love by everyone. Byran knew the love people had for Gwaine was real and genuine as Gwaine reciprocated the people's love with a greater love of his own.

Byran thought not a single Pendragon was evil.

[Oh Wael... How proud you would have been to see Duke grow up]

Byran sighed as the sight of an incompetent Wael trying his best to put the shambling Maine back together with his meager capabilities entered his memories.

[Wael... you tried your best to fix Maine. But this time it's Duke turn. You can finally rest]

Sadly for Byran... he didn't know of Wael's true rotten personality and that the suffering, Maine experienced, was all part of, or a product of Wael, the Thief Dragon, (Ileidraig)'s cold and heartless plans.

Hello! Japhet here~! I don't know if anyone is still reading... But please support Count Duke The Fat's growth by giving it a review as not many people are giving their time to read it as no one would want to invest time into something they don't know yet. So giving it a review might entice other people to read it too! Please help me share my work with others so we could all enjoy Count Duke The Fat together!

P.S. To anyone who read up to this point... I SINCERELY THANK YOU! For, giving this novel a chance...

If you liked it Give it a review hehe.

If you disliked it ALSO give it a review gehehe, and specify the parts you didn't like to help me grow as an author!

Once again, I sincerely thank you to those who have read up this point. As a new author, I am actually quite nervous if this series would be a hit, or if it would be my sad fate to type into oblivion~ Forever floating in the abyss of obscurity!

So if you want more chapters, support ME! GAHAHAHA... p-please? Pretty please? Like I'd even give ya one or two of my kidneys! XD

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