

Lyndis opened her eyes sleepily, not bothering to get up, before realizing I was sitting not too far from her. "What are you doing in my room?" she complained.

"This is a forest," I said. 'Wait, how do I even know the human language? Actually, why am I questioning this? As long as I don't have to learn anything, I'm happy.' As I said that, her eyes focused on the scenery around her, causing her expression to get more and more confused. She seemed to be trying to remember something. Suddenly she started crying, and curled into a ball. 'Wha? I'm not that ugly, am I?' I wondered, before assuring myself that I was very handsome. Turning back to Lyndis' hunched figure, I realized I had no idea what to do at all, so I just waited awkwardly for her to recover.

After a few minutes, Lyndis finally stopped crying. 'I wonder if she even has any more tears left?' I thought, watching her intently.

"W-who are you?" she asked icily "And why are you in this forest?"

Ah. This was a bit of an issue. Hmm... as she's calmed down a bit, why not just tell her the truth? "My name is Rondu, and I saw running through my forest heavily injured, so I came to see what you were doing."

"...Your forest?" she said, confused.

"Yes. My forest." I responded, deadpan.

"...But this is monster territory?" she responded, looking even more confused.

"Yes? It's my territory." I said again.

"ughhhh" she groaned at me with an unamused expression that said 'stop making this so difficult!' oh yeah. I didn't say that I was a dragon. That would be very confusing.


To correct my error, I willed my wings back into existence. As my clothes were also made from mana, my silver wings emerged straight through them. "I'm a dragon." I said. I'm great at this conversation thing, aren't I? Lyndis was staring at me as if she were dead. "Huh. Guess I'm still dreaming then." she said, before lying back down. How rude! But it could be my chance to get some information. "As this is just a dream, can you tell your dream buddy why you were crying?"


Sadly, it seems my expert persuasion skills are not as amazing as I thought. Next question then. "Why did you run into this forest?"

"...I- I had nowhere else to go..."

Hmm. This sounds like a tragic backstory, so I'll wait and see if she keeps talking.


'It seems it wont be that easy.'

Before I knew it, dusk had fallen, and I wanted my bed. However, I didn't want to leave Lyndis to die, so I was in a bit of a difficult situation. 'Oh! I can just carry her!' I won't share my bed, but she can use the floor. I changed back into my dragon form because it was easier flying this way, picked up Lyndis and her belongings (while ignoring her shocked "Eep!"), before flying back towards my cave.

As you can probably tell, I'm bad at writing character interactions. It should get better soon.

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