

Somewhere high above the clouds, a lone dragon flew north at unbelievable speeds. 'I guess wind magic has more uses than just fighting' I thought, as I passed above the unchanging clouds, 'Without wind magic my flying speed would be a lot slower'. For people on the ground, it would probably be a slightly worse than average day, cloudy and overcast. But for me, it was probably the perfect weather. I could feel the warm sun on my back, and the endless rolling sea of clouds instilled a calm feeling in me, as well as blocking any inquisitive eyes from seeing me. Actually, considering how high I was, nobody would be able to figur out that I was a dragon anyway, but it was still nice to have some security. However, the one downside to heavy cloud cover was that I had no idea where I was or what was beneath me. At least I still knew that I was heading in the right direction due to the sun and the smell of the air (even high up, i can still tell the difference between normal air and disgusting salty air). Occansionally I dip below the cloud level to investigate my surroundings, but the ground so far has been either plains or sparse forest. I've crossed one ley line so far, but at that location was only a particularly flower filled part of a sparsely populated forests and boasted no nearby places that I could live, so I kept looking. As I thought about where I could end up, I realized I had absolutely no acquaintances. I didn't feel lonely, but maybe it would be good to adopt a pet or something when I next settle down. Occasionally, flying monsters come up above the clouds for a rest, but whenever they see me they always panic and fly away. I'm not that scary, right?

• • •

After flying for almost the entire day, I started looking for a place to sleep. I didn't really need to, and I could function fine for 5 days without sleep, but at my core I really am just a lazy dragon who would love to sleep as much as possible. When I looked, I spotted a nice dense forest that looked perfect as my temporary residence. I started to descend, but after remembering all those monsters that ran away from me while I was flying, I realized I should probably try to not scare everything in that forest to death. That being said, wanting to do it and being able to do it are two very different things. Most of those monsters ran away without even looking at me, so I probably have some sort of terrifying aura around me. This was a big problem. How would I hide my aura? While I thought about this I was flying large circles in the sky, occasionally cartweeling to try and think of something.

Eventually I remembered something from when I was very young, and still quite weak. I encountered a magical bear that was stronger than me. Without even looking at it, I could feel the danger it posed to my life. However, when it was hunting, this feeling completely disappeared. I think it was the previous ruler of that area, and I killed it as soon as I could. Thinking of this I realized two things:

1. It is possible to hide your aura

2. Humans (or maybe just the hero group?) are really stupid, or have completely lost their sense of danger.

I definitely wasn't doing anything special before fighting with them, yet they still attacked me, even though I have a terrifying aura. In fact, whenever I walked through my territory or flew low to the ground, I encountered extremely few creatures, maybe this was why? But if that was so, why didn't the occasional rabbit monster or similarly fluffy being not run away when I watched them from not too far away? Maybe I have an natural stealth mode that I use to sneak up on prey... or cute, fluffy animals. That must be it. But what exactly did I do to go into this 'stealth mode'?

After some more flying around I finally figured out what I should do. It luckily didn't take much effort... or maybe that's just because it wasn't working. Well, I was bored of flying around, so let's go test it. I took a final look at the sunset, watching the shattered sky and the endless sea of pink clouds, before diving directly through the rosy cushions. that being said, the clouds are in fact not fluffy, but have almost no density. Unless I keep them together with magic, it's more like touching ocean spray; cold and sort of wierd. I was very disappointed when I first discovered this. Pushing this thought out of my mind, I focused on the dense forest below me once again.

I descended as quietly as possible into the forest, landing with only a small impact and the rustling of leaves to announce my presence. As I stood still I realized something was very different from normal in this forest as I swung my head from side to side.

I wonder what could put even a high tier dragon on edge? What will Rontu discover in the next chapter? You will just have to wait and see...

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