
The Fool 12

Orison saw that his distress was making things worse for Hunter, Orison stuffed it back into the depths of himself. "Hey, bud. First of all, the problem that has me stressed was an issue before we even met. It might be nothing more than me scaring myself. For all I know, what you did saved me from losing everything as soon as the last part of me died. I don't really know how any of this works.

"As far as things being your fault, how so? You didn't give yourself things too tempting to not use. Hell, I probably would have tried to do something clever with it myself only to find out later that I'd screwed things up far worse than the generally positive outcome you managed to achieve.

"Think about it. My niece, your family, a lot of people that were dead are now alive because of what you did. You shouldn't feel bad about that. You should feel proud.

"It sucks you got separated from them but you're alive and, hey, you've got magic talent! We're going to go on an adventure! Not going to lie. It's not going to be fun that often and it'll be scary sometimes but... magic!"

Hunter cried out, "I tried! All that happened was I felt sick."

It took a little over an hour of explaining and drawing out models in the chalky dirt but the young mage coaxed the boy through his first Degree Shift and Fire Shot. None of the other beginning spells worked for the boy. After finding out that Hunter's concepts were massively different, Orison managed to find that there was something about the protective application of kinetics that seemed to resonate.

"Oh, I get it! I'm an evocation and abjuration dual specialist. I'm pretty much a five star battle mage! What are you? I guess the same since you could teach me, or maybe a generalist?" Hunter said, cracking his first smile and on the road to emotional recovery.

The young mage said, "This world tries to limit me to conjuration and alter, er, transmutation but I have a way to slip under its rules. Costs out the wazoo to cast that way and you're not strong enough magically to even squeeze out one novice with the way I do it. I'll keep an eye on your growth. It's weird how you forget a model after you cast it though."

Hunter's brows furrowed. "Not really. You're a sorcerer and I'm a wizard, right?"

"What kind of-" Orison was about to contradict but then realized that there was a benefit from having to prepare magics, even if it meant having to make a new spellbook if he lost one.

It might be a pain but Hunter's internalized concepts would remain as pure as driven snow. He would continue to improve and grow theory. In turn, the continuous repeated practice would help him translate things into greater concepts and possibly even laws much easier than the way Orison grew. The young mage didn't want to mess with that.

It took another two hours and some downright disturbed looks from Cray but Orison managed to piece together a beginner wizard set using an old notebook and some items from Roy's 'fun time' kit, including a few silk 'trophies' that had been in there.

A little tired but pleased, Orison handed the items over and said, "One latex water proofed, leather bound grimoire with laminated silk pages for you. If the blood of your mentor as ink doesn't seal the deal on a genuine spellbook, I don't know what does... When your prepared slots run out, that battle wand will serve as a conduit for a couple kinetic bolts before you run the risk of breaking it.

"The ring will lay down a circle your abjuration can use as a focus for some pure will work protection as well. It'll take some time and experimentation to make it more than a little resistance to battling intent and aura effects but that's the heart of a wizard anyway. I'll help as much as I can but we're kind of on diverging paths."

Hunter nodded in deep thought. "I thought you were a sorcerer but you're actually a warlock. It was faint but I could feel other magics coming from you. Who's your patron?"

At first Orison didn't understand what the kid was getting at but he realized that Hunter was 'getting into character'. It might not be too healthy if the kid went too deep but if he was just trying to distract himself to get over the hump, Orison would indulge.

With a look of exaggerated surprise, the young mage said, "How astute, young wizard. My patron is The Lady of the Green. Through the power of her most potent source, I may exercise my craft with fewer restraints but forever am bound in body and spirit."

Cray and Cole shared complex looks. Orison didn't have the sharp intuition that Red no doubt enjoyed but he could tell there was more to their reaction than just some awkward feelings over his and Hunter's act.

Internally concerned, Orison turned to them and said, "Spit it. What was that look about?"

Cray opened and closed his mouth a couple of times but ended up saying nothing as Cole gave the man a withering glare and took lead, "It's not pleasant. It's not really something anyone would want to say either. Blame it on that key mostly but you can hold some of that for the angel voice that came from that feather too."

The archer said defensively, "Now don't you be blaming her for just speaking what we know's probably more true than any of us would like to admit. I seen what... I'd appreciate it if you didn't go around blaspheming what support we have on the other side."

Arcing an eyebrow, Orison folded his arms pretending to just be curious and annoyed over the dithering rather than focus on how his guts were twisting over whatever nasty revelation was about to come to light.

Bitter enough of a soul not to have as much trouble being the bearer of bad news, Cole continued. "Like Cray said before. The key didn't seem to have any trouble letting women and elves through. I'd like to pop the smug guy on the other side in the chops for spitting that 'the more the merrier' line.

"Anyway, not to make a big deal out of it but there were only four women and a girl left after that. Once the angel popped up with her offer, Celeste and her mom took it right away. That's when the angel told us that we were a long way from other people. She gave us the general idea of where to head but we're in mid Fall.

"We go north, there's only a couple of weeks to find food and shelter before we hole up for three months. We go due east from here, it's undead, then monsters and finally a high elevation desert. South, it's desert and bigger monsters. Beyond that, she didn't say. It's pretty obvious what's west of us anyway.

"Whichever way we go, it's going to be a long time or a lot of danger before we find and cross a mountain pass to where people are. She suggested the north. The wait's longer but there's less danger outside of cold and hunger. There's a forest to scavenge too, if we hurry."

Orison chewed on that and then said, "Okay. What happened to the two unaccounted for women. I've already gotten that one of the last three was a mage that gave up some stuff for Hunter."

With challenge in his eyes, the feline teen looked at Cray.

After a little hesitation, the archer said, "The one named Drew said she was sorry but she didn't think she could do it. The second woman was to her what we are to you fellas, I guess. Anyway, seeing as she was the only gal left, the mage lost her nerve. I mean, I get it. Her companion was a fella too.

"People get hungry and thirsty for a whole lot more than vittles and water. If it was just a jump and skip, I think Drew and her buddy would have stayed. And then, maybe the mage would have stayed too. But wintering in who knows what state or slogging through endless unknown danger, I don't blame them for that all by its lonesome. Much less being the only lady around a mess of men and boys they don't really know."

Cole said, "What he's tip toeing around is how the angel pointed it out like some dire warning. I think the Drew lady would have took too long to decide if the angel hadn't. It's not like I care whether they stayed or went but your little feathered friend practically accused us of being... those kind of people."

Looking a little sad, Orison said, "The two of you shouldn't be forced to face this kind of situation, much less some therapist. Sammy did what was best. We don't have to like it but to some degree we have the ability to defend ourselves. Drew would have had a hard time. I have a feeling she was assaulted by a man before anyway. She would have worn herself out fast.

"Enough of this anyway. Hunter, catch a little more nap time before it gets late evening. If skeletons are coming, it'll be a teamwork crash course... You take the first watch, Cole.

"Cray, as soon as Hunter's back up, catch a nap yourself. It's all four of us til we get some practice dummies logged. But after that, it's you and me til day break. We'll head out four hours after dawn."

Orison set up the tent, laid out the mat and two sleeping bags inside Roy's badge. He felt fortunate that wherever the equipment specialist had last been, it required camping.

When they were situated inside, Hunter asked, "Al, do you think we'll be able to see our family again?... Oh, should I call you Orison too?"

The young mage chuckled and said, "I'll answer to either... I don't honestly know but we can give the mid dimensions hell trying to find out. Let's try to have fun doing it while we're at it. Sound like a plan?"

With a weak smile, Hunter said, "Better than no plan at all but I think it'll improve with time. You've got me here to help you sand the corners."

With exaggerated shock, Orison replied, "Was that a hint of confidence I just heard?"

"Warlocks and Sorcerers might be good faces for a team but wizards are the plan makers," Hunter said smugly before closing his eyes.

The young mage chuckled and said, "Let's start you out as plan suggester and go from there."

He briefly stirred from his rest when Cray took Hunter's place in the second sleeping bag and heard the boy complaining about wizards needing full, uninterrupted rests to prepare spells. He muttered something barely coherent about 'second edition' tables that had Hunter looking thoughtful before drifting back to sleep. Eventually, the young mage woke up refreshed a lot faster than he thought it would take. So, he let Cole have a nap as well.

Seeing Orison join him, Hunter pounded out some minor details about his new spellbook and magic functionality. In his own way, the boy was the best 'student' Orison had ever tried to teach. It was a bit of a shame in the young mage's mind that Hunter built his beginning structure around an RPG mechanic but Orison had to admit it was a good one to use.

Inevitably, it was close to sunset. With everyone awake, the young mage handed out another ration bar and they waited. Two hours after sunset and no signs of skeletons, he was about to give up and it donned on him. They were being too quiet.

The first night, by all accounts, there had been a part of the cliff sheering off into the sea below them. That would have drawn attention for quite a ways. For a moment, Orison considered making a ruckus but decided that a little teamwork training wasn't worth possible unknowns being drawn as well. Instead, he had everyone exercise enough to be able to rest some more and took first watch.

It was hard to tell time without watches under an unfamiliar sky with cloud cover but, in what felt like a little past the midway point of the night, he thought he heard scraping noises over the surf crashing. By the time he had processed what he was hearing, bleached bones had come into view just for a split second before a rock whizzed past him to hit them. The fragile skeleton was dislodged from the top lip of the cave and into the waiting waves below.

Cole approached the young mage and said in a low voice, "No need to wake them just yet. The best we could figure out, they have some kind of way to sense life if they're close enough and they stagger in so inf-"

As the feline teen was talking, six more popped over the cave lip to meet a discharge of Presto aimed at the lip itself. A small sheet of crumbly dirt and pebbles pulling itself loose allowed all six to slide off to their watery doom. Giving Orison a thumbs up, Cole went to wake the other two quickly and quietly.

About thirty seconds later, while everyone got themselves ready, the front third of their cave broke off. In the split second view they had, several more skeletons combined weight had managed to overload what the fragile lip could hold and went with them. Aside from two that had climbed in from a side angle to be met by a spectral hound created by Orison, it returned to quite again.

Cray said, "Why did you have that thing you whipped up, head but them off instead of drag them in. They had weapons."

The young mage replied, "It's just a thought. But if this attack was coordinated, I didn't want the leader who might be spying from above to see that. The actions are more indicative of a wild animal that might be trapped down here instead of people. If these things are forced to hide during the day, it's not to late to go looting then."

Hunter chimed in, "If it was a necromancer, they might be able to sense life or magic anyway."

The young mage shrugged. "If more come in an even more coordinated manner, they'll have weapons too. They'll probably be better ones as well."

Dim light reflected off of Cole's eyes eerily. "Those rust sticks I saw where little better than trash anyway. They could hurt the holder. Scratches from a rusty weapon can kill you in a far more painful way later. I learned the hard way."

Hunter said sullenly, "I have my tetanus shot."

Orison added, "I don't know if we can take anything we got from 'reincarnation land' as valid. Best not to take unnecessary risks."

Time passed without reprisal. Without the stimulus, Hunter started getting Shivery and sluggish. Using the pocked part of back cave wall as a bench, like they had when Orison first woke up, Cole wrapped the ratty blanket around them and let the boy doze off.

Seeing that scene, the young mage turned to Cray and said, "If it was much colder in here, we'd have problems."

"You want the jacket back?" the archer asked.

The young mage shook his head. "A little bit of cold isn't going to affect my ability to cast that much but even a slight shake could screw up your aim... I never realized I took that suit so much for granted when I had it."

Whatever Cray was going to say back was cut off by a familiar twang. Dangling upside down, three skeleton archers shot into the cave before being quickly pulled up. The first opened a gouge on Cray's face while the other two flew wide of Orison. He was happy their aim was so bad until he realized he hadn't been the target.

Taking a quick glance behind him, the young mage noticed that Cole had reflexively shifted low to the cave floor. Dragging Hunter with him, the feline teen had used his own body as a shield and had an arrow sticking out of his arm. As he rushed back to provide help, Orison cast the low grade summoning spell to give Cray support.

From bored to life threateningly dangerous, the next couple of minutes was an experience in nerve wracking patience as Cray would shoot when the skeletons popped in and change position. Throwing out the tent as cover, Orison worked on getting the arrow out and healing Cole's arms while trying to keep Hunter from recklessly exposing himself to arrow fire.

The tent wasn't much of a cover but it gave just enough difficulty to the archers that the arrows didn't stay on course. There were two missed calls and a shallow shoulder stick in Orison's own body before the last of eight archers had been dispatched. No sooner did the young mage have Cole and himself up and running again, the ones who had been lowering the skeleton archers down dropped in to say hello.

Skeleton soldiers in rotting leather armor tried to gang up on Cray when Cole came out to join the fight. Seeing their coordination, it became clear who 'took care of business' the previous evening. With an inward sigh, Orison handed over the machete and took the dagger after the 'wave' had been dispatched.

The young mage looked at his summon in regret. "You didn't get to show your stuff in this dinky cave. If I'd have sent you to help you could have tripped up somebody. Don't worry. Soon enough, there will be plenty of bones for you to chew on."

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