

Annabeth sat down at the harp and her arm rose up immediately, her shoulders up, pulling her harp towards her and placing it on her shoulder, elbow down and her hand pointing at a 45-degree angle at the strings. Slowly, she pulled her hand closer to the string and played a note.

The note echoed in the air for a moment before she played it again and again and again. There was a simple melody forming as she involved some of the other strings and played in a very slow tempo, dragging out in which the notes echoed in the air. 

There was this sense of calmness in the note, a tranquil aspect that really let the people listening into the song. It felt like something that would have been played in the house of a rich nobleman who liked to have the 'melodies of beauty' playing throughout all his halls, or a classic played over the act of murder during live-action shows. 

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