

"The path you are choosing to walk on is not something which traditional martial artist would even dream to walk on. Are you sure you want to walk the renegade path?"

"What is a renegade path?"

"Well, tradition has always been an integral part of martial arts since ancient times. Martial artists research paths through which they could rise to the top and leave the research for the younger generation to follow. But what happens when someone thinks out of the box?"

"It leads to an unexpected development within the art which could make it much more productive and powerful." Long Tao answered.

"yes. And it is generally appreciated by society as being a genius. But what if the idea and the structure are so out of limits that the power obtained is too huge."

"People are unable to digest the development properly and couldn't grasp the boundlessness."

'And what happens when the inability becomes a popular opinion?" The Keeper hinted.

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