
Chapter 1: Rebirth & Wishes

Alexander was a 16 years old orphan who was suffering from an unknown disease. Only for the research purposes, he was supported by the government.Due to being confined to the bed, he passed his time by reading and watching movies, animes and mangas. He wished to see the outside world but due to his condition , he cannot move. His death did not happen due to some sudden incident like in some reincarnation novels, he died peacefully while sleeping.

Alexander woke up to find himself sitting in a cozy armchair by the fireplace. He looked around and found that the room was painted in warm colours like a study of some rich and classy old man. But the content of the books in the shelfs lining the wall did not suit the atmosphere of the room, being filled with comics,animes,mangas,etc. Suddenly, a door which he did not notice before opened and entered an old man.

The old man was average in appearance but his eyes contained unfathomable power which made Alexander go weak in his knees. The old man sat across him and observed him intently. Alexander did not dare to move after all he was just a teenager boy who suffered all his life but that did not make him into some extraordinary strong willed person, in reality he was quite a timid fellow due to lack of social interactions.

After some time the old man said, "Don't be afraid young one, I will not harm you. I am merely interested to know how a soul with so much spiritual power got born on Earth." Alexander was dumbfounded and asked," What is spiritual power? How do I have it? Are you GOD?"

The old man laughed, "You are a curious little thing, aren't you. Well, I am not a god but a cosmic entity governing this section of multiverse. Spiritual power is the power of soul to influence the reality around it, in your case your body was not able to handle the latent power of your soul resulting in your so called disease."

Alexander asked, " What do you want from me? What is your name?" The old man said, "The name of a cosmic entity is not something you can understand and I only want to use you for entertainment purposes because eternity is very long and boring. You were nothing on your planet and I want to see what you will become when given the chance. I was inspired by those low class cosmic entities who reincarnate some people with wishes in other worlds and make bets upon their actions. Quite a huge money making venture it is. Okay, I will give you three wishes, I hope you choose wisely."

Alexander inwardly thought," What use of money the cosmic entities have?" But soon dropped this train of thought, and started thinking about his wishes. After sometime he said, "I have decided, I want to be reincarnated as a king in the 'king of the worlds' novel's universe; I want to have the ability to easily convince people to submit to me; I wish that those who swore their loyalty to me can never bring harm to me or my interests in any form."

The old man looking interested asked, "What is the reason behind your choices?"

Alexander replied,"By becoming a king, I can easily travel between worlds without any power or any such requirements; I would be able to make people follow me easily, thus, making the conquest of worlds easier; the third wish makes any king who submits to me incapable of harming me and my kingdom in any form, for example , by leaving my kingdom."

The old man laughed heartly and said,"Good choices!!! But since you will be a new king, you will not have the same support as Qin Yi, that's the name of that young king right, as his father himself, is a powerful king. Do you agree?".

Alexander, "Okay!!".

The old man, "Then!! Off you go."

Alexander saw the smiling face of the old man before losing conciousness.


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