
SS: Date With Sakuya

The city of Kyo was built in the center of a giant forest and is truly a contemporary urban phenomenon. Its wonder is matched by the backdrop of modest hills which have helped shape the city into what it is today.

The materials these hills brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings follow the flowing round shapes of those very same hills and continue the overall aesthetics.

The skyline is spreading with elegant skyscrapers and they all seem to be in perfect unison despite being different. Recreation is impeccable in Kyo and it has attracted a lot of attention. Many different cultures have left their mark not just on international relations, but also on the city's identity. What historically was a city of little diversity has grown into a large melting pot and it's this that unites the 1 million people to this day.

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