
Chapter 26- shaltered life and potion class

Marcus Potter's pov

It's been one hell of a summer Marcus had, and one weird of a week.

Since Marcos was a younger boy he wanted to go out, but as the boy who lived he couldn't really go anywhere as it was too dangerous, yes, he sometimes went to the ministry for events, and Diagon alley was one of the few treats he got when ever the word special occasion. He even sometimes got to go to his godbrother's house for birthday or something like this. But I didn't really have any friends.

Well, he always had his father and mother to keep him company so he never felt alone, but he did feel he missed something.

So in two months ago his parents told him he has a brother, he was super excited. Then for the next month he waited for his father to find that brother, and after all this time his father found him, but he didn't even want to come home. Apparently he had a new family, Marcus wasn't worried he was sure his brother just didn't know he was the boy who lived is everyone want to be friends with the boy who lived, whenever he came to the alley people always wanted to shake his hand and kids always wanted to be his friends. So he was sure if harry knew he was the brother of the boy who lived he would come running.

A week later his brother came he didn't look so happy about it so Marcus did his best to mention the fact that he's the boy who lived without just saying it. He complemented even his brother by saying he wished he was as tall as him but his brother didn't care he even looked less impressed.

After that, Marcus used the week to try to impress his brother with his tales of heroism in Quidditch plays and about all the books people wrote about him, yet at the end of the week, every time Harry looked at him there was an emotion in his eyes he couldn't figure out felt like how he looked about carrots, in disgust. 'But that couldn't be right they are brothers' that's what he thought.

A few hours later his mother came and told him his brother is at a muggle hospital and that harry's new 'family' died in a robbery, so in a few days he would live with them. Marcus couldn't have been more confused about his feelings, on one hand it was happy how I was going to live with them on the other he was sad for him for losing his new 'family'. It is the day past Harry didn't show up, he disappeared from the hospital and they didn't know where he was.

The feelings of sadness and happiness changed into feelings of anger, Harry left them again just as he left them as a child!

So when the time came to go to the train, Michaels didn't want look for Harry it's a train station, he didn't even care about the newspaper!

He just wanted for things to go back the way they were before he knew about Harry, when his parents attention were on him and not about how they would look someone found out about the fact they had a son who left them.

So when he didn't even show up at the train station Marcus was only a little bit angry about it.

Then he went into the train and once more he found out everyone want to be his friends.

He met his new best friend Ron Weasley, his other friends Dean and Seamus, and a lot of other friends.

In the middle of the train ride came Draco Malfoy to befriend him also, but as soon is he heard the last name he remembered his father telling him about that Malfoy who is a death eater, so he told him right away "I don't become Friends with death eater filth"

After that when they arrived at the castle in the salting begin, he couldn't wait to be sorted to Griffin though just like his mother, father, godfather and probably even his brother would be. So you could imagine your surprise when he heard the hat screams for his brother Slytherin, at the beginning he was sad for his brother then he understood everything, why his brother didn't like him why he didn't show up after his new 'family were killed.

His brother was evil just as all Slytherin are. He probably even murdered his new family."

Then the hat shouted Gryffindor for him just as he asked, and again he was the talk of the school.

A day later wasn't their first lesson, they arrive late at Transfiguration, and professor McGonagle, was pissed, then when she gave the assignments to us only one student finished it which was the Muggle born no it's all, Hermione Granger, The friend of his godbrother.

The days went by and he started to notice something weird, somehow the professors weren't as impressed with his status as the boy who lived as everybody else were, they even made him do homework, even when he told him he didn't want too. So when potion class came Friday morning and everybody told him about professor Snape, he wasn't excited about the class at all.

Severus Snape's pov

Snake wasn't sure if he was expecting this class or not, this is the class we have Marcus Potter, the boy who lived, destroyer of the dark Lord himself, or if you like to see it James Potter's son the most narcissistic man he ever met who son is even more narcissistic. Hell, when yhe teachers talked last night about their students he even heard Minerva wanted to spank this boy after he told her "he doesn't want to do homework so he won't do it." Severus was sure of one thing, he would make sure to pull The boys head outs of his ass!

On the other hand you have Harry Potter, also a son of James Potter, but one wasn't raised by him at least if the papers were true and he was inclined to think so. One who was given away.

A polite, smart boy, at least if what the teachers said was true one who wasn't strongly into theoretical knowledge, something every potion master needs to have talent in. Plus he had the Greengrass girl home if he read her mind right was good and the theoretical knowledge of potions and Draco who taught himself. Maybe, just maybe this year won't be full with dunderheads.

Harry's pov

We were all sitting in class, by the time the lesson was suppose to start

Snape, like Flitwick, started the class by taking the roll call, yet he paused just after Harry's name.

"Ah, yes," he said softly, "Marcus Potter. Our new—celebrity."

Harry almost felt sorry for Marcus, almost.

Snape finished calling the names and looked up at the class. His eyes were black cold, much different than when he talked to them after the welcoming dinner, They were cold and empty and made you think of dark tunnels.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word, Snape certainly had a gift for theatrics "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

More silence followed that little speech.

"Marcus Potter!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know." Marcus said, as he should, it was a question for sixth year.

"I guess celebrity isn't every thing in life. Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Again, a question for a second year.

"I don't know, sir."

"Thought you wouldn't open a bok before coming, eh, Potter?"

"What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Finally, a real question, a question for a first who read a few chapters in his potion book. "I told you I don't know, OK?"

"15 points from Gryffindor for disrespect"

"Greengress, last question what's the answer?" "They are the same thing sir" "good, Malfoy, second question"

"Stomach of a goat professor Snape"

"Great, The second Mr. Potter, first question"

Harry was so glad he had his future knowledge right now, Otherwise he could just tell by the components it's a sleeping potion, not exactly what it's.

"asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death, sir"

"You see mr. celebrity, if you just open a book it would've be possible for you to answer. Another 25 pounds for laziness"

The class later continued just as the books told.

Yes, this is how I portray Marcos.

A naïve, idiotic, with no real friends little boy.

Who, since he was a little boy was always told he is the best in everything because he's the boy who lived

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